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Everything posted by Xoogsade

  1. It would be nice if the new comers settle in an exclusive location and name the place Muqdisho Yareey. That new place would be the destination of (all) southerners when they travel through Hargeysa or want to live there, Hargeysa waa magaalo soomaaliyeed, while its political pundits sell the seccession to a deaf world, southerners must lay claim to thier share of the the town , and even reconfigure the gene pool quick LOL.
  2. Originally posted by Armchair Politician: It is Somalis who are ultimately responsible for the tragedy of Somalia. They support leaders who take resources from other communities and give them to themselves, demand members of their community are preferentially appointed to high offices, and encourage them to exact vengeance upon their enemies. For peace to occur, Somalis need to actually care about other Somalis outside of their community, and help each other even if they don't have very much themselves. They must appoint the best man for the job, and criticize corruption even if it benefits you, and they must learn to forgive their enemies. It is a much more difficult and courageous path to take, as it exposes you to hardship, political uncertainty and the fickle nature of their neighbors, who may not be so forgiving themselves. You have analysed our ills perfectly and given the solution to our problems in one short post. Amazing. Thanks. Dr.Galbeyte Perhaps Riyaale was putting a show for his boss in Addis when he made the offer of 2000 canon fodders. It never materialized. There is always competition between surrogates and Riyaale is no slacker in proving himself more loyal than others saxib. When Muqdisho was plundered into submission, other place-holders sent congratulations to Addis from their bunkers, Riyaale couldn't trust the cables and the phone system to convey his congrats, so he had to travel to Addis, bow down in submission and kiss feet. That was too lowly. Qabiil kastoo soomaaliyeed, iyo inta meel wada deggan, waxaa hormuud u noqday niman dhaqan soomaaliyeed iyo diin fiican aan lahayn. Baashi raised some good points although I disagree with the occupied properties being among the motivating factors of the conflicts. Neither the TFG and its supporters, nor the people who oppose it are motivated by property.
  3. ^ Somaliland can only be granted recognition by other somalis. The so called international community doesn't have the will to grant Somaliland what it wants. They do not want to encourage restive African clans who want to seccede from their current countries. As long as there is a strong voice against Somaliland independence, you will remain married to the south.
  4. ^ I don't believe you mean that. You will be put to the test in few years time hopefully. If the precondition to give up secession is to have a peaceful south with good leadership, there will be a break sooner or later. Hoggaan muslim ah wuu iman doonaa oo qabaa'ilka koonfur mideeyo.
  5. ^ Well saxib, Soomaaliya koonfurteeda haddii wax ka socon waayeen, dadkaan wax lagu heysto waa gardarro. Somalilanders are only wrong on one issue, forcing others up in the north who are not interested to join them, or deviding such somali clans politically. Other than that they are a good example we should emulate. Many southerners would fully support and wave the somaliland flag if there were no other somali clans in Somaliland who are not interested in secession.
  6. Hargeysa way dhisantay. PS: Aaway sawirradii qaxootiga kasoo dagaayay diyaarada? Magaalada may dhinac ka galaan qaxootiga oo iskooday isu meel mariyaan mise meel gaar ahaaneed yaa la dajiyaa? Waagii hore waxaan maqli jiray magaalada in dagaan ahaan ay kala qayb san tahay oo qolo meel gaar ahaaneed loo daayay. Did that change saxib? Caasimad macnaheeda waa in dadka isku dhex jiraan, so I hope with the expansion of the city in terms of population and new settlements, kala xir xirnaansho inaysan jirin.
  7. ^ List your achievements as yusufites so we can see if your mad group hit any gold mine. A- You helped Ethiopia occupy the south entirely. B- You re-employed the warlords who were put out of business by the people's movement. C- For the second time in Muqdisho history, a million souls including children, elderly, women, the already internally displaced Somalis from other regions have been displaced from Muqdisho once more. The town might be empty of souls soon with the current pace of violence and ethiopian bombardment. D- Six thousand innocent souls bombed into oblivion, and depending on whose account you follow, the number is higher than that. E- Somali clans are disillusioned, devided and desperate as ever. So, tell me, still proud of your screw-ups? I don't expect you to reason well, but try for once, this is your chance to recover and shine on the boards.
