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could this happen

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the author of this artical must have given this sinario a lot of thought and planning....


it is shocking how probobal the conclution of this artical is




An Israeli attack on Iran and a western occupation of Iran’s oil belt would provoke an instantaneous and dramatic increase in the size and power of the armed Muslim resistance to US occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. Even more ominously, both Sunni and Shia Muslims would now jointly wage the armed struggle to liberate these territories from US occupation. Anti-war public opinion in USA would force a repetition of the US withdrawal from Vietnam. In addition US troops in places such as Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Turkey and so many other Muslim countries would either have to withdraw or go into hiding. This would imply both military and political disaster for USA and would precipitate her rapid decline as the ruling State in the world.



But it would also present to the world a carefully engineered spectacle of an Israel bereft of US protective security, hemmed in by the so-called rising tide of militant Islam, and threatened with destruction. Thus the necessary conditions would have been cleverly and deliberately created for Israel to claim a causus bellum that would justify Israel’s great war that would deliver, in turn, a dramatic territorial expansion of the State (“from the river of Egypt to the great river – the river Euphratesâ€). Israel would seize control of the Suez Canal as well as all the oil in the Persian Gulf while finally embracing the fraudulent Biblical frontiers of Holy Israel.


And so, an Israeli attack on Iran would lay the foundations for, and create the conditions that would eventually justify, Israel’s greater war that is to come which, in turn, would confirm her status as the new ruling State in the world. This is no conspiracy theory but, rather, the truth about a monstrously evil plan that continues to be confirmed as events unfold in the world.





[ September 08, 2006, 03:52: Message edited by: Admin ]

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