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Deeq A.

The Real Victim of Somalia’s Failed Governance

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Deeq A.   

In his scapegoat mechanism theory, French historian and philosopher Rene Girard asserts that in conflict resolution tools, the contending groups collaborate and find an arbitrary party to condemn for their problems. In a reminiscent situation, the Somali elites - politicians, government institutions, and clan leaders (Ugaas, Sultan, Boqor, etc.) - embroil innocent Somali people, who have carried the brunt of their political malpractices and depravity, as being the culprits of the nation's endless quagmire. They have coined a new phrase for this purported evildoer: The Qabiil (clan) or Qabyaalad (the act of bonding with one's clan). In a faraway place across the Atlantic Ocean, other innocent persons are accused of being the grotesque boogeyman for a nation's persistent ethnic and racial problems. They call it racism.

Source: Hiiraan Online

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