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Groom ditched for wedding barman


London - When Andrea McMillan was heading to Cuba for her beach-marriage, she might not have heard the phrase: ‘One can find true love anywhere and anytime’.


For that’s what happened with her when she met barman Jose Miguel at her wedding and cupid struck.


The 34-year-old dumped her newly-wedded husband for the man she felt “love at first sight.”


After she married Carl Taylor, 30, in a 4,000 pounds wedding ceremony and flew back home to the UK, love-struck Andrea ditched her husband and went back to Cuban capital Havana to be reunited with Jose weeks later.


And now, the couple is set to tie the knot next month near the four-star hotel in Holguin where Andrea and Carl tied the knot and Jose handled the bar.


Narrating her made in heaven union, Andrea insisted that she was a reluctant bride and was under many doubts the night before she married Carl.


“I cried myself to sleep. I had to down a few pina coladas to go through with it. I told Carl I didn’t want to marry him but he said it was pre-wedding nerves. Our friends had saved to fly out with us so I felt I’d no choice but to do it,” The Sun quoted Andrea, as saying.


However, this resident of Brighton, East Sussex, kept on thinking about Jose even while she was taking her wedding vows with Carl.


“The first time Jose and I met, it was like we had been hit by a thunderbolt. Carl is a lovely man yet there were never any fireworks. But Jose swept me off my feet. It’s much deeper than a holiday romance. I can’t bear to be away from him. I go there every few weeks, I love every minute,” she said.


While painter Carl, from Grantham, Lincs, tried his best to save his marriage, he had to give in to Andrea’s constant begging for divorce.


She added: “I refused to consummate our marriage because I knew when I looked at him on our wedding night he wasn’t the one for me. All I could think of was Jose. But I did not sleep with him on my wedding holiday. We were both happy to wait.”


And now, Jose has left his Havana job and is planning to join carer Andrea in the UK once his visa is sorted out.


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Waah waah waxaasaa 'love at first sight' lagaa dhahaa ama waala'iska daayaa!!!


Tolow Jose afIngiriis mayaqaan? Mise sign language lagu communicate gareynaa? :D

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