  8. Ciidamada la shaqeeya Gumaysiga oo maanta dad kala baxay Masaajid ku yaala Degmada Xamar-jajab Beerdhiga 18.01.2008 20:13 Ciidamada DFKMG ah ee la shaqeeya gumaysiga Itoobiya ayaa maanta salaadii Jimcada kadib waxay xoog ku soo galeen masaajid ku yaala Degmada Xamar-jajab waxayna kala baxeen Khadiibkii Masaajidka iyo labo nin oo kale oo ka mid ahaa Jameecadii masaajidka. Masaajidka Xaaji Rajab oo ku yaala Xaafad ka mid ah degmada Xamar-jajab ayaa saladii jimcaha kadib waxaa irid walba soo istaagay ciidamada DFKMG ah ee la shaqeeya gumaysiga Itoobiya waxayna Masaajidka kala baxeen Imaamkii iyo Khadiibkii Masaajidka isla marakaana ahaa Macalin dhiga Qur’aanka kariimka iyo labo Nin oo ka mid ahaa jameecadii Masaajidka. Imaamka ayaa waxa lagu magacaabi jiray Sh. Bakar Cali Shuqaale waxayna ciidamada la shaqeeya gumasigu inda ugu duubeen cimaamadiisii ayaga oo sixun ula dhaqmay Imaamka iyo labada Nin oo kale inta aysan kaxaysan ka hor. Todobaad kii la soo dhaafay ayay ciidamada la shaqeeya gumaysigu Degmada Xamar-jajab ka kaxaysteen Macalin Qur’aan iyo Arday dhiganaysay dugsiga ayada oo sidoo kale ay xaafadda Xoosh ka qabsadeen Macalin Dugsi Qur’aan. Ciidamada gumasiga iyo kaaliye yaashooda ayaa waxaa bartilmaameed u ah Masaajidda, Dugsiyada lagu barto Qur’aanka kariimka, Macaahidda, Jaamacadaha , Iskuulada iyo dhamaan goobaha wax lagu barto waxayna si toos ah u baadi goobaan culimaa’udiinka, Macalimiinta Qur’aanka, aqoonyahanada, iyo ardayda dhigata Heerarka kala duwan ee wax barashada waxaana xirmay kadib markii ay soo galeen ciidamada gumaysiga itoobiya iyo kuwa la shaqeeya caasimadda in ka badan 1000 goobood oo isugu jira Masaajiddo iyo goobo wax lagu barto. www.Beerdhiga.com
  9. Thanks for the detailed map. The town is not that far from Baydhabo. Btw, do you remember or still keep contact with the guy who used to write from Burhakaba on SOL? I had him in mind when I asked you about Baydhabo. I remember you two wanting to exchange personal e-mails. Hope he is alive and doing well. I forgot his username but he used to write few times before the Ethiopian troops rolled down the road to Muqdisho to occupy it.
  10. I know the clip I am about to post can set off needless trade of insults or accusations. I just wanted to share this video taken in 1984, it shows a window into what Muqdisho looked like in peace time before clanism savagely destroyed a prestine city and its people(all somali people). It shows what blind loyalties to clan does to people. I personally feel great loss watching the video.
  11. Originally posted by -: quote: Unless we see Duke and his clansmen who proudly call themselves Yusufites renounce and repent clanism, Xoogsade...Elaborate on that. Duke is my clansmen. I neither call my Yusufites nor share his demented view of things. I think you are falling into the same trap by lumping his tribe together. I know it is easy thing to do in Somali politics which explains this perpetual misery Somalis are facing. P.S. It is worthy noting Yeey is just symptom, not the problem itself facing the Somali nation. My bad saxib. I meant to say "Likeminded clansmen" to make the exception. I even notice how I mistakenly wrote "they should walk the walk" instead of writing "they should walk the talk" which makes more sense to me. I didn't review that message after submitting it for posting. It is easy to slip and make the wrong comments in the throes of passion. Sorry bro.
  12. ^^ To be brief, I dislike A/Y and his support base. I shouldn't be faulted for taking a stance against him and the people who blindly support him, but if I am, I accept whatever label I am given for that. I have a first cousin who is from A/Y's sub-sub clan, my paternal grandmother who raised my father and his siblings is the same sub-sub-clan clan as that of A/Y, My mother's first cousins are of the same clan as well, these are my habaryaro, I disagree with and dislike some somalis based on their blind loyalties rather than their clan association. Their clan is incidental. People can belong to any clan and I may find myself disliking them.
