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Posts posted by MiZz_LeXuS

  1. Opinionated and Ilhaam>>>>> It was now hit me forcefully that there was a great wisdom behind the person who said "Never argue with a fool because you might not know who the fool is"


    Jawahir>>>>When I look at the mirror I see a young rose ready to bloom. And about the punch on I am happy to give you my address but I fear that you will not be able to afford for the plane ticket, I have been informed by my Charlie's Angles that the last time they spotted you in the S.G.A.(Somali GAAJO Association), pity huh?


    Magnoona_Girl >>>>Sweety I am not struggling for my sanity unlike the above mentioned sisters who are.



  2. Dear Diary

    25 July

    I guessed I spelt good last night.

    I starting to get sick of this diary entery. redface.gif

    Thank god I have something to do tonight. Friday night, What a night. Can wait to hit the city and start doing.......(Image whatever you want).

    I have decised to know reply to some people on SOL. Because they bore me to death. I really go pity them. Uff & Tuff. :eek:

    My friend just rang me g2g. I will tell ya about my wild night 2morrow.

  3. Dear Diary

    24 July

    I cant seem to go to sleep tonight. I dont know why? I guess ama not tied yet. Let me see, I have done my homework, I also cleaned the house.

    Nothing left for me to do. Its nearly 11:00pm.

    There aint nothing else to do but write. Hopefully, I wont be late 2morrow.

    I think ama getting abit tied. Ama go & watch a bit of T.V then hit the hay. :(

  4. ^^^^Jeez Relax sweetie here is a cuppa a tea for you.

    Period pain is the equivalent to a man’s balls being kicked over, over and over again. (How did I know that?)

  5. Ouch OG_Moti. The girl said she will be making her own mind up. Ouch again. I would hate to be in your shoe right now. Ouch, Ouch, Ouch, Ouch.

    I bet that really hurt huh? icon_razz.gif


    PS: Ouch.....Hitler :rolleyes:

  6. Opinionated>>>>What disgusted me is hypocrites.I will leave hypocritesity to you. :rolleyes:



    OG_Moti>>>>>Seriously I dont accept your apologies because I know for a fact you dont mean it so better luck next time. redface.gif


    Ilhaam>>>>>>I see we dont have a mind of our own huh? :confused: "Lets just follow the leader, Opinionated" Baa Baa Baa


    Jawahiir>>>>Jeez, we have a Psychic now!!!



    Shyhem>>>>>No, that was a way of me telling you that your sense of humour needs Help....Coz you aint funny. Uff


    Raula>>>>>Your are the winkest link on SOL so good bye. I have no more to say to you, a person as ****** and ignorant like yourself. Tuff.

  7. Dear Diary

    24 July

    Here I am, making another diary entery about my day. My day wasnt that bad but quite quick though. A few students, a teacher & myself were talking about our visit to the prison. I have found out that most of the crims (Prisoners) were lying Or didnt tell us everything. I mean I dont really blame them myself. I reckon its kind of hard opening up to a bunch of strangers.


    I have never in my whole life did a diary entery. I guessing ama doing it because it would be quite interesting to see how my day has been & also talking about, telling the rest of the people on SOL. I feel like some people on SOL take this as a joke. And ama very annoyed with that. :mad:

    I mean seriously who do they think they are. Calling me racist. Please. :rolleyes: I wish that I was there where there live coz I would punch them right in their faces.

    Its like talking to a brick, trying to teach them something but they dont get it there they bloody ears. I will be doing this diary entery for about a month. And if they dont like it they can go to HELL. smile.gif

  8. OG_Moti you might think this is something to joke around about but let me tell ya something I dont find your jokes funny. redface.gif Times like this OG_Moti ama a shamed of ya. :(

    But ama answer your ****** queestions anyways if that will help ya. :rolleyes:


    1. Did you feel sorry for them, or you felt they are where they suppose to be?

    Answer: I dont feel sorry for them one bit. Call me cold-hearted if you like but I dont feel sorry for anyone that has taken a persons like for no real reason. The only person that had a good reason (but not really good enough) was criminal number 3 because his life was in danger even though he should have minded his own business.


    2. Did you feel you belong there with them? since your crimes in SOL is dengeriously increasing

    No, I didnt feel like I belonged there because I aint no herion addict nor ama I a muder. I believe that I have committed no crimes in SOL.


    3. Did you see any common factors between them and you?

    The only common factors that were simple between the crims & I were that we all had violence in our blood. But I dont think that will ever over take me.


    4. Wouldnt you think that you might end up there and most likely enjoy the stay?

    I dont think that I will ever end up there. Enjoy my stay? I liked my visit but that was all.


    PS: It seems like you are worried about me OG_Moti. Aint that a strange feeling. :confused:


    I believe this was a good experience. smile.gif I wouldnt mind going back there. Of course with other people.