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Posts posted by Dhul-Qarnayn

  1. "There are those who scoff at the school boy, calling him frivolous and shallow. Yet it was the school boy who said, Faith is believing what you know ain't so."


    Nobody deserves to be helped who don't try to help himself, and "faith without works" is a risky doctrine.

  2. "There is in life only one moment and in eternity only one. It is so brief that it is represented by the fleeting of a luminous mote through the thin ray of sunlight--and it is visible but a fraction of a second. The moments that preceded it have been lived, are forgotten and are without value; the moments that have not been lived have no existence and will have no value except in the moment that each shall be lived. While you are asleep you are dead; and whether you stay dead an hour or a billion years the time to you is the same."

  3. Somaalinimo is DEAD!


    There is Haw1ye, Dar0od, I-saaq e.t.c actually I take that back...Haw1ye, Dar0od, I-saaq is DEAD!


    There is Ab-gaal, Habar gidir, Duduble, Ab-same, Lelkaseh, Hart1, Mare'han, Habar Habushed, Habar Tojale, Habar Awal,Habar Yunis e.t.c


    My bad! I take that back....Ab-gaal, Habar gidir,Duduble, Ab-same , Lelkaseh, Hart1,Mare'han, Habar Habushed, Habar Tojale, Habar Awal,Habar Yunis is DEAD!


    There is Sheikhal, Sac'ad , Suleymaan, Warculus, O-gaden, Gherri, Warsan-geli, Dhul-bahante, M0jeerteen, Cisse Muse, Saad Muse e.t.c and they all DEAD! you get the picture,we all know that they breakdown even further.


    Somalinimo, Somalis and everything about Somalia is DEAD!


    Now I wanna argue that this DEATH need not be a negative thing for Somalis....we can use it .We can use this "Live Free or Die" mentality we have collectively perfected for a very long time.


    In Somalia, no one is going to listen to a government which is gonna wanna claim ownership and control over an individual rights.


    They're also not going to pay taxes to a government that does not protect them - Remember the saying "My brother and I against my half-brother, My brother and me against my father, my father's household against my uncle's household, our two households (my uncle's and mine) against the rest of my immediate kin, my immediate kin against non-immediate members of my clan, my clan against other clans, and finally, my nation and me against the world" ... thus in Somalia no one has a permanent enemy but on the flip side, no one has a permanent friend either, only a permanent context. So if we were to view Somaalinimo in the context of an institutionalized instability as the only standard of human relationships in Somalia, it cannot exist.


    You have to look at what people think of the government. I mean,we haven't had one since 1991!! Don't you think that people have found a way to exist without it? Besides a succesful government in Somalia will have to curtail the activities a whole class of opportunists — from squatter landlords to teenage gunmen for hire to vendors of out-of-date baby formula who have long been feeding off the anarchy in Somalia for so long that they refuse to let go.


    They do not pay taxes, their businesses are totally unregulated, and they have skills that are not necessarily geared toward a peaceful society and ontop of that Somalis being the legendary "dimwit" individualists that they are , do not see the purpose of a government.


    Bottom line: if you want a new government to work in Somalia and unify Somalia under the banner of Somaalinimo, it has to accommodate existing infrastructure. This rule should be applied to any failed state where a centralized government does not function. If not, then you can call Somalia's current condition a "libertarian utopia". No government, no property records and titles, no official dispute resolution, no contracts...it all means that Somalia is a long way off from connecting to the global economy, which is the people's best chance at prosperity. In the meantime, lets keep kicking each others asses!




    dear moderator, why in the name of all that is holy, are Somali clan names censored? Do you think by us not mentioning the names of tribes our problems will all go away?

  4. First and foremost the words of Allah (s.w.t) are very clear in the Qur'an in regards to when and how a man can only practise polygamy. And yes, Polygamy is permited in the Qur'an with strict conditions attached, but it is never encouraged.


    Allah Almighty clearly discourages polygamy to men by telling them "but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one...(4:3)" which clearly orders men to either be fair or to not marry at all.


    I personally believe, the average Somali man is a poor man. I hardly think therefore, that he can provide a fair quality lifestyle to more than one woman, which if thats the case raises the questions...What benefit would it really serve the Somali society and Islam as a whole for a dude to bring more illiterate and starving kids into this world?


    Allah(s.w.t) will hold accountable every man who practices polygamy. Poor Somali men practicing polygamy don't provide fairness to the newly born kids and to our economically crippled society, and certainly not to their wives either.


    Allah Almighty knows best, and may He forgive me if I made any mistakes in this reply.





    To all my Somali sisters. I suggest if you can't bare the thought of sharing your husband with another woman that you insist on including a "Over my dead body" clause in your marriage contract......!!!Problem solved!!!