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The world is full of sons and daughters like you and me

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I received this is an e-mail... Never take our parents for granted.. :wub:


The world is full of sons and daughters like you and me..........

I had a marvelous mother, who loved me, sacrificed for me and helped me in every way possible. In all of my growing up from childhood through school and eventually marriage, My mother was always at my side. And when I needed help with my little ones, she was there for me. A few years ago, we buried this wonderful woman. Can you imagine how I felt when I returned home and found this poem in her drawer .


The time is now

If you are ever going to love

Love me now while I can know

The sweet and tender feelings

Which from true affection flow

Love me now while I am living

Do not wait until I am gone


And then when I am covered with dust

Sweet words said after I am gone

If you have tender thoughts of me

Please let me know now


If you wait until I am sleeping

There will be death between us

And I will not hear you then


So if you love me, even a little bit

Let me know while I am living

So that I can treasure it.



Now she is gone and I am sick with guilt because I never told her what she meant to me. Worse yet, I did not treat her as she deserved to be treated. I found time for everyone and everything else but I never made time for her.


It would have been easy to drop in for a cup of tea and a hug but my friends came first. Would any of them have done for me what my mother did?


I know the answer. When I called mom on the phone, I was always in a hurry. I feel ashamed when I think of the times I cut her off. I remember too, the times I could have included her and did not. The world is filled with sons, daughters and a child like me. I hope they see themselves in this letter and realise from it.

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