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Everything posted by DigibAc

  1. the character of the resistance is clearly clan based. and so it should be, its how our society works so let use it where we can. every clan must understand that it is in the interest of somali people to remove ethiopians from the country. and each clan malitia should fight to remove the occupier from the land in whatever way and whereever they can. this must be the case because there is no multi-clan armed group.
  2. ^^right on the mark Xoogsade! my mother too got go some of her properties back during that period. many of the real criminals of the civil war are in the tfg
  3. TheSomaliEconomist, If this government wants to provide services to the citizens, then the first thing they need to do is stop killing the civilians and to tell foriegn forces to leave the country. But they are not going to do that, because they don't want to be government for Somali. They just want power. This is not a war where a government is fighting agaist rebels, this is a war where certain clans are trying to use the guise of government and the firepower of gaalo to get what they think is revenge for the events of the ‘90’s. The "looted properties" card is played out. It's not gonna win you any friends.
  4. Lets not forget that the TFG was telling us there was no ethiopian troops in the country. Now they want to tell us there are no american troops.
  5. ^^^Many Somali people are united saxib. I have talk to many people from that community that are obsulutly agaist what Yeey is doing. The only people that support the TFG are criminals and qabiilist Fascism.
  6. What a sad news. Why do they hate religious people so much?
  7. ^whats all this personal attacks guys. There was a news that the man was in Adis for health checks up and treatment and am simply passing it on. Isn't this something worth looking into?? This man is the president of the tfg, his health is of concern to all Somali people.
  8. ^I don't only read media that tells what I want to hear. over the years i've read multiple reports about mr yeeys health. the man is clearly ill. the question is how ill is he and what is the cause? I even heard him say that he's liver is shot and needed to be replaced. and now we read that he maybe getting treatment for the human immunal virus. this is a serious concern my friend.
  9. what are you talking about that someone will shot him self five times in the head, there is noway that can happen. maybe someone else was doing the shooting. or maybe he has an automatically gun oo baas ah. whatever the case, we are talking about the hearing of the tfg president here. how is that a joke? infact it is a very serious issue. if mr. yeey has aids he might be too ill to lead! how can an aids infected man make rational decisions?
  10. well, maybe its true the old man has aids... he does spend a lot of time with ethiopians and we know they all have aids
  11. news media is reporting that TFG leader is in adisababa to under go hiv/aids exams and treatment! the report reads that yeey may have been safering from the sickness for many year and that it maybe the reason for his many foreign hospital visits. Waagacusub.com for the full story
  12. Looks like the somali inter-(intra?)clan civil war is taken yet another turn. So one side you have SSDF, Geedi (and related warlords), RRA, and Ethopia. On the other side you have USC, SNM, SNF, and Ethopia. Who will be the winner? Ethopia! Who will be the loser? The Somali people!
  13. she is dead among the african american christians but alive and well elsewhere! infact, I woke up next to her this morning
  14. DigibAc


    :eek: wowzers :eek: look at that neck!
  15. we don't need to build a new capital. we already have Addis Ababa, our new capital
  16. I was hoping for more serious thoughts on the POLITICAL situation. The current situation is very disheartening and disillusioning.
  17. I want to get your thoughts on what the political situation in somalia might look like in 3 months. I was thinking about asking 6 months but things are develeping way too fast.
  18. "The origins of 'rule or ruin' policies are rooted in the fact that conquests by imperial armies do not result in stable, legitimate and popular regimes. Originating as products of imperial conquest, these client regimes are unstable and depend on foreign armies to sustain them. Foreign occupation and the accompanying wars on nationalist movements provoke mass opposition. Mass resistance results in imperial repression targeting entire populations and infrastructure. The inability to establish a stable occupation and client regime leads inevitable to imperial rulers deciding to scorch the entire country with the after thought that a weak and destroyed adversary is a consolation for a lost imperial war." The old 'ka cun ama ka ceed' Thanks Warmoog
  19. The Ethiopian and TFG criminals do not follow any law. Nin aaneey shantaa kaa reebin, sharci kaama reebo.
  20. How sad. But I am not surpriced. We all saw it coming. Talk about selling out! The old saying comes to mind "**************" Digi, please let us not make tribal insults against Jeelle's clan. These men don't speak for any Somali clan. " Libaax. [ April 08, 2007, 11:33 PM: Message edited by: Libaax-Sankataabte ]
  21. I am very happy to read this. The ground work is set for us to take our country back from the warlord TFG and foreign troops.
  22. Superfluous, Illaahay waxuu nagu galaday gabaygu saw maaha??? You can find a good list here. http://www.doollo.com/mainpage/maqal/maqal.htm I recommend Abshir Bacadle iyo C/llahi Suldaan Timacade.
  23. Mark my words GD, they will not meet that deadline!
  24. WARNING: THESE IMAGES SHOW THE CARNAGE THE SOMALI PEOPLE ARE SUBJECTED TO UNDER OCCUPATION: http://www.shabellenews.com/images1/kor11.jpg http://www.shabellenews.com/images1/kor3.jpg http://www.shabellenews.com/images1/kor2.jpg http://www.shabellenews.com/images1/kor10.jpg http://www.shabellenews.com/images1/kor9.jpg http://www.shabellenews.com/images1/kor4.jpg http://www.shabellenews.com/images1/kor5.jpg http://www.shabellenews.com/images1/kor6.jpg http://www.shabellenews.com/images1/kor3.jpg http://www.shabellenews.com/images1/kor12.jpg