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Remember when ....................

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This topic is about THREE THINGS:


1)Remember when you were young and believed just about EVERYTHING that your parents, guardian or any other adult told you?


2)You saw things on televison and just KNEW that is what life, work, school, being an adult, etc would be like?


3)Your parents (or whomever was responsible for you) did embarrassing things to you either in front of company or that you had to go in public with.


You then got older, gained some wisdom, and found out that it was NOTHING like that!


Share your thoughts, experiences:



"I so far ahead of my time I'm about to start another life...."

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I can relate to #2 easily man.


I remember when my parents told me we were moving to Toronto, i lived in Doha Qatar (arabs) i knew noting about Toronto i mean abosultly noting.From watching stupid american comdies on cable like "Boy's World" "Friends" ... i thought i would be in the middle of whites town! lol living in a small house with a white picked fence and all the works.


Coming to scaraborough i was SHOCKED! not a SINGEL white person...i felt like all the srilankans and pakis from the arabs were transported here.



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The funny thing about number 1 is, it was the total opposite for me. Instead, i didnt believe a word they said, cause i was one of those kids that thought my parents were kind of slow( pretty bad huh :( ), Well when i grew up, ironically just about EVERYTHING they ever told me or warned me about actually happened :eek: ! It was really weird, i never really admited to them that they knew best, but i never like to let me people know I'm wrong!

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