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Gang kicks and knifes boy, 16, to death

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Locals suggested the killing was linked to a drug turf war between local Somali groups and the T-Block gang from Thamesmead. There were also claims that youths pointed a gun at one man who tried to halt the attack.


One teenager said: "There are lots of Somali boys who hang around this area to deal drugs. They are all closely knit together in the Woolwich Boys gang."

Barbaarteena waa waasheen, oo meel laga qabto la layahay, especially kuwaas Ingiriiska ku sugan.


Kuwii la islahaa iyagaa ka badbaadee dalkeena masiibadii heshay, oo mustaqbalka dalkooda iyaga ku xirantahay la lahaa ayaa saan u dhaqmaayo.


Qaas ahaan siiba waalidiintooda keenay ayaa ka shaleynooyo maanta, and Eebbe knows rafaadka ee usoo mareen see u badbaadiyaan ubadkooda.


Acuudi bilaahi.

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Waa qiso murugo leh walle... Somalis are doomed in Somalia and in the Diaspora!


Maantaa masaajidka laga naadinayey. Today we also buried the teenager who was killed here afew weeks ago (stabbed by RA along with a Somali youth). This is turning out to be a regular occurance and people are by now getting slightly agitated.


A while back it used to be simply a few punches when you get 'rushed'. Then it changed to knives and stabbing became common place. Then came guns blazing. And now that everything has been tried and tested, slaughtering has began. The Afghani boy we prayed on today was slaughtered along with a Somali boy, but the Somali survived with a deep cut in his throat. After recovering in hospital for some weeks, he is now jailed. It is really sad, and there seems to be no one interested enough to do anything about it. The so-called Somali communities have no interest in anything other than money...


Who is to blame though, the parents or the society?

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Originally posted by Laba_Xiniinyood:

Who is to blame though, the parents or the society? [/QB]

Its sad that the Somali communities are not doing nothing about this but I think its the parents and the society is to blame.

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Who is to blame though, the parents or the society?

Why blame society? Society doesn't raise one's child(ren), the parents do...Blame the parents no doubt, specially the fathers...Every young man needs a male role model, and somehow in most cases, Somali fathers are too busy working and the one or two days they are off work, they spend it on fadhi kudirir, chewing jaad, or simply standing at some corner with some other fathers like them...


Aabihii iyo hooyadii intey isleeyihiin shilin dhabiila, bay waxey caruurtii dajiyaan xaafadba xaafadey ka darantahay oo Alla ogyahay...I am sure we can all come with 101 excuses as to why this happens...However, if the parents want a better life for their child(ren), they should do whatever it takes to make sure that child gets the proper upbringing, including meeshey dagan yihiin, meeshay iskuul u aadaan, caruurtay saaxibaha layihiin, meelehey waqtigooda ku dhumiyaan, iyo iney caruurtooda waqti laqaataan...


If having a better life for your child(ren) means that one parent work two jobs, or both parents get jobs, so be it...In the end it will be all worth it...After all it is said 'You reap what you sow'...Caruurta sida lookoriyo uun bey noqdaan...


Now, I am not denying that there are those who get the best of everything, and still turn out to be in gangs, drug dealer, etc...But really, there aren't that many of those...Yes weyjiraan, laakiin?


I've seen a lot of parents that run from their resposibilities as parents, those kids are the ones being raised by society...Those children will learn whatever 'society' throws at them... :mad: redface.gif


Allaha noo wada fududeeyo kuligeen...

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