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A 44-year-old Toronto man with swine flu died...

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TORONTO — A 44-year-old Toronto man with swine flu and "a chronic pre-existing medical condition" has died, Ontario's acting chief medical officer of health confirmed Monday.


He is the second Canadian to have contracted swine flu and then died.


Dr. David Williams said the man died Saturday, either while en route to hospital in an ambulance or shortly after arriving at hospital.


"All we know is that the death happened very quickly," he said.


He could not say what the man's underlying chronic condition was.


"I'm going to have wait until the coroner finishes (its) investigation into the matter and would . . . make some findings known to my office."


Williams said previous to his death, the man, who has not yet been publicly identified, was tested for swine flu. On Sunday, the swabs came back as positive for H1N1.


"Right now we don't know whether that had anything to do with the person's death or contributed in any extent. We have to wait for the coroner's office to investigate that," he said. "I think it would be premature to assume the H1N1 itself was the cause or how much it contributed."


Williams could not say when those results will be available and it depended on what type of testing the coroner's office undertakes.


"They may want to do some sub-cultures on tissue parts," he said. "And viruses do take some time to grow."


Williams also reported there are 58 new confirmed cases of H1N1 flu virus since May 22. Williams said they range in age from one to 69 years.


There are more than 800 cases of swine flu in Canada, and Ontario has recorded the most swine flu cases nationwide, with 352 people reportedly suffering from the illness.


He said the virus is "certainly still circulating," but added, "it's slowing down."


He said those most susceptible to swine flu include people over the age of 65, those with such chronic conditions as severe pulmonary diseases, or those in immune compromised situations, those with chronic conditions on immuno-suppressive drugs, medications.


He said "some are cancer survivors, some are dealing with transplantations . . . that make them more susceptible to the severe impacts of any virus infection."


Two people, who have the H1N1 flu virus, are in hospital with a number of underlying medical conditions.


In April, an Alberta woman died and was confirmed to be the first Canadian death connected to the worldwide H1N1 flu outbreak. The woman, in her 30s, had a mild case of the virus and Alberta health officials said she also had had chronic pre-existing medical conditions.


According to the World Health Organization 91 people have died from the virus worldwide including 10 in the United States.


The seasonal flu causes three to five million cases of severe illness a year and according to WHO, kills between 250,000 and 500,000.


In Canada, it is estimated that between 4,000 and 8,000 people can die of influenza and its related complications yearly.

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Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban:

is he Somali? if not, than this is not relevent. just stay away from Mexicans and you'd be fine.

Damnn that is cold ninyaaban. I thought i was visiting a white supermacist website but then realized i was on SOL.. :D

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This man had a pre-existing coronic condition, although they haven't said what his condition was...So it really can't be said 'he died of Swine flu' yet...


All Swine flu is a very bad case of flu, gaaladaanaa sheekada buunbuuninooyo...Waa saan u arko...

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why is this relevant again thousands of people die evry day around the world who care about an old dude dying as far as I care nothing happened

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