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Everything posted by Tahliil

  1. The government offense so far is in shumbles..disarray...Husein Junior is in Areteria talkin about genocide in the name of Qabiil and Yeey the vampire is still thirsty for the blood of the toddlers in Mogadishu,..
  2. Shirkii ay Muqdisho ku yeesheen Odayaasha Beesha Hwy iyo Saraakiisha Itoobiya oo heshiis hordhac ah lagu gaaray Talaado, April 03, 2007(HOL): Shir ay galabta ku yeesheen magaalada Muqdisho Guddi ay magacaabeen Odayaasha Beesha Hwy iyo Saraakiil Itoobiyaan ah, kuwaasi oo ka wada arinsanayay sidii loo joojin lahaa dagaalladii Muqdisho ka socday ayaa lagu gaaray heshiis hordhac ah. Shirka ay labada dhinac yeesheen oo socady muddo seddex saacadood ah ayaa dood dheer kadib waxay labada dhinac soo saareen labo qodob oo kala ah in la sii adkeeyo xabad joojin ay labada dhinac horay u gaareen iyo in la aaso maalinta berri ah meydadka daadsan xaafadihii dagaallada ka dhaceen, iyadoo fulinta qodobkanina loo xil saaray guddo min labo xubnood ah oo labada dhinac kala metelaya WHERE ON EARTH IS adeerKEEN YEEY THE VAMPIRE??? THIS HAS THE CLASSIC USED AND MISUSED POLITICS WRITTEN ALL OVER....WAR MEE ADERKEEN THE VAMPIRE IN ALL THIS.....WAR XAGGUU KA DHACAY ODAYGII...IRRELEVENT. SIDELINED..SICK...WAX CUDUR DAARA ADEER HALOO KEENO,,,,,ANYTHING BUT THIS
  3. My Dear Brothers it is one thing indhaha in aan maro iska saarno and walk blindly around the facts right in our faces...for whatever reason, And it is altogether another thing to admit like men instead of dancing around the reality... that Somalia and Somalis are in deep shyt regardless of the little Enclaves you live in Pland, Sland, HLand, Kland... Time is the deciding factor and we will wait and see the next development...I bet it is gonna be uglier and we r gonna be justifyin it to suit it to our taste
  4. Teaching Amharic language in Hargeisa is something you should proof it ,,,,, but again what is wrong with learning Amharic ?? isn't it one of the languages ppl can learn ?? why is it different from Sawahili, English and French ??? Please take off your ear mufflers, headphones for once and read to yourself, honestly of what you have just written there...slowly so u don't miss the gist of your profound statement...again...
  5. like it or not bro...Arat Kilo is the center and the master rules everybody fro there...those who disagree with him Like the Darwiishes they got BM and bombs dropped on them, those who agree with him take the mission farther..by teachin the kids in Hargaysa and Bosaso the Amharic language....what do they call that up in here? ASSAMILATION...Integration... If Adeero Cade iyo and them are going to stop the genocide, or beg Meles to stop the genocide, or demand of him to stop the genocide, I thnk they could do much effective and better work by at least contacting the BBC and broadcasting their feelings toward the brutality...Waxba yaan la Sugarcoating the matter...Addero are in deep shyt and they r realizin it now...markii xeero iyo fandhaal kala dheceen...and BM and attack Helicopters are used on other Somalis....Maryooley...
  6. Somalia: Bomb Explosion On Govt. Car April 2, 2007 Posted to the web April 2, 2007 A car carrying government officials has exploded when it run over a roadside bomb in the Somalia capital Mogadishu on Monday, witnesses told Shabelle Radio. It is not yet clear the number of killed or injured officials on the car as the bomb destroyed it. The exploded was among government convoys that were heading to presidential palace. The explosion took place near Ambassador Hotel where government officials are based. The destroyed vehicles were part of a motorcade transporting Somali Army Commander Gen. Abdullahi “Ina Libah,” who resides at Ambassador Hotel. AllAfrica:
  7. Cade the Simple minded boy Muuse spent a week in Addisababa and just came back yesterday from the Master....Groupkast markooda loo yeeran...War heedhe soomaali odayasheedii maxaa nafta jacleysiiyey. Look at these bunch so giddy and dressed up going to see Adeer Meles...talow maxuu ku sameeyey dadkii oo duliga isugu soo haray....I could only wonder...yeah who cares thou.. Safar Salaamo adeerayaal...
