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Day of Rage

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In the last two years there has been a number of suicide bombings in Somalia (Beledweyne being the latest, previous suicide bombing attacks occurred in Hargeisa , Boosaaso and Mogadishu). This is a new scary phenomena, unheard and unseen in Somalia and alien to our Somali customs and Islamic tradition. These acts of terrorism and suicide bombings are done by a very extreme and violent cult bnamed Al-Shabaab. Somalis all over the world and specially Somali-Americans in Minnesota strongly oppose these suicide bombings. A group of concerned Somali-Americans are organizing a protest to show the community's disgust and opposition to such un-Islamic acts of violence. Somali Americans strongly condemn the suicide bombings and terrorism of Al-Shabaab and the warmongering of Hizb-Islam. Somali-Americans in Minnesota believethe only way to solve the Somali crisis is through peace and dialogue.


Come and join the Somali community in Minnesota in the condemnation of these violent extremists and their suicide bombings. The community is taking a stand and we want the world and the Somalis in the diaspora to know our protest so that this could be replicated. enough is enoug. twenty years of bloodshed and prolonged conflict is unacceptable. The organizers will release a press release and voice the community's stand on this issue and others.



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Banaanbax -waxaa lagu qabanaayaa Minneapolis Friday July 3rd 2009 after Friday Khutbah prayers from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

Meesha waa Peavey Park oo ku taal isgoyska E.Franklin Ave & Chicago Ave

Please nagala soo qayb gala si aan uga hortagno un-islamic acts of suicide bombings of Al-Shaytaan - Al-Habaab!

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^^ Money and his "Somali-Americans" are honorary Ethiopians. They will cheer on any Ethiopian invasion.


Xiin, since you live in Minneapolis, don't forget to attend the D.h.a.b.h.o.d.h.i.l. i.f gathering. It would not be complete without you and Jimcaale, and the rest of the Gaalo-raac in MPLS.

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Originally posted by money:

Somalis all over the world and specially Somali-Americans in Minnesota strongly oppose these suicide bombings.The organizers will release a press release and voice the community's stand on this issue and others.

I personally oppose and condemn what is going on in Mogadishu but we should be careful in choosing the words we say/write and who we should cheer for and oppose...and MOST IMPORTANTLY we shouldn't be decieved and misled by the world media who would like us to believe ONLY what they want and not neccessarily who has the best interest of each and every Somali in the heart.



I strongly condemn the killing of the innocent people, I strongly condemn and refute whoever uses the glorious name of Islam to his advantage, I condemn those who sold each and every Somali short for a mere worldly bounty, I condemn those who work for the interest of our arch enemies in Ethiopia and Kenya, I will FOREVER condemn the so-called ministers who sold our coastline to Kenya and then had the audacity to lie to us all by claiming it was our best interest...



I strongly condemn the presence of any foreign troops on Somali soil be it Ethiopian, Burundian or whoever and last but not least I strongly condemn anybody who takes a side on the issue of Somalia because as far as I'm concerned neither side is holier nor righteous than the other and this unneccessary, mindless and senseless war that is currently going on in Mogadishu could've easily been avoided if both sides were half honest and half righteous as they claim.



May Allah s.w Ease the suffering of the innocent people across the world and may he unite the Muslims all over the world and may his curse befall upon the hypocrites and mujrims who use the name of Allah s.w and his beloved messenger p.b.u.h to their worldly gain Insha Allah.



Salam Aleikum W.W



Peace, Love & Unity.

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When Ethiopian enemy invaded Somalia, we organized a protest, the first of its kind in Minneapolis, we supported the liberation of our country and we were 100% against the warlord government that asked them to invade Somalia. We are against the re-invasion of Ethiopia into Somali territory. That is unacceptable


But brothers and sisters let us not confuse issues here. Let us talk about them one by one and take things into prespective.


This protest is not to support any Somali faction. Actually most of us who are organizing this event and protest do not support any one group. We just oppose the prolonged Somali civil war, the escalation of violence, the religious warlords, the use of our beautiful and peaceful Islam to kill and destroy, we oppose the twisted and wicked interpretation of the groups led by shabaab and aweys, we oppose the suicide bombings, we oppose the amputations of limbs of the weak, the stoning of the poor girls, the imposition of wicked and violent cult that is alien to our Islamic values and traditions.


That is all we trying to do, to express our disgust, anger and total opposition to such violent and wicked groups as Al-Shabaab and Hizb-Islam. They are warmongers and they are not that different than the ruthless warlords. We believe 20 years of senseless violence is enough. It is time to explore other non-violent ways to solve our crisis.


Again, I repeat we don't support the re-invasion of Somalia by any front-line state including Kenya, Ethiopia. We don't support the government of Sharif. Can we be more clear than this?


We support the concept of non-violence, peaceful Islam, institution building, governance, human rights, rehabilitation and reconciliation, disarmament and the sanctity of Somali unity.

Right now, we have the phenomena of suicide bombings - last one Beledweyne was shocking and was done by a brainwashed teenage boy. Can we just be silent until Somali teens change into suicide bombers and why not no older members of Shabaab and Aweys's group are not dying and committing suicide bombings and why they are using young child soldiers to fight for them to seize power?


Somalia is our country and we love it so much to be on the sidelines and just be silent witnesses to its suffering and self-destruction.


We will take stands on issues one by one and we will prioritize issues as to the weight and relevance to time and what is going on in Somalia.

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Originally posted by Kashafa:

^^ Money and his "Somali-Americans" are honorary Ethiopians. They will cheer on any Ethiopian invasion.


Xiin, since you live in Minneapolis, don't forget to attend the D.h.a.b.h.o.d.h.i.l. i.f gathering. It would not be complete without you and Jimcaale, and the rest of the Gaalo-raac in MPLS.

Kashafa, have you completely lost it? What is a gaalo-raac atheer? You mean a friend of a non-muslim? A companion?


What are you accusing people of? Supporting Ethiopia? Come on man. You know that's a false accusation.


Does gaalo-raac include you and I who live in the West? I mean that would be the ultimate gaalo-raacnimo, wouldn't it? That would be gaalo-noqonimo according to your logic.


Atheer, don't confuse issues here. Sharif has messed up by re-inviting Ethiopia but the Shabab are messing up even more. Unless you believe suicide bombings are an Islamically legitimate tactic in which case, we got nothing to talk about.

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^^ You got nothing to talk about, saaxib.

This 'protest' in a far land will make no difference whatsoever. Like a couple of old ladies having a gossip session, it will only give a chance to people who shar the same view to weep together and moan.

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This banaanbax may benefit MN, methinks, for the people there are being scrutinized by the Dowlad...and who says you cannot get together to denounce which that is not right?


Now if there are hidden agendas, that is another matter, but this banaanbax, if it is for the right reasons should at least show that suicide bombing is not acceptable and the MN community does not support it...True it is in a far land and may not serve any purpose for those back home, but the chaos back home and it's faults are traveling fast and reaching those in the diaspora.


If I were there I would have supported it 100%, just like the one for the Ethiopian invasion on that cold, drizzling day at Peavey Park...


Ilaahay dartiis hadaad u qabanaysaan iyo inaad dadkiina ku taakuleesaan ilaahay ha idinla garab galo.



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