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Black Athena- Africa as the source for all modern knowledge

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We will start our lesson in the field of computers and accounting. The computer was said to be invented during the late 18th century but for some of us we know that the word computer means to Compute and we have been doing that for a long time. When you get to the basics of a computer it is nothing more than a complex counting system that can represent the final outcome in many forms. Example: Pixels on a screen, dots on paper, sound and even touch feely stuff.. But at the end of the day this is not a computer these are called periphals which basically are additions to the computer that are used to make what the computer does reader friendly..


So what is a computer, think of a computer as a counting machine.. a young man by the name of PASCAL invented the first "no not language" but rather first machanical adding and subtracting machine "in France" to help his aging father do math.. That is generally where computer history starts and maybe mention of the China and it people and the Ababacus.. Well let look further back around the time of the ababacus... We come to central africa and run into something called the USHANGO BONE.. A complex Bone that could be used to not only count, but also do complex mathamatics for accounting. While china they were adding two and two, we were keep general leger and profits and defecites of our products and service. IT would make sense we would find such a system in people who trade with other people and need to keep track what was given too who..


Interesting isn't:



This evidence begins with the Ishango bone, a small scratched bone found on the shores of Lake Edward in Zaire, Africa. A microscopic analysis of the incisions on this bone shows that it is a six month lunar calendar (Marshack, 1972, p. 27-32). This bone has been dated between 25,000 and 20,000 B.C.E.

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History of the Birth Control Movement

Although contraceptive techniques had been known in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, the modern movement for birth control began in Great Britain, where the writings of Thomas Robert Malthus stirred interest in the problem of overpopulation. By the 1870s a wide variety of birth control devices were available in English and American pharmacies, including rubber condoms and diaphragms, chemical suppositories, vaginal sponges, and medicated tampons. Easy public access to contraceptive devices in the United States aroused the ire of Anthony Comstock and others, who lobbied Congress until it passed (1873) a bill prohibiting the distribution of these devices across state lines or through the mail. Moreover, in England in 1877, Annie Besant and Charles Bradlaugh were tried for selling The Fruits of Philosophy, a pamphlet on contraceptive methods, written in 1832 by an American, Charles Knowlton. After their famous trial, the Malthusian League was founded. Meanwhile, a variety of contraceptive devices remained available to a large public, usually advertised in veiled but unmistakable language. "


Notice the order and no it is not alphabetical, it is based on the time line at which people learned from each other..


Right now to add to this interesting finding we will look at no other than the richest and one of the worldest most power governing body " I love this" we will look at Yes none other than the Church.. Which church the Catholic church.. Lets see what they have to say.


" Scripture


Is contraception a modern invention? Hardly! Birth control has been around for millennia. Scrolls found in Egypt , dating to 1900 B.C., describe ancient methods of birth control that were later practiced in the Roman empire during the apostolic age. Wool that absorbed sperm, poisons that fumigated the uterus, potions, and other methods were used to prevent conception. In some centuries, even condoms were used (though made out of animal skin rather than latex). "


Now the Church don't lie you know that now, I mean if the church lies then the Pope Lies.. Come on now.. Are we getting educated or what. And guess what it even says : were later practiced in the Roman empire during the apostolic age. How many years was that, it means that the Greeks were also taught by the African Savages about how to practice certain medical you know pleasure factors.. I will be a monkeys *** . Can you imagine that.. I mean if the Greeks were Taught by the Africans and that means that Africans knew more than the Greeks and if the Greeks are considered the start of western civilization it means the Africans really taught the GReeks and the Greeks the ROmans because they had to many earth quakes in Greece and had to move away and run to parts of Rome and Rome wasn't built in a day so it means many many years of moving and cultures changing and the africans came again in the 700's AD and ruled till late 1400's oh my GOD and one of the Popes was rather tanned which means during this time he might have been African because you know even Italian are kinda pale and wow wow wow... Take it is easy..


Although contraceptive techniques had been known in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, the modern movement for birth control began in Great Britain, where the writings of Thomas Robert Malthus stirred interest in the problem of overpopulation. By the 1870s a wide variety of birth control devices were available in English and American pharmacies, including rubber condoms and diaphragms, chemical suppositories, vaginal sponges, and medicated tampons. Easy public access to contraceptive devices in the United States aroused the ire of Anthony Comstock and others, who lobbied Congress until it passed (1873) a bill prohibiting the distribution of these devices across state lines or through the mail. Moreover, in England in 1877, Annie Besant and Charles Bradlaugh were tried for selling The Fruits of Philosophy, a pamphlet on contraceptive methods, written in 1832 by an American, Charles Knowlton. After their famous trial, the Malthusian League was founded. Meanwhile, a variety of contraceptive devices remained available to a large public, usually advertised in veiled but unmistakable language. "


Notice the order and no it is not alphabetical, it is based on the time line at which people learned from each other..


Right now to add to this interesting finding we will look at no other than the richest and one of the worldest most power governing body " I love this" we will look at Yes none other than the Church.. Which church the Catholic church.. Lets see what they have to say.


" Scripture


Is contraception a modern invention? Hardly! Birth control has been around for millennia. Scrolls found in Egypt , dating to 1900 B.C., describe ancient methods of birth control that were later practiced in the Roman empire during the apostolic age. Wool that absorbed sperm, poisons that fumigated the uterus, potions, and other methods were used to prevent conception. In some centuries, even condoms were used (though made out of animal skin rather than latex). "


Now the Church don't lie you know that now, I mean if the church lies then the Pope Lies.. Come on now.. Are we getting educated or what. And guess what it even says : were later practiced in the Roman empire during the apostolic age. How many years was that, it means that the Greeks were also taught by the African Savages about how to practice certain medical you know pleasure factors.. I will be a monkeys *** . Can you imagine that.. I mean if the Greeks were Taught by the Africans and that means that Africans knew more than the Greeks and if the Greeks are considered the start of western civilization it means the Africans really taught the GReeks and the Greeks the ROmans because they had to many earth quakes in Greece and had to move away and run to parts of Rome and Rome wasn't built in a day so it means many many years of moving and cultures changing and the africans came again in the 700's AD and ruled till late 1400's oh my GOD and one of the Popes was rather tanned which means during this time he might have been African because you know even Italian are kinda pale and wow wow wow... Take it is easy..

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