  8. It's amazin how blind these pple are about History....War miyeeysan xasuusan Sadaam, they tried, convicted and hang him about the crimes iyo genocideskii uu geystay 20 sano ka hor. oo weliba aay ku kalmeeyeen Westigu... don't they these pple think that history will reward them for their actions....and one day soon they will b tried the same way as Milosifiij iyo Xusen. If only they knew...they r only making a record to b convicted for themselves in front of the international media...but have no clue...they should b educated about how the international system works...if they wanna save their assses one day from a tribunal court...
  9. don't know but you maybe offending Axmed Chalabi. ' In that case CHalibiyo xaal iyo badh QAADO
  10. Somalia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somalia: Ethiopia, Puntland to strengthen trade and security relations 2 Apr 2, 2007 - 12:13:48 PM BOSSASO, Somalia Apr 2 (Garowe Online) - The president of Somalia’s semiautonomous Puntland regional state, Gen. Mohamud “Adde” Muse, spoke to reporters in Bossaso on Monday after returning yesterday from a weeks-long trip to neighboring Ethiopia. President Adde Muse said he was officially invited to Addis Ababa by the Ethiopian government last month. While in Addis Ababa, the Puntland president met with various Ethiopian government officials and had the chance to visit select foreign embassies there. The Puntland leader said he signed a deal with the Ethiopian government to strengthen relations in the trade and security sectors. According to President Adde, the Puntland region would export fish products to land-locked Ethiopia, while Puntland students would be granted access to institutions of higher education in Ethiopia. Ethiopia would also assist the Puntland region in the telecommunications sector.“They [Ethiopia] will help us with security,” said President Adde while addressing last week’s arrival of a fresh contingent of Ethiopian troops in Galkayo, Puntland’s southernmost city. The President said there were “active” members of the ousted Islamic Courts movement inside Puntland, and that the newly arrived Ethiopian troops will help the secure the region from such threats. Have I not said this whole operation was a pre-planned end-game of Somalia? In midba markiisa week Addis-ababa lagu soohaysto....yeah I said LAGU SOO HAYSTO Riyaale is on a plane also to Addis land...The southeren clans will be jumpin abaord Ethiopian Cargo plane soon to see the Master...Higher education ku lahaa....good bye dear Somalia...
  11. All that sarcasm is unnecessary really...I am as a member of good standing in Tolka who pays his dues all the time, and fights the Xaq kudirir fadhikudirir fight for the Tolka, am simply worried here....Tha's all These are the facts on the ground in Mogadishu right now as the AP reports...No one, none whatsoever is consultin with AdeerKEEN Yeey the vampire any more...it seems he is sidelined for a reason which we can only speculate here...my DEAR TOLKA Friends We better look ahead and see the future from what's taking place right now...Can the old guy really live with being The Chalabi of Somalia?????
  12. This is about AdeerKEEN....no one else....and the question is: wether he is going to have the same fate as that of Ahmed Chalabi.... while used to justify for the initial operation, is he going to matter now???
