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Ode to an Ethereal Harlot

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I know the us young guys dont have as some say and appreciation of the arts and that may well be used against me but to tell you the truth the poem didn't make sense am sorry :confused:

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Originally posted by youngduke:

I know the us young guys dont have as some say and appreciation of the arts and that may well be used against me but to tell you the truth the poem didn't make sense am sorry :confused:

Brother, Trust Me...Paragon is by far THE MOST TALENTED guy SOL ever had and I've got nothing but respect and admiration for him.



I'm sure if you paid little bit more attention to and read his poems carefully you will understand the weight behind the delivery...the Substance if you like with intertwined letters and lines...



Bother Youngduke...drop us few lines PLEASE...people miss your poems.



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Paragon, deviod of all morals eh? Where matter is matter and mind is mind. Quite a philosopher aren’t we? But aren’t you just skating around the fact that you’ve produced a very perverse piece of erotic literature and are now embarrassingly back peddling with all this talk of metaphors which are in essence no more a useful cover than a 3cm wide hand towel for your clearly outlined sexual frustrations? :D


For once in your life, call a spade a spade and come out of the pervert’s closet. You’ll find that the grass is much greener on this side. Muhahaha


Ps I’m very sorry for the late reply I must have missed this thread like others and forgot that I replied once. So excuse me for any inconvenience I may have caused.

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^That's the beauty of a poem, my love. You, the reader, get the optimum control over the meaning-making processes that help you understand it.


So now that I understand what you understand and how you have come to understand it, instead of misunderstanding each other over the poem, why don't we just come to an understanding that helps both of us tackle the 'thing' that we both understand to be the issue, albeit understanding the issue abit differently. :D


What do you say? Let's drop the talk and pick up the real hot issue. Together? ;)


PS: Inconvenience? Oh no, no darling. It's all cool. smile.gif Cheers to the greener side, eh? :D


BOB, thanks kaka.

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^- You want both of us to tackle the "thing" that's the real issue together? Don't you think thats a little riske? What if the real reason for your angst (aka the "thing") overwhelms you during our mutual-co-operative team effort to understand? Wouldn't you prefer to deal with the "thing" alone and in private.


If not? Then you need only ask and you shall have my assistance. (wink, wink- insert innuendo)


See your mind is plagued with filth? (For shame) smile.gif

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^Lol@Cara. So easily red on the cheeks? Now now c'mon. It's all biological and can be a subject study for you.


Lool@Siren. A toast to team work then. I am a very good team player. Hardworking at that. I can perform a great deal of initiative, and can remain in control even if the house is burning. Add to that, I am very good with manual handling and a natural with fitting tools into their right places. :D


let's get to work, shall we? ;)

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Cara and Malika theres nothing in the least bit-steamy or sexual going on here and obviously its all in your heads.


Paragon- So you want us to get to work eh? Well I thought you'd never ask Mr D.I.Y Jim’ll fix it. So where shall we start first? Fixing the pipes in your neck of the woods or unclogging the drains at my place? Perhaps you’d like to (in the words of Mr Miyagi-god rest his soul) wax on and wax off your golden trophies or polish my delicately refined silverware? If not we could both set about tightly twisting the shower head on your bathroom to ensure no untimely leakages incur. I hear those unexpected freezing cold bursts of water can’t be a nightmare-and especially during winter when one is dazed and often half-asleep while it’s happening. And if none of that tickles your fancy I could set you to work with unblocking the kitchen sink at my place, I can just imagine you sweating and puffing with the effort of releasing all that pent-up waste and debris with your very efficient and manly sized plunger. With your toolmanship and self-confessed hands of wonder I have no doubt you’ll succeed in relieving my kitchen sink of all its treasures. If only you were ambidextrous and then we'd both be in for a treat-you could unclog the sink with one hand and polish the Tupperware with the other. Oh but to dream... :D


Ps Ladies, See? I told you nothing in the least bit sexual is mentioned at all. (swaggers off nonchantely only to trip midway-giggle guilty and then run off before the giggles turn into full on cackles of evil delight)

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^Lol. Waw waw! Impressive knowledge in the field. But you know what? I would respond to you in length because maanta I haven't got the minutes. Fried Brain. Will do so in due time.


Go to the other topic for a special song...just for you. :D

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LOOL. Kudos to you both, that really cracked me up.


And yes Paragon, it does make a lot more sense if framed as a sort of


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Oh no you didn't, Cara. That's very cruel of her. How dare after all that serenading? I mean?


Not us though. :D


This is more like it ME:


Here's Siren so happy that she does the moonwalk:

check it out... :D

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LOL@the videos see? Such filthy minded sods, I for once shall take the moral high ground.


(Waves like the Queen mother and skips of innocently)

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