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Posts posted by Xafsa

  1. This man is claiming that Islam and the somali Culture have lived in harmony for years until now? What he fails to understand is that if you have a pure heart( as he claims) then you should have no problem falling all the laws of Islam.



    May be some pictures from the good old days, before modern fanatics reduced Islam into a jealous guardian of Harem’s (women) hair, cheeks, arms, shins, feet, voice and smile.

    it is this obsession with sex, this concept of viewing women only as an object of sex, created for man’s libido relief, that turned women’s body into a thing of shame. The concept is that just like one cannot display sex organs in public, women as objects of sex, not human beings with intelligence and rights, should always remain under cover. Hence, we shall never have models and beauty queens to publicize the beauty of our women down the catwalks of Paris, New York and London

    why is he making it seem like these "fanatics" have re-invented islam? that it is them and not Allah who has forbidden any human, male or female to show off their cawrah.



    All the Arab girls of all nationalities look bubbly, tossing their beautiful uncovered hairs and showing off their latest hairstyles. Even those with head covers threw it lightly on the shoulders or barely on the back of the head. They even sometime waved hello for me or for my son. The two Somali girls, however, were fully shrouded with black from head to toe. One could barely see their eyes and they even wore black heavy socks on their feet. Their unique Somali features wrapped into a shapeless form, their shy and modest smiles buried and a kind of heavy footed, reptile shuffling replacing their elegant, Somali-only, rolling hip-walk.

    Good lord!! :rolleyes:



    A girl should either be in the grave or under a man’s custody

    This has no basis in islam, It is infact a belief deeply rooted in the somali "culture".



    “Shaydaan aanad arkayn,

    oo shaambinaaya agtaada,

    waa naag shaadhir hagoogan.”

    May God give him peace in his abode, because had he lived until today, Abdi Shube would have probably been stoned to death.

    lol...acuudu bilaah.


    To me this article is pure ignorance...it has no basis in logic or fact.

  2. That was by far the most profound article I have read to date! I needed to hear all of that....Jazaa kalaah Nur.



    O son of Adam, so long as you call upon Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind. O son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you. O son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the earth and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great at it. It was related by at-Tirmidhi (also by Ahmad ibn Hanbal). Its Isnad (chain of authorities) is sound


    A servant [of Allah's] committed a sin and said: O Allah, forgive me my sin. And He (glorified and exalted be He) said: My servant has committed a sin and has known that he has a Lord who forgives sins and punishes for them. Then he sinned again and said: O Lord, forgive me my sin. And He (glorified and exalted be He) said: My servant has committed a sin and has known that he has a Lord who forgives sins and punishes for them. Then he sinned again and said: O Lord, forgive me my sin. And He (glorified and exalted be He) said: My servant has committed a sin and has known that he has a Lord who forgives sins and punishes for sins. Do what you wish, for I have forgiven you. It was related by Muslim (also by al-Bukhari

  3. p.s. Ramadhaan is on Monday 27th October for us UK folks since most Masjids here Saudi Arabia sightings of the crescent

    they're saying its Sunday oct 26.....but i'm not sure.

  4. Originally posted by Darman:

    Flayingstill read suwrat al Kahaf on every friday, its said that alaah will protect you from friday to friday.

    Yeah I heard that...even though I don't read surah al kahf every friday..I try to remember.

  5. Originally posted by Lucky:



    FLying-StiLL you got crazy cravings Like my sister.


    lol...If I fast I can just survive on a glass of water, chocolate, and a big bowl of salad! smile.gif

  6. Originally posted by Khayr:


    I have spoken to some nomads from SOL

    and they share my doubt about

    other nomads

    not being able to handle the CHALLENGE

    for RAMADAN.

    They don't think that you have

    the DETERMINATION to actually

    make it come true!!!!

    :confused: What the hell is that? You and your bunch from SOL don't have anything better to do than sit and think your better than the rest if us? Kayr walaal you preach alot but do you follow?