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Posts posted by sailor

  1. life is one big road with lost of signs

    so when you're riding through the rocks don't complicate your mind

    flee from hate, mischeive and jeaul'sy

    don't bury your thoughts put your dreams to reality,

    altogether wake up and live now,

  2. Originally posted by Kool_Kat:

    "Adaa Mudan Abaay" was his reply when I thanked him for his service...


    I left school my usual time and headed over to my moms place (Toronto) to run some errands for her...While still in Toronto, my husband called, said he didn't feel like cooking and that I should grap qado from Etob (a Somali Restaurant)...And while at it, I might as well get him bur kackac from the next door macmacaan place AlCuruba...I agreed and headed over...My first stop was at the macmacaanka...An older gentalman about 55 year of age or so served me...He was very pleasant...As the norm, I thanked him for his service as I was leaving...


    Me: Waa mahadsantahay adeer.


    With what seemed like a flirtatious look on his eyes,
    he smiled and replied:
    Adaa mudan
    . :eek: :eek:



    I felt like cunug yar, I almost literally ran out of there...I couldn't contain the shock, anoo fiig fiigsan aan Etob galay...How will I ever go back to that damn place? There was something creepy about the look on his face and that smile... :mad:


    I've seen islaamo markaan dhoho eedo ama habaryar iigu jawaabo abaayo, but never ever I have thought oday inuu waxaas ku kacaayo!!!!!! Sheemo!!!!

  3. guys dont be bothered everytime i come in i just got to say eid mobarak and someone might say isnt bit early, he is right, but what i do, i jus miss making the hajj pillar,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, eid mobarak