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Posts posted by Sky

  1. I like this guy, Alle-u-Baahne (beautiful name by the way). And if your people aren't there for you. Who will? Trust me he's not like that bumperforehead Ayaan. This guy respects his roots which are Islam and Somalia. You should listen to his version of Carays Ciise Kaarshe's song.


    Animal Farm, this thread should become a sticky (winks at Sheh). I'll be posting it on my blog as well Insha Allah; Golnuug

  2. Barasaabka cusub ee gobolka Karkaar oo maanta la wareegay xilkii

    Qardho:-Waxaa maanta lagu qabtay xarunta maamulka gobolka karkaar munaasabad ballaaran taas oo uu xilka kula wareegayay barasaabka cusub ee gobolka yaasin Siciid Xuseen.


    Waxaa ka soo qayb galay munaasabadan mas’uuliyin fara badan oo ka kala tirsan maamulka gobolka Karkaar, maamulka degmada Qardho, xubno ka tirsan golaha wakiillada Puntland, saraakiisha kala duwan ee ciidammada, duqay, culimaa’udiin iyo dhallinyaro.


    Guddoomiye kuxigeenka gobolka Karkaar, ahaana sii hayaha xilka gobolka Karkaar, Eng. Maxamed Mire Shire, ayaa jeediyey khudbad dheer oo ku aaddan marxaladihii kala duwanaa ee uu soo maray maamulka gobolka Karkaar, waxana uu sheegay in uu la shaqayn doono badhasaabka cusub ee gobolka Karkaar.


    Guddoomiye xigeenka ayaa intaasi ka dib si rasmi ah xilkii ugu wareejiyey guddoomiyaha cusub ee gobolkaas, yaasiin Siciid Xuseen.


    Badhasaabka cusub ee gobolka Karkaar, waxaa mahad celi u jeediyey dhammaan ka soo qayb galayaashii munaasabaddan, waxana uu sheegay in maanta lagu wareejiyey xil culus isla markaasna loo baahan yahay in dadweynaha iyo maamulka degmadu ay gacan siiyaan maamulka gobolka.


    Guddoomiyaha cusub ee gobolka Karkaar, Yaasiin Siciid Xuseen, waxaa uu sheegay in uu ahmiyadda siin doono, xoojinta nidaamka gobolka, la dagaallanka amni xumada, jid gooyooyinka iyo dhir gubista, waxana uu shacabka gobolka ka codsaday in ay gacan ka siiyaan hawlaha lagu hormarinayo gobolka.


    Cismaan Buux Cali, duqa degmada Qardho ayaa isna ka hadlay munaasabaddan waxanu sheegay in uu si weyn ula shaqayn doono maamulka cusub ee gobolka Karkaar.


    Faisal Gele Omar







  3. Lol :D


    Anyway, since you're clinging on 'previous encounters', what on earth happened to Salaxudiin's topic about the drowning of Somalis and Ethiopians in the Gulf of Aden? I remember you and Castro raiding the thread USC style. Why was the thread deleted?


    Ramadan Karim!

  4. Originally posted by Rahima:



    Regarding my hateful venom towards warlords, yes I am proud of it so no need to make it sound like something I should be ashamed of :rolleyes: . If I could do more than words to deal with these morons I would, shame I can’t.


    Finally, in future respond to me when you’ve managed to get over previous encounters

    You knew what I mean with the hateful venom comment, don't act otherwise.



    Its obviously YOU who didn't get over previous encounters [whatever that means]. You still have them in your mind, no?

  5. Nebi Maxamed [CSS] said that a muslim can practise his religion everywhere equally, for Allah [sWT] is present everywhere equally.


    But I would think the country with the least risk to be tempted to forbidden fruits and be driven out of your focus of worshipping Allah [sWT] would be Saudi Arabia.

  6. I hate praying tarawiix on a full stomach.

    Tell me about it, I've witnessed more than once people puking during Salaat in the mosque. Its always the same scenario, a boy pukes when he is about to bow down and embarrassed as he is runs away during Salaat, making others clean up his vommit. Generally when that happens, even the oldest can't hold in their laugh. Istaqfurullah.

  7. I don't think any CY supporter can further tarnish CY's image, if one takes your extremist views into account. Comparing Hitler, Sharon and narco-warlord Caato to CY? I don't know dadka aad la sheekaysatid, but damn. So much hateful venom doesn't look good on a woman.

  8. ^^^ True, there is a lot of bullshit flying around. That's why I believe Somalis are agnates and not just a collection of clans who somehow happen to have the same culture, physical appearances etc. No I don't buy that Arab sailors theory. Besides it sounds fabricated as well.


    Look, there is no name/word in the rich Somali language that is exclusively used on basis of kin rather than region. What does that tell you? Since there is no centralising force that arranges this cohesion between the Somali brothers from Djibouti to Garissa, we must find our answer in our history and you'll be safe to conclude that we come from the same place.


    Before Somalis can search for the real origins of Somali people. Somalis must be real themselves and see that these stories are halftruths at best.