  13. MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) -- Mogadishu's dominant clan said Sunday it has brokered a truce with Ethiopian military officials who are supporting Somalia's government, even as mortar shells continued slamming into the capital for a fourth day. Ahmed Diriye, the ****** clan spokesman, said fighting in Mogadishu should end within hours. Ethiopian officials were not immediately available for comment. With all this closed door talks, negotiations, meetings, ceasefires and truces taking place without the participation of the old guard stooges, without their knowledge and presence, are these new developments signals of YEEY the Vampires being dropped from the good old boys list into the used and misused list of the stooges???... Is it possible for him to have become the Ahmed Chalabi of Somalia?... offices being raided, accusations of double agentism. Collaboratorism to follow next??... Is Yeeyye the vampire going to lose his stooge medallion to some one new, perhaps Ahmed Diiriye himself????.... I could only speculate so much but a trained ear like mine could only predict a doom for ADeerKEEN by watching carefully of what is happening on the ground with the Habashis and REER HAMAR…. The masters are talking and signing deals with a whole new lot of Stooges RIGHTLY OR WRONGLY SO….Let’s patiently wait and see where this new wave of politics take us all….Wallee dad badani cadhuftooday dib u liqi kari waynayaan… When AdeerKEEN is being IDENTIFIED as the AHMED CHALABI OF SOMALIA…
  14. did u not read the news lately...we who? Meles dumped AdeerKEEN Yeey the vampire for someone new and obidient some days ago bro.... ABDULLAHI YEEY THE VAMPIRE = AHMED CHALABI.. remember him???? Waxba ha isxiijin walaal Addeer the vampire is no more....He is dumped...Used and Misused
  15. Hol' up, Hol' up. They're calling this one fake ? There is no shortage of Cabdullahi Amxaar audio recordings on the net that display how incredibly dense, clannist, and vulgar this man can be. Are they all fake ? Guys, I know this is topic is touching meel bugta, but try and be reasonable. Members of Yey's own family will tell you what kinda criminal clannist man he is. The dude has been killing and assasinating for 40 years. Being a power-hungry, Xabash-lover is his job description. For argument's sake, let's say the tape is fake. Does that turn him into a saint ? Wipe his slate clean ? Start calling him Xaaji Cabdullahi ? LOL....I appreciate your gallant defense of his 'sharaf'(especially Sakhar, Adeer sii fiican baa ugu dathaashay, walee gacal baa tahay ), but it's like saying Hitler is a good man because Mein Kampf was forged by his enemies. Try and be a liiitle bit logical and you'll be ten times more effective helping the cause
  16. wow WAXAAS guul iga dheh ninbey meel ku qabsadeen, is that today's talking point??? The New Southeren Somali Darwiishes are well and stronger than anytime before and resisting against this occupation with help of their brothers everywhere in Somalia man...don't be fooled sir. You r, in all matter of importance, talking about the most trivial matters in the war game...in case you missed, people are actually dying for the cause by the dozens in Somali adna waxaad lasoo shirtagtay Nin beey beer agteed ku qabsadeen Amxaaro....see they r willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice for the cause. This is somalia, belongs to Somalis and none bet AdeerKEEN Yeey the vampire got dealt the worst hand ever so far....even his masters and handlers are talking about the darndest way and place to dump him...he neither knows what to do now or where to go from here.... politics in Africa are harkaa labadiisa gelin...wallee munaafiq tanaa u dambeyn...Yeey the vampire Gamekiisii bey iminkana la cayaareen oo ka badiyeen....IF ONLY
  17. Wake up dude...everybody is makin deals "directly" with the master now...No middle men stooge anymore...see? don't u read the news anymore...Beelkasta waxa aay iminka iska xaadirisaa Haya-arat...(the PALACE baby) Stop this nonesense villa Somalia rubbish cheap propaganda, that was yesterday's news when some of us thought Habashi have different standards for Maryooley and we innocently believed that we were the chosen ones since we share Tigre with the same blood ancestors...ahahaha...wake up to the reality boy...and BOW