  13. ^ I write on the boards when I am short on time alternating between work and quick visits to the section. I do not have much time to write impeccably. I should invest more and write some serious replies I suppose. Some people are naturally gifted and don't require time to write masterfully, but I do. Some subjects, articles, or posts don't require articulated responses as well. Few counter points in a paragraph or two can suffice these sorts of meaningless posts. There is room for improvent in my communication skills definitely. I won't be the first to claim perfection or live with the pretense of it when it comes to writing skills. As for you not interested or wish to be like me, we are even, I am not interested to be like you or somebody else as well, I am contented. Finally, you have the option to not push yourself harder to read my messages from now on, you already know they are unintelligible. Do the right thing mate, skip them. That will save me few more precious minutes to write to others who can understand. I am not gonna bother about my alleged dishonesty, I know I am right and honest, that is good enough for me.
  14. ^ My impression of the writer is based on the last sentence of his article, he is too optimistic to assume somalis will suddenly turn against and be united by Zenawi's political gains in Somalia's devisions(that is, if you actually agree Ethiopia is undermining Somalia by promoting fiefdoms instead of a Unified Somalia). Besides that, Is there anyone who makes sense in your book to begin with? I would be offended seething with rage if you weren't NGONGE. You are dismissed son, go learn few somali words for a change.
  15. Thanks for the map. It is not that far by Nomadic standards. Just a night or two night's walk may be LOL. I might be wrong about the distance.
  16. This writer is optimistic to a fault but God can prove him right and I hope Allah does prove him right. We desperately need to defeat the Xabashis and their ignoble cohorts who share blood, culture, and religion with us. It is somalis with no qualms about their country's future who facilitate the devision of our country for their clanish goals. If we don't defeat both ideology and the people behind it at the personal and local level, Ethiopia is here to stay ruling our country through Somaliland, Puntland and through Nolander Savages like Maxamed Dheere and Qeybdiid. As long as somalis are in love with their clan associations, their objective doesn't extend beyond narrow clan objectives, Somalia as it was Allah u naxariisto.
  17. Saaxib, I was busy, and I travelled. I am back though still busy. How are your parents in Muqdisho doing? Are they alright? Baydhabana maxaa waroo ka heysaa? I read some Xabashi minister by the name muffin or was it musfin came to visit the town on wednesday to make sure the newly appointed shoeshiners don't forget who hand-picked them. Mukhtaar rooboowna maka war heesaa saaxib? One more year of no surrender and inshallah Baydhabo will be back to the locals. PS: Qansaxdheere Baydhabo maku dhowdahay? Heard the town is in teh ahnds of the locals who are not sympathetic to the warlords camped in Baydhabo.
  18. Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka: Anigu mar mar dadka waan la yaabaya war wixii argagixisa ah mise tageerayashooda war intaad dumarka iyo ciyaalka aad af-duubka ku haysateen 17 sano ee maatada kasoo baxa ee meel aad adigu qabsatid oo banaan ah isku kaaya keena.. Somali waxey tirahda ragu wey is xinya taabtan ee rag iska dhiga ee dumarka aad ka hoos dagalameysaan iska daa.... Koleyba anigu i support the Shaaweye guy who said nimankan shabaabka isku sheegaya , kii la qabtana madaxa baa laga jari kii baxsan rabana madaxa baan xabad kasii gaarsiineyna. Raganimo macnaheeda haddaa taqaanid uma sacabba tunteen nin Xabashi ah oo kaa liita dadnimo. But I guess some somalis settle for less and are happy with the bondage. Inaa nin tabar daran oo dhiciif tahayna, waxaa tala saaratay nin xabashi ah inuu kuu gumaado soomaali kale oo colaad qabiil aa u qabtid. In this latest round of fighting, The Xabashis and their first line of defense were attacked in their positions. After they suffered heavy casualities on different fronts, two lorries full of Xabashi troops burned, they responded with the usual tactic, Bomb entire sections of the town since they can not come out and fight like men. Keep to your cheerleading while real men fight for their rights and dignity. Some somalis are never meant to surrender unlike some who settle and would sell their closest for pathetic unachievable clanish goals.
  19. Originally posted by Adam Zayla: With individuals like you in the frontseat no wonder our brothers in the Northwest want nothing to do with you and your circus called TFG. But honestly i finally understand your mentality and your definition of the term ''reconciliation'' you see in your mind green emoticons accompanied by demeaning words = let's have warm relations brothers and sisters hence Foreign Mercenaries bombing school children and Mothers = Roadmap to Peace kakakakakakaka Well spoken my friend. Wisely spoken. Recongition or no recognition Somalis are devided along clan lines. Unless we see Duke and his clansmen who proudly call themselves Yusufites renounce and repent clanism, Somalia is on the road to being devided ever into smaller clan fiefdoms. They should walk the walk and save us the cheap talk of Unity when they cheerlead for the demise of other somali clans. Unity is once again a victim of clanism. When clanism reigns supreme, Unity has no place. That much should be obvious. People who argue for Unity should show and lead by example that they love somalis and somalinimo and wouldn't engage in subterfuge, cheerleading for Somali enemies, express delight in the misery of others, excuse savagery. These guys have no argument.
