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When having a glass of water constitutes a political protest

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Tower Hamlets Liberal Democrat Councillors have reacted with concern to the request sent to all Councillors not to eat or drink before sunset during Ramadan. Leader of the Libdem group, Cllr Stephanie Eaton speaking on behalf of her group of Councillors, half Muslim and half non-Muslim, said: "I was rather disconcerted to see that the arrangements put in place for Ramadan, which we support for Muslim colleagues, have been imposed upon all Councillors. We object to this request which means, in effect, that non-Muslim Councillors must observe the fasting rules for Ramadan. The Liberal Democrats have enormous respect for the contribution of all faith groups and cultures to the life of the community of Tower Hamlets, but we fervently believe that the rules of any one religion should not be imposed upon others. This sends out the wrong message to our community. Our community consists of a number of different religions, all of which should be valued, and no one religion should be accorded more status or influence than others. Freedom of belief is an important human right, and we Liberal Democrat Councillors, Muslim and non-Muslim, agree that this request is inappropriate."


The email to all Council members said:


"Iftar refreshments (a balance of the chicken, lamb and vegetarian-based Iftar packs, together with fruit, water and orange juice) will be provided in cases where it is not reasonable to expect Members observing Ramadan, and who are required to attend a formal committee or other meeting, to travel home in time for sundown in order to break fast and undertake prayers. Where other refreshments would normally be provided at these meetings, the level of these will be reduced accordingly. Water will be provided in the meeting room as normal.


It is requested that Members do not partake of any refreshments until after the Iftar refreshments are served."


Cllr Eaton continued "I have written to officers and the Leader of the Council, Cllr Lutfur Rahman expressing my concern that this recommendation will not enhance community cohesion and asking for their reassurance that no faith is given any particular status or priority in the operation or decisions of the Council".






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