  18. Wiil Duco waxaan isku dayaay in aan ka ahaado dhax dhaxaad arinta soomaalia. waxaan so jeedin lahaa aqiyaarta in aad yareeysaan caytinta loogeeysanaayo hablah soomaaliyeed . laakiin ninkasta fakarkiisa waa uxor Point taken bor
  19. what's wrong with tellin them to stay in their homes instead of the back of that pick up truck with Habashis and their sttoooges?? r u sayin my point is not valid???Come on now, don't sell both your soul and your women to the devil on the same deal...Be Smarter, use your higher education
  20. Ar dadkaanaa xitaa gabdhahoodi aay furinta u keenen Xabashi.... what a great pimpin services this is "YEEY THE VAMPIRER ESCORTING SERVICES" mey hawshii isku bedashay...but then this is not something new..I guess.. sorry I misspoke...your girls are doin a favor for who???? For the nation of course by keepin our Tigrain brothers entertained with their silk skin and soft touch...It makes men fight harder when they actually become the recievin end of such beautiful girls...What a tactic from the side of AdeerKEEN yeey the vampire....I knew he had somethng under his sleeve markuu gabdhaha guryahooda kasoo saaray.... But with all Honest, and besides all that sarcasm nonsense, Wallahi it pains me personally beyond words to see such pretty faces along side with habashis and AIDs infected and filthy amaharas...Them faces remind me my aunts in Bosaso and else where....
  21. Ar dadkaanaa xitaa gabdhahoodi aay furinta u keenen Xabashi.... what a great pimpin services this is "YEEY THE VAMPIRER ESCORTING SERVICES" mey hawshii isku bedashay...but then this is not something new..I guess..
  22. What's wrong with this Sakkhar character?? War nagala aamus calacaalka....daaaamn even Samira my Ex did not do that much Calacaal when I dropped her.... War iska aamus or do a counterattack like men or somethng ha u calaacalin sidii Xalliiimo oo kale....daaamn I swear you sound annoyinggg now by the tenth time of postin the same shyt calaacal... Olol don't post No more truths man...it sounds painful up in here...couldn't u see it???
  23. Who? Yeey the vampire giving a chance what? a blood suckin beast...thinkin about peace? ahaha that has some funny shyt written all over it... Northeren is right...these new whole deals and cease fires taking behind closed doors and without the participation of the Vampire and southereners sittin not with the stooges but with the masters begs not only Northerner's question but exactly what was the role of these thugs in all this mayhem and distraction?? what kind of deal did they sign with Zenawi to facilitate all this for Ethiopia? Things will be revealed, truth will come out soon from these meetings and we will know exactly what kinda deal AdeerKEEN Yeey the vampire made with Habashes and then for those of us from the North-east of the country will wake up an wake up way too late to realize the magnitude of the situation and how big the hole AdeerKEEN Yeey the vampire has dug for us is...No doubt, we are being misled, misinformed, and basically brainwashed to think that Amhaaro has different views and standards for Maryooley.... I think we better be real men and sincerely apologize and beg the forgiveness of our brothers in the south, after all, we all have a stake in this...I'm sure it aint too late...
  24. I feel sorry for his audience...AdeerKEEN Yeey the vampire is weepin like the old goon he is. but now that the southerners are also makin deals directly with the masters where is he gonna go, what he is gonna do next? Wallee waaba ku baryey kuligood...those who thought Amxaaro have different standards for maryooley godkoodii baa biyo ugu soo galeen...
  25. When the elements of conflict becomes evaded and their weapons confiscated or destroyed the direct threat of their attacks is at once limited to non-existent percentages. The government can then launch it's political and public relations campaigns without having to loose more energy, money and focus on the security of it's members and people or other major disturbances such as low-intensity warfare. With all due respect bro, where is this Dhegdheer land you live in..."their weapons confiscated and their wives and kids sent to the doom and their houses destroyed, then the blessed government of AdeerKEEN yey the vampire will then launch one of his great great PR campaings and then we are going to live happily ever after...lol I did not laugh so hard for a long time...please do post more, you have such an entertaining innocent mind...