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Everything posted by Miriam1

  1. Thats was beautiful,tis how every woman who wears the hijab should feel. Even though i know many whom feel, as they put it "tied-back" by thier hijab. Thnks sis
  2. Miriam1

    One Wish

    The first thought that came to my mind was, I would like to die happy, with no regrets watsoever. With more thought, I would like to see the Islamic Ummah glorious as it was once.
  3. As you guys already said, Somalia is a failed state.I would not even call it a war if the US attacks, as there will be no opposition in any form. Yes innocent lives will be lost in an invasion...but...i dont know, would'nt we for once attain the peace we desire so dearly?..is the lives of a few hundered people worth the..security of our future generations. I think both sides of the argument have valid pionts, who knows wat the future holds. I have a good feeling they will attack.
  4. Oh man i just so Dil Sey ( is that how spell it) it was so goooood..man, hindi movies in many ways cant stand up to western movies. Magnoona I totally agree some comedy will do my soul right <------ my avator is proof of a little too much stress I say a chris rock movie, whenever that guy smiles with his big teeth i crack a smile
  5. Y-> Y Look, he had his first song out a few weeks ago ,his palestianian scarf caught my eye, i think he is pakistiani or indian. Next letter K
  6. What annoys me the most is people trying to escape thier culture and people..be PROUD of who you are and tresure ur roots.
  7. Poison---Old Hamlet ( i am reading Hamlet by Shakespere at school and his father Old Hamlet died of poison so thats the first think that came to my mind.. iam not into that stuff i am pretty average somali chick but its in the criculum )
  8. Che you do believe in love now come on..u gota be kidding me! The only way i prove my love is by marrying him and having his child..now that is one helluva commitment.
  9. G-Money BUDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDYYYYYY read the rules first before u play.. My word was calculas now why did u run off and make ur own word ur doing the same over and over quit it! Patriot said FOOTBALL/SOCCER..now where did u get relationship from? i am just a rules freak OKAY..the last word was SEXY--(my word)HANSOM
  10. Salam Let me see... Flunked-Calculas :mad: hate that class !!
  11. Miriam1


    School--I go to school, because I want to do things with my life that only an education can provide me. Oh sis i know bout those fools who always get higher marks than you.Its like how how in Allahs name do u do it??...Let me give some tips i discovered form some chinese and paki chicks -Study for the particular test a week earlier if possible. -Suck up to the teacher go after school for help..they usually tell what to really study for when ur one on one with them. -TUTOR for the sciences and math...man calculas killed. Now to skipping lol i skip according to wats happening in the class..if i know that we are doing NOTING..and some of my good friends have spare ( free class) i will skip..but see that rare i am a good girl
  12. ummm i want him to simply dress appropraite(ouch on the spelling ) for the occaison i cant stand someone who dress's down for a wedding..my cousin actually once thought that his jeans were fine enough to wear for a wedding :confused: And pls like the others said dont wear a suit to buy a cup of coffee or go to the mall! otherwise at home its the macawiis with a matching shirt
  13. ummm i want him to simply dress appropraite(ouch on the spelling ) for the occaison i cant stand someone who dress's down for a wedding..my cousin actually once thought that his jeans were fine enough to wear for a wedding :confused: And pls like the others said dont wear a suit to buy a cup of coffee or go to the mall! otherwise at home its the macawiis with a matching shirt
  14. Miriam1

    Dress Code

    ummm i want him to simply dress appropraite(ouch on the spelling ) for the occaison i cant stand someone who dress's down for a wedding..my cousin actually once thought that his jeans were fine enough to wear for a wedding :confused: And pls like the others said dont wear a suit to buy a cup of coffee or go to the mall! otherwise at home its the macawiis with a matching shirt
  15. Miriam1

    Dress Code

    ummm i want him to simply dress appropraite(ouch on the spelling ) for the occaison i cant stand someone who dress's down for a wedding..my cousin actually once thought that his jeans were fine enough to wear for a wedding :confused: And pls like the others said dont wear a suit to buy a cup of coffee or go to the mall! otherwise at home its the macawiis with a matching shirt
  16. Buddy Shyhem is money all u think about Personally i had my vacation last year went to the shopping city of dubai stocked up on my dirac collection but maybe i will hit up my cousins wedding in Sweden this summer