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Footballing legend Diego Maradona has expressed a secret admiration for Liverpool during his playing days in an exclusive interview with and admitted he thinks The Premiership is the best 'organised football' in the world.

The Argentinian superstar also cheekily enquired as to whether Chelsea, with all of Roman Abramovich's billions, would have attempted to sign him had he been born 20 years later!


Speaking courtesy of Logosport, the 1986 World Cup winner, surely one of the best players ever to grace the planet, also revealed a long-held desire to head for England to deliver his anti-drugs message to youngsters in the country.


When asked if he would have liked the opportunity to play in England, Maradona replied: "At the time, there was not a good feeling between Argentina and England because of the Malvinas (Falklands) War.


"That made it hard for me to go to England.


"But I always admired English players such as Bobby Charlton and Gary Lineker, and thought the football in England was great.


"I would always watch Liverpool and Manchester United play and would have liked to play there in my career. For me, it is the best organised football in the world.


"I like to watch Arsenal and Manchester United today, but also teams like Liverpool, who were my favourites when I was playing.


"You have fabulous talent playing in England now and the football is attacking and skilful, like I used to play.


"I wish I could be playing in England now. Do you think Chelsea would have wanted me in their team today?"


Maradona, who led Napoli to two Serie A titles in Italy, is helping launch the Olympic Games in Athens later this year and has not ruled out the prospect of heading to England to preach an important message to schoolchildren, after learning from his own mistakes.


"I would like to come to England," he told "I love to watch English football and would like to help young people stay off drugs.


"I fell into this trap when I was playing and it has been a struggle for me to come out of it.


"On the pitch, I never had any problems, winning everything I won, the championships, the World Cup.


"But, off the pitch, things were different. I had so many pressures, so many people asking things of me, people I didn't want to disappoint.


"It was hard for me to cope with so much media attention. I also had a lot of heartaches from people who took advantage of me.


"You take things you shouldn't to make you feel better, and you do for a while, but then you feel worse.


"I would like to share my message with the kids in England to choose sport not drugs.


"Football gave me everything. Now I would like to give something back to help others.


"Hopefully, the drug-free campaign I will be launching this year will do this."

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"I would like to come to England," he told "I love to watch English football and would like to help young people stay off drugs.


Then Lpool would have been the ideal start :D .


Seriously though, do u rember his now infamous Ad "Just say no to drugs" lol, man this genious was so unfortunately flawed its untrue

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