    After all the difficult we have been through it is [still] high time to leave behind tribalism and its sub-cultures and embrace nationhood.

    If my theory is correct, it shall have a very positive effect on Somali's quest for Nationhood. As in matter of fact, what might have seemed impossible will be possible with the knowledge that the Somali people is one entire tribe.

  9. Somalia will not come together at a flick of a switch, this example Somaliland is setting should be followed. Peace, stability, self governance etc etc then there maybe the opportunity to re-unite if Somaliland hasnt become recognised by then

    Are you one of those cats who think there is Somaliland and than there is Walaweyn Dirty South. Suit yourself Northerner, because you seem to live in your own world at best or you're just plain hypocrite.

  10. How do you mean more clearly identifiable?


    The tribe you refer to is most adament in its mythical Arab heritage, while at the same time it carries a name in its Somali version and not the Arab. How did the name-change into the Somali version [indigenous] occur if that Arab progenitor has introduced a strong patrilineal mindset? If there was one of course.


    The other tribe has a name that is an ancient Arab word and it means Blessings. Many Somalis believe its a pagan name Istaqfurullah. I googled the name and I stumbled on row after row of Islamic websites to my surprise.

  11. ^^ I know. Its just a theory, maybe Raqid's take on this, which is almost everybody's view, is correct.


    Sky, walaal I am not disputing that all Somalis are related as we have been inter-marrying forever, but that says nothing about geneology descent. The descendents of those partriachs were born in the Somali peninusla, grew up there, married there, reared children there, who inturn married more into the population, until present-day where if those patriarchs were actually matriarchs they would long have been forgotton. But, alas because they were men and the people of that world are patrilineal, it is bound to stay as highlighted as it is.

    I did mean genealogically, that all Somalis share the same common progenitor; probably Samaale. With the exception of the agro-pastoralist Sab, whom themselves are a loose confederacy with no kinship. Perhaps having a core of pure Sab legacy. But than again Samaale could be merely a mythical figure.


    Look at the general abtiris. Most people bump into their forefather's name after 40 or 50. At least that is so in my case. After 30 forefathers it becomes blurry and we enter an area where people agree and disagree. Go further and that gap grows bigger and bigger after passing each archfather, till you reach a height that is covered in total mystery. Somalis usually have a solution for this, and glue the abtiris of the prophet [May Peace and Blessings be Upon him] on the known abtiris.


    It might be true that the two Northern tribes' forefathers are of Arab descent and landed at the shores of West Sanaag region within a century after the prophet's death [MPaBbuh], one not long after the other. After all these two tribes show more similarities with each other than they do with the rest of the Somali people subculturally.



    Raqid, didn't the late President Siad Barre open an investigation on these matters or something in the late 80s?

  12. May this SOB be raped every day in the shower


    Life for S Africa lion murderer


    A South African man convicted of murdering a man whose remains were found in a lion enclosure has been sentenced to life in prison.

    White farmer Mark Scott-Crossley and an employee beat up black former worker Nelson Chisale, and threw him to lions.



    Nelson Chisale, who was assaulted and fed to lions, Simon Mathebula (right), Richard Mathebula (left) and Mark Scott-Crossley, who stand accused of his murder. (News24)


    Scott-Crossley had earlier sacked Mr Chisale, who was murdered when he went back to the farm to get his belongings.


    The case has highlighted race tensions that still exist in the South African countryside 11 years after apartheid.


    Court proceedings on Friday were delayed while Scott-Crossley was married to Sim Strydom, whom he reportedly first met when she visited him in jail.


    Crowds outside the court in the town of Phalaborwa celebrated when the sentence was announced.


    "Let him rot in jail," someone shouted as they left the courtroom, reports the South African Press Agency, Sapa.


    'Extreme punishment'


    Judge George Maluleke said he was satisfied that Scott-Crossley deserved the strongest punishment he was allowed to impose, which was reserved for "monstrous" crimes.


    "No crime fits this description more than the one before me and there is no doubt it would warrant this extreme punishment," the judge said.


    Scott-Crossley's accomplice, Simon Mathebula, was sentenced to 15 years in prison, with three years suspended.


    "We did expect a heavy sentence," Scott-Crossley told journalists.


    "We are sorry that the family didn't accept our offer of financial compensation. It was not an effort to try and bribe them, but we really feel sorry for them and we are going to fight the sentence," he said.


    Mr Chisale's niece Fetsang Jafta said: "I'm satisfied with the outcome."


    Mr Chisale was sacked late in 2003. In January 2004, he returned to pick up his belongings at the farm near the Kruger National Park in the north-east of the country.


    There he was beaten up by Scott-Crossley and Mathebula, his employee.


    They tied him up and then took him to a nearby lion breeding centre, where they threw him into an enclosure.


    The court was unable to establish whether Mr Chisale was already dead when he was thrown into the enclosure, as Scott-Crossley claimed during his defence.


    The only remains recovered were a few bones and some shredded clothing.


    The death penalty was abolished in South Africa in 1996, and life imprisonment is the maximum sentence for murder.