  20. Armchair, Why don't you pull up one of your maps so I can see where QansaxDheere is? The town is said to come under Bay region but don't know how close. Thanks. Duke Amxaaro leaves, peace comes inshallah. Before that, people can't put up with occupation, robbery by clan militias passing as government, jail, and rape. Of course, all these facts on the ground in Muqdisho are of no concern to you. Your cries for Ethiopian Artillery to kill and maim Muqdisho kids so you could feel avenged were accepted, enjoy their misery while it lasts.
  21. Xiisad xoogan oo wali u dhaxeysay Ciidamada Booliska iyo kuwa Milateriga oo shalay dagaal ku dhex maray Isgoysyada Bakaaraha iyo H/Wadaag Muqdisho, 15-Jan-2007@[buurhakaba Media] Inkastoo Isgoyska Bakaaraha iyo kan H/wadaag ay saaka degan yihiin ayaa hadana waxaa la dareemayaa xiisad wali taagan oo u dhaxeysa Ciidamada Booliska iyo kuwa Milateriga oo shalay halkaas ku dagaalamay. Labada Isgoys ee H/wadaag iyo Bakaaraha ayaa shalay waxa ka dhacay dagaal muddo socday oo u dhaxeeyay Ciidamada Dowladda dhexdooda in kastoo markii dambe dagaalka ka qeyb qaateen kooxaha Kacdoonka ka wada Magaalada Muqdisho. Labada Ciidan ee ka kala tirsan Milateriga iyo Booliska ayaa isku haya muran dhinaca lacagta canshuurta ee laga qaado gaadiidka, waxaana bar koontarool lacagta gaadiidka looga qaado ku sugan Ciidamada Booliska, waxaana sida la sheegay Ciidamada Milateriga doonayaan in qeyb laga siiyo lacagtaas, taasoo Ciidamada Booliska ay diidan yihiin. Isgoysyada Bakaaraha, H/wadaag iyo Aadan Cadde oo ah kuwo inta badan kaabiga ku haya Suuqa Bakaaraha ayaa waxaa ku kala sugan ciidamo kala duwan oo ka kala amar qaata Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir, Taliska Booliska iyo Nabad Sugida, waxaana intuba Ciidamadaas yihiin kuwo is dhex galkoodu uu aad u yar yahay, waxaana ka dhex taagan kala shaki aad u weyn. Iyadoo ay sidaa tahay ayaa Kooxaha kacdoonka waxay marar qaar ka faa'ideystaan isku dhacyadooda oo labadii maalmood ee u dambeysay ay Ciidamada dhexdooda ku dagaalameen isgoysyadaas, kaasoo markii dambe ay kooxahaas ka qeyb galeen. http://www.ruunkinet.com/
  22. Xarakada Al-Islaax oo ku dhawaaqday in ay si rasmi ah ugu biirtay dagaalka lagula jiro Ciidamada Ethiopia. Muqdisho, 17-Jan-2007@[buurhakaba Media] Xarakada Al-Islaax ayaa markii ugu horeysay sheegtay in ay doorteen hogaan cusub, isla markaana si rasmi ah ugu biiray kooxaha dagaalada kula jira Ciidamada Ethiopia ee jooga Somalia. Mas'uul u hadlay urur diimeedka Al-Islaax ayaa sheegay in kadib markii ay arkeen xaalada dalka iyo meesha uu marayo uu ururkoodu go'aansaday in uu ka qeyb qaato dagaalka Jihaadka ah ee lagula jiro Ciidamada Ethiopia waa sida uu yiri. Ururkan ayaa hogaan u doortay in lagu magacaabo Sheekh Cusmaan, waxa ayna sheegeen in ay gebi ahaanba ay bedeleen siyaasadihii lagu yaqiin ururka Al-Islaax. "Dalka waxaa ka socda Dagaal Jihaad ah oo looga soo horjeedo cadawga Dalka Soomaaliya, anagana Mabaa'diideena waxa ay tahay in ay ka qeyb qaadano Dagaalka"ayuu yiri Sheekh Cusmaan oo ah Hogaanka Ururkaas. Waxa uu wacad ku maray in dagaalka ay kala qeyb galayaan Ururada Al-shabaab iyo Maxkamadaha oo dagaalo ba'an kula jira Ethiopianka, si bey yiraahdeen ay uga qeyb qaataan xoreynta dalka. http://www.ruunkinet.com/
