Nomen nescio

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Everything posted by Nomen nescio

  1. Originally posted by Cali Cadde: My dear respected brothers and sisters I am new comer to Sol and I am more than happy to join your excellence discussions and different debates which I have seen you exchanging from each other. Wish you all best and except my congratualation. I am College student. Cali Cadde Did anybody tell you about the royalties newB's have to pay until they deem themselves worthy? PM me with your credit card information.
  2. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: Subxaanalaah! Ilaahoow cawaandi hanaga dhigin, waxaas baa dad leeyihiin waa cool! War isku xishood waryaa oo wasaqdaas aad dadka ugu yeereysid ka weeynoow. :eek: Ubaahane Unfortunately I wish I had time enough to care enough to put in a decent reply to your frivolous post.. and so the usual phrase goes into use... YOU ARE A WASTE OF BANDWITH!!!
  3. Originally posted by DraGon: Action you are right there is nothing wrong with diversification, after all the oil is not going to last forever. UAE has a growing population and what is a better investment than human resource. Look at Japan a country without any natural resource is now the second largest world economy. How can you explain that??? There is no one Airline company in the world that is not subsidized or have been bailed out by there governments one way or the other. Two of the largest Canadian Airline some years ago were forced to merge for economical reasons. My point is all it takes for the Dubai cards to start falling is when another country with equal money, equally invests in real estate or its Airline and that my friend is when Dubai will be turned into a ghost town over nite. About tourism!!! what is there to see in Dubai by the way???? Other than shopping. well saxib Japan didn’t acquire its economical powers over night,right after the world war 2 devastation the Japanesse government started giving farmers tax breaks to encourage them to grow rice and vegetables. Few years later they became self sufficient and started exporting their products to neighboring countries. they saved the profits they made off their Agriculture industry and invested it in resetablishing the demolished infrastructure needed for manufacturing industry i.e. Electronics, textiles and car production.. few years later and with the help of stable goverment....and then booom.. they become the second largest economy in the world.. So did you see the trend there?? FYI real estate and the Airline industry are the two most financially volatile investments in the market. Rememeber the Big real estate investment in england some years ago i believe by the Reichman family??? What happened?? Air travel, real estate development and tourism go hand in hand saxib… you have to give the tourist a reason to visit your country, which the UAE did by setting up world tournaments, trade free zones, Carnivals … etc.. then provide tourist with proper means of travel which the UAE did by adding the top of the line A380’s to their existing fleet of Jets.. and when the tourists are finally in your country have them spend their last dime on recreational parks, shopping malls, and 5 star hotels which the UAE did by constructing 5 star hotels and the biggest mall in the world… now this is not even the best of it, you still have the industrial investments, the foreign trade, financial services which are being developed and boosted as i type these lines.... Remember Donald Trump?? I think he is filing for bankruptcy now. To correct your information one of Donald Trump’s companies is filing for bankruptcy, the rest are doing pretty darn good.. u must have not heard of his recent $5 billion Manhattan high rise project which has a zip code of its own or his new $800 million Las Vegas hotel and casino!!! So yeah.. that old fart is rich no doubt.. Originally posted by DraGon: I will rather go on a safari in Africa any time of the day than visiting another city just to admire some structures. And do you think ppl come to New York to get robbed or watch its big a$$ rats???
  4. Originally posted by Nationalist: Mondane jealousy? The term mondane jealousy would be applicable if Somalis were to criticise the Japanese. What they did to their country was a development from rags to riches not receiving the credit that it deserves. Well first off let me tell you that I am not an Arab apologist nor have any concern for Arabs, I am only giving credit where its due. These guys saw the need for alternative source of income for their country and worked hard to get it.. simple as that.. Unfortunately I can't say the same thing about the Arabs whom we share the same faith with. You right,,, we share the same faith.. not the same "wallet"... The farsight of the Arab sheikhs you're talking about, is the 'farsight' of their financial and business advisors from the US. And what’s wrong with that? If you want to invest your money in a project you have to seek an experienced advisor to ensure maximum profits. Ppl do that everywhere… So don't try to fool the Somalis. Arabs are just lucky bums. Some Somali fuuto madow look like they're on the payroll of the Arab absolute kings and dictators. Well to me you seem to be on the payroll of them Bosaso area cattle businessmen who lost big bucks on UAE’s recent reform on immigration and ban on Somali livestock exports..
  5. Have any of you ignorant haters heard of something called Real Estate Investment?? If you did then let me tell you that you dont know enough to realize that UAE has executed the most successful economic development strategy in the middle east. The sheikhs were definitely thinking ahead of their time when they opted for other sources of income for their country, they didn’t want to be fully dependant on Oil. So they simply started investing their oil money in other money generating investments and encouraging local and foreign companies to investment in their country. That Mall, Palm Dubai and similar investment projects, which by the way will make UAE a tourist attraction, is a prime example of how successful their Sheikhs are in implementing investments that will stimulate the economy… Check these tow pictures of Zaid rd in Dubai 20 year ago and in the presnt time..... Me and my cousin had a similar conversation while watching a documentary on Discovery Wings about the double decked Airbus 330 and how Emirates Airlines have already put in an order for 21 of them giant airplanes in a $14 billion deal, he said these Arabs are just wasting their money. It really surprised me hearing that from someone with an MBA from U of Minnesota ==> remember the dude with the marriage problems I told him the same shit, UAE is booming in terms of foreign investments and they are trying to have a bigger stake of the $50 billion airline industry, which is expected to double after these tourist attractions are built. And what better way to traget travelers from US, Europe and South East Asia who would rather pay few extra dollars for a comfortable 18 hours trip to Dubai with the New A380 …. and for those who dont know it... check out these pics..... So all of you hater need to quit your mundane jealousy and see how you could follow UAE’s blueprint for success and bring Somalia from rags to riches..
  6. ^^^^ daaamn right... i believe the light skinned dude lost because he dont know how to box...i mean the black guy gave him an open shot and all he did was hit him with a weak *** punch....
  7. A woman has been found guilty of spiking two men's drinks with a date-rape drug before stealing from them. A jury at Middlesex Guildhall Crown Court reached its verdict shortly after Selina Hakki declined to give evidence. lesson