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Spirits and Somalis

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This topic is very interesting to me. I am in my Psychiatric/mental health clinical and I have been working w/ clients who have mental health issue. From an Islamic prospective, I want to tell them to read the Quran, or have the Quran read to them... but of course, I can't say this because of HIPAA laws and all that good stuff.


Therefore, I need to educate myself on this from both an Islamic and Somali prospective. I remember when I was a kid, I saw a bunch of sheikh come over to a fams home and read quran, whip, and force tahlil on my cousin. That experience never went out of my head.


So when the americans say "spirits", dats in referral to jinni? is there anything else dat can take control of the person?


And for schizo, I understand the western medicine explanation for this illness, but how do we face this in Somali culture and Islam? IS it shaitan dat is telling them what to do/ talking to them?


If you have somewhere I can get more info or you yourself have knowledge on this....SHARE!!!


"O you who belived, fear Allah 'n believe in His Messenger; He will (then) give you a double portion of His mercy and make for you a light by which you will walk 'n forgive you; and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." [57:28]

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