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Robert Mugabe what do u think of him?

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Those of you blaming the West for everything that happens on this earth must see the point that Mugabe's political decisions, whether right or wrong, have caused the horrible condition that Zimbabwe is in now. Even if the West is the bad guys here, as you claim, Mugabe should have done all he could to protect his people and the country from such disaster. Even, if that means pleasing your ennemy for awhile, or atleast until you are able to defeat them.

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Lets move from the victim mentality and blame mentality that we have become accustomed on now days. By all means we are all too familiar with the biased and power of the western media and nations. But there ought to be some collective responsibility too ,from our leaders, we can not always blame the west policies if our leaders entertained them at first and then get greedy later on. As for Mugabe he was a groomed leader by the British administration, prior to the Independence of Zimbabwe.

If it wasn't the constant propaganda against him and his adminstration by the Western media, we would not be discussing this. This thread would not even exist too. I am a long-time observer of Galbeedka media, and how they behave. They can easily influence to those who cannot think outside the box. To those who cannot see their real interests -- themselves. It is a master political game enjoyed by the few who control those media empires and their governments.


Mugabe is no worse than any other typical African leader. Why was he singled out since 2000? Is it a coincidence he was singled out since 2000?


There are plenty of dictator African leaders out there, and no single Western media goes after them. Such dictator men like Sanaawi of Itoobiya. [sanaawi is currently another favourite puppet of theirs, since he is a tool used by them. How many times did Blair praise him and selected him to be part of his Commission of Africa?]


What about the little known kalitaliye [authoritarian] in Equatorial Guinea? His name is Teodoro Obiang Nguema. Bet few people have heard him since Western media does not go after him. He is one of the worst dictators ruling currently, and not only Africa, but entire world. We don't read any smearing of him on the Western press because he is obeying their policies -- his country is rich in oil and cheaply exploited by the oil giant corporations, who lobby to their respective Western governments not to mind that dictator.


So is the Bin Cali of Tunisia. The aristocrat that rules in Marooko, too. The junta rulers of Aljeeriya, who cancelled a free election because they feared the Islamist party may win power.


On a sidenote, have you ever asked yourself why, in Eebbe's name, there never arose even the idea of a United Nations force deployed in occupied Falastiin, including Alqudus? Any other conflict -- minor or major -- United Nations forces are deployed quickly. They were/are deployed between the two Koreas. They were/are deployed between the two divided Qubrus [Cyprus]. Haiti, the disputed border between Itoobiya-Eritrea, East Timor, Bosnia, Kosovo, Congo, to mention just a few. All have UN deployment, though some of those conflicts arose less than a decade ago.


So are any other conflict that lasted for a few years. They are now even sending to Daarfuur a UN forces.


Yet, the Falastiin conflict is one of the longest and oldest conflicts the world ever witnessed, yet Western nations, led by the America, blindly ignore the fact UN forces were needed in occupied Falastiin. The Zionist, racist state, supported by the soft power America's Security Council veto, would never allow that.


Now, however they are muttering UN forces be deployed in Qasa [Gaza]. Can you imagine this? Now of all decades of Zionist occupation, not a beep of any UN deployment, but now when Xamaas effectively controls it, it is 'necessarily.'


The Zionist, apartheid state accepts UN deployment when it comes to their interests and the territories outside their claimed land -- such as occupied Golan Heights, inside Lubnaan as a buffer zone and the xad between Qasa and Masar.


This is the double standard of West we see every day. The hypocrisy of it alone is ...

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MMA, Aboowe there is never a question at the extent of the hyprocrisy within the western media.


The game,the manipulation of situations,the hypocrisy is far to transparent,one have to really be blind not to see it.


As for Zenawi, before 9/11,the new bush administration was in the process of reviewing US policy toward Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa region after the aftermath of the Eritrean-Ethio war.The Policy would have been very tough on Zenawi,if the 9/11 did not happen. But it happened and the new US administration scrapped whatever review it had conducted in favour of recruiting support for its war on terror.A perfect opportunity for dictators,they can continue to rule by brutality as long as their in favour of the so called war on terror,which of cause serve their purpose to the core.


It a bloody shame, thats all!! bloody shame that we[africans] are still tied to the chains of imperialism and colonialism.We cant function unless the "masters" say so..arg :mad:

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