  23. Dagaalyahano Hubeysan oo la wareegay Degmada Qansax Dheere ee Gobolka Baay. Qansax Dheere, 17-Jan-2007@[buurhakaba Media] Sida uu xaqiijiyay Gudoomiyaha Degmada Qansax Dheere ee Gobolka Baay ***** Aadan Shaamshaam waxa uu sheegay in Kooxo Hubeysan oo ka tirsan Al-shabaab ay gacanta ku dhigeen Degmada Qansax Dheere. Waxa uu sheegay Gudoomiyaha in indhawaalba ay ku sugnaayeen Dagaalyahano Hubeysan hareeraha Deegaankaas, waxa uuna tilmaamay in maamulkoodii uu isaga soo baxay degamadaas. Dagaalyahanada gudaha usoo gashay Degmadaas ee la wareegtay ayaa la sheegayaa in ay yihiin kuwo aad u hubeysan, waxaana la xaqiijiyay in maalmahii la soo dhaafay ay ku sugnaayeen Deegaanada Gobolka Baay. Deegaanka Iidaale ayay sidoo kale kooxda Al-shabaab gacanta ku dhigeen, waana ay isaga soo baxeen, waxaana lagu soo waramayaa in deegaankaas ay soo gaareen Ciidamo Ethiopian ah iyo kuwa ka tirsan Dowladda Federaalka oo Baydhabo ka soo ruuqaansaday. Bilowgii bishan ayaa dagaal ka dhacay Deegaanka Raama Cadey ee Degmada Diinsoor waxaa isaga hor yimid Ciidamada Dowladda iyo Kooxda Islaamiga ee Al-shabaab, waxaana dagaalkaas ku naf waayay labo ka tirsan Ciidamada Dowladda. Maalmihii u dambeeyay ayaa waxaa isa soo tarayay warar sheegaya in Dhaq dhaqaaqa Al-shabaab ay saldhigyo ka dhigteen deegaano ka tirsan Gobolka Baay, oo xarun u ah Dowladda Federaalka. Wadaadka lagu magacaabo Mukhtaar Roobow Abuu Mansuur oo isagu ka soo jeedaa Deegaanada Baay iyo Bakool ayaa sheegay in uu joogo meel ku dhow Magaalada Baydhabo, waxa uuna sheegtay in ay ka dambeeyaan dilalka ka dhaca Baydhabo ee lagu bartilmaameedsado Ciidamada Dowladda iyo kuwa Ethiopia. http://www.ruunkinet.com/
  24. In ka badan 100 qofood oo rayid ah oo maanta la geeyay isbitaal madiina kuwaasi oo ku dhaawacmay dagaalada ka socda Muqdisho. Sh, M network 17 Jan 08, 08:51 Mogadishu 17 Jan. 07 (Sh.M.Network)- Dhaawac kii ugu Badnaa Mudooyinkani ayaa manta soo gaaray dadka rayidka ah iyadoo madaafic aan loo meel dayin algu garaacay suuqa Bakaaraha iyo Xaafadaha ka ag dhow kaasoo geeystay qasaaro dad rayid ah. Dadkani ayaa u badnaa caruur,haween iyo dad dhalinyaro ah oo madaafiicda iyo rasaasta ay ugu tagtay xaafadahooda Iyo suqa bakaaraha. Wariye Shabelle ka tirsan oo gaaray isbitaalka ayaa soo sheegay in dhaawac kii ugu baadnaa la dhigay isbitaalka ayna soo gaarayaan baabuur sida dhaawacyo kala duwan. Dhaqaatiirta Isbitaalka Madiina ayaa mashquul kii ugu badnaa maanta ku jira iyagoo dabiibaya dhaawacyada laga keenayo magalada Qeeybaheeda kala duwan oo qaarkood ay soo gaareen dhawacyo halis ah kadib markii madaafiicda karaha ay ugu tagtay guryahoda iyo suuqa Bakaaraha oo madaafiic fara badan lagu garaacay maanta. Daqiiqadba daqiiqada ka danbeeysa waxaa sii kor dhaya dadka la geeynayo isbitaalka Madina waxaana sidoo kale la geeyay tiro dad ah isbitalka Keysaneey Ee Duleedka Muqdisho. http://www.shabelle.net/view_contents.php?articleid=569