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Posts posted by Miriam1

  1. OMG...you truly love your friend and your picking a POTENTIAL life partner from an online forum.


    Is it me or are we expecting too much from this medium of communication - tis an online site to pass by the boring hour or two.


    By the way if I was you friend (or any other sane person for that matter) I would find this so unbearably insulting

  2. ^ LoL I am glad you put the "After ramadan" disclaimer.


    Oz Girl. First - I would seriously recommend that you DO NOT discuss personal concerns on a online forum. You mentioned that your friends don't believe or trust your fears from men are true. I suggest you find atleast one friend or family friend - close in age - to disclose ur concerns to and talk to them. Any advise they give u will be a million times better than any advise anyone here will give u

    Secondly if this fear is as a result of some form of childhood trauma - physical or (am sorry to say) sexual abuse - its best to seek counselling.


    my two cents

  3. ^ LOL god..what way to make gal feel better Geel..


    actually according to the experts anyone who's a recent graduate can experience Quarter Life Crisis...so anyone from 21 to 28 is fair game. I am somewhere in there.

  4. I have no brethren in this place. Everyone loves thier job. Lakin to be honest I was having a shiddy day yesterday


    Femme -- I know the alternative is not pretty at all...unemployment agh

  5. looool zulfa... i felt totally guilty after that even had some Boston Clam Chowdur to go with it. But today I am good - will stick to some french fries and fish (fish and chips)

  6. Umm...people who complain too much about thier personal lives are no doubt boring and annoying...


    making take on some self relflection I am thinking now I probably complain too much about my boss...