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London: Somali week Festival with Hassan Ganey, Hadraawi and Gaarriye

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The events were, though not very well organised, lively and enjoyable. Seeing and meeting some of the best Somali artists such as hadraawi, gaariye, Aadan Qays, Kuluc, Xudeydi, iwm was rewarding. Also a great feature was seeing Dr Martin Orwin reciting his Gabay encouraging the youth to study hard and work hard. An uproarious crowd then gave him a much-deserved clapping. Anyone present that Thursday night would have witnessed the fluidity of his speech, by far better than many young Somalis i have come into contact with.


All in all, I've enjoyed the events I went to and the ones I took part in despite the sweltering heat, experienced as a result of the scawny somali men and obsese somali women, tightly packed like sardines.

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Abologies for the late resbonse akhi. smile.gif I did pop in on Friday evening and I thought it was ok 7/10 I say. Cabdi Qays was there but the evening was mainly featured Gaariye. Xudaydi's charisma and personality almost stole the show even though he was seating in the audience. The room was slightly over-crowded but i'm not complaining - in fact thanks to everyone involved in organising this festival for the opportunity.


The highlight of the evening for me was Gaariye's reciting of his Kabo Caseeye from his just published book Hagarlaawe. This was one the poems that was translated by Martin Orwin. Kabo Caseeye is about a street-boy in Mogadishu 1979 which was supposed to be the "year of the children". Street children were being rounded up by force so that they won't be seen by international delegates invited to celebrate the "the year of the children". Gaariye dedicated this one to one of the victims of this ironic policy ...


Waa curub abaadday;

Waa laan cusayb ah

Oo ciiro fuushay;

Curdin weeye qaadhay;

Waa cudur jidh yeeshay;

Waa baahi cago leh;

Waa ciil dad-weyne

Canug laga sameeyey....

page 28 Hagarlaawe.


At the Q's time, Gaariye was asked whether it was true that his initiation of Deelley chains of poems was prompted by a request from none other the late Gen. Barre. His reply was somehow intriguing. The poet explained that the late 70's was when the SSDF took up arms against military regime. The clannish poems of Khaliif Sheikh Maxamuud VS Dharbaaxojin & co was in full swing. He was first approached by his "tol" who asked him to drop "nuclear" at Khaliif. According to Gaariye, Khaliif was a hero who did not only try to wake up all the clans but also a man who died for what he believed in. Gaariye asked his "tol" what if I turns out they don't like what he has to say on the subject matter? Not long after he was among a handful of men called in by Gen. Barre to do their bit in his effort to renew the "Kacaan" . That's was the background to Deelley which disappointed both his "tol" and the then ruling regime.


It was good to see Cabdi Qays but he was not in great shape and Cali Seenyo recited one of his poems.


The other billed artist including Xassan Sh Muu'min were nowhere to be seen and no explanation offered. There also very was little if any merchandising which somewhat surprised me. Why wasn't even the "Somali Week" t-shirt worn by stewardess available for sale? All in all, it was a enjoyable short evening...

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Thanks for the review saxib. We are all very jelous over here and wish something similar was organised in UAE.


Waa curub abaadday;

Waa laan cusayb ah

Oo ciiro fuushay;

Curdin weeye qaadhay;

Waa cudur jidh yeeshay;

Waa baahi cago leh

Waa ciil dad-weyne

Canug laga sameeyey....

page 28 Hagarlaawe.



Where can one get the book?

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