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Please explain the unity of our country? Our people no longer understand what “unity†stands for, or more importantly, why we should unite. To them the word “unity†is extensively misused and abused it is like saying hello and goodbye something that is required but not always wished to be said. Having coexist separate nations won’t bring peace, it makes us look bad. So, I ask why knock it until it coexists? Why Somali and Somaliland?


Aadanaha dhammaantiis wuxuu dhashaa isagoo xor ah kana siman xagga sharafta iyo xuquuqada Waxaa Alle (Ilaah) siiyay aqoon iyo wacyi, waana in qof la arkaa qofka kale ula dhaqmaa si walaaltinimo ah.




All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

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