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Somali Sheikh striped of his award

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I'm not the one being melodramatic, saaxib. The death threat suggestion was put there for argument sake (worst case scenario so to speak). Do you people actually read what I write?


You believe they would apologise because of some poxy e-mail but would not have done it after the bad publicity they got in the Times?


You people are really starting to worry me now. It seems that not only Ibti is the militant here.

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well the emails would be a result of the bad press Ng, why is it in the paper in the first place if not to inform ppl about this mistreatment.


They might not apologise to the Shiek but they would think twice about their behaviour in the future.


Anyway this is past its sell by date, who is the ugly baby you were talking about?

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Update I forgot to tell you guys that incidentally the Africa Centre did say they had made an error and apologised - a fairly low key statement by all accounts - and that they would split the prize between the original winner and the one they hastily penned in on the night of the awards. Which is a bit stup*id.


Just in case Ngonge was still having nightmares about crazy Muslims sending offensive e-mails, he will happy to know they "appreciated the constructive comments" and apologise to anyone who felt offended.


I cannot find the full apology online, although it was e-mailed to me, but you can see the build up Here


Mubarak Habib of the Africa Centre said there had been “a mix up of communication. Human beings make mistakes.” He said the award – in the Education and Youth category – could be jointly awarded to Sheikh and the other nominee. It remains unclear who made the decision to retract the award, but Habib said all the awards are decided by a judging panel, which is “independent”.

Mr. Habibi is Muslim..or so I hear :D What madness eh, they send out the Muslim guy to apologise :D

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^^^So small minded. Why should we?? We've made and forced MPs, newspapers and presents to apologise countless times. We've even cost some their jobs. Do I need to remind you of what we did to Kilroy Silk? Or the head of British council 2 years ago?? How about Loren Fitzmen who lost her seat. This was bread crumbs Ngonge and nothing to be proud of, I can name you countless successful campaigns and no the busybodies have not run out of control as a result. :cool: Hater :D

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