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A country divided is a country conquered (by Iman Dahir Salah) “The uprig

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A country divided is a country conquered

by Iman Dahir Salah “Donyale”


“The upright in every generation will carry the knowledge, rejecting the distortion of the extremists, the false claims of the liars, and the false interpretation of the ignorant.” [Declared Hasan by Shaykh Saleem al-Hilaalee]


We are all one of the same ethnicity, so tell me why do you frown upon me? I have been noticing an injustice within our Somali society, the core principles of Islamnimo and Somalinimo is nonexistent. Our society has crumbled and what very little that is left is evaporating as I write this. I have always believed that the Somali Diasporas would make a change but now, all I see is history repeating itself. All I see is hatred brewing; all I see is division stirring our very foundation. I am beginning to lose hope for the change I wanted my future children to see. We are the result of CULTURAL IMPERIALISM; where brothers have been turned against each other for foolish and selfish reasons.


We are allowing ourselves to be divided which in return we are conquered. We are potentially a great country, yet we are allowing ourselves to be weakened by the bigger hand of the west. THEY want us lawless, THEY want us to hate, and fight, starve and die. Their objectives is to strip us of our wealth, our health and our land. We are handing it to them with ease. I’ll say it flatly Puntland and Somaliland is going to be the demise of our nation despite the former's charter that it's semi-autonomous part of Somalia. Our sovereignty is in jeopardy because of tribal animosity and feuds that were fuelled a very long time ago by our first oppressors. Many of you see the issues of our country instead of attempting to help and band together to rebuild, you want to be separatists, deny your people their basic rights, and speak as if you are an entirely different race; many have this mentality not all but many and it deeply saddens me.


Majority of our people are not ignorant of the riches we have in our backyard yet we are allowing the very people who have destroyed us to freely consume everything and burden our posterity with enormous psychological and economic burden. We have allowed them to rape our soil, our waters and our people. We were left with a disease not Aids but ignorance.


This jahilnimo is the seeds of our own destruction. Why advocate a political separation? When they come with all their inducements, and corrupt you, steal all your resources and be indebted to them. Who will you turn to for help? Your brother on the left side of you, and your brother on the right side, only they will understand your struggle and only they will help you when you are impoverished. This is the mental picture we should be seeing. Until we are ONE people and advocate our oneness until then and only then we can be sovereign nation, and only then can we fight back and take what belongs to us; but I highly expect that to come from the new generation those who are spread out to the Far East, west, north and south.


Many of you say with desperate air “Somali is lost, can’t be helped or restored” well it’s about our mentality that needs to be changed, then ruthless killings, opportunists and the vacuum for national leaders will come to an screeching stop, then there will be a lasting peace all over Somalia.


The state our forefathers left for us is in its most embarrassing stage; many of those men are in supposed parliaments making deals with corporations and being paid very little for things that are worth so much more. Why must we allow weak men to determine the future of our country? Why must we allow easily corrupt men make decisions for us?


There are deep injustices occurring that we are blind of. No one addresses with deep concern the root problem, and we just assume that this is an innate situation that cannot be changed. We are not barbaric; we are individuals capable of having different thoughts, feelings and actions and we can shape the future of our Government. So why do we allow with impunity tribalism to govern our lives? Why allow it to disintegrate our nation?


Morals, ethics, humanism comes through one thing and that is ISLAM. Find it and be united by it.


Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya hanoolato


Iman Dahir Salah “Donyale”


Political Science Student

York University, Canada

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Oh.. Koora Tuunse is not Koora Dadab. What do these names mean? Are they places? :confused:


Morals, ethics, humanism comes through one thing and that is ISLAM. Find it and be united by it.



It is a touching piece but what can the average Farax and Xalimo in the Diaspora do about the situation in Somalia? I personally feel so detached from the place, all I can do is look on and wish for the best.

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Blessed, Koora-Dadab is a historic nick for a man named Raad-Wanle. It literaly means the one who didn't know how to fit and balance the dressage saddle for the Horse. He was a skillful horse rider and fighter but pretended not to show it lest it undermines his primary goal. It's a long story and you can get enough of it by reading a newly released Somali book whose title is my Online allias.



Koora-Tuunshe, saxib u sii sharax inta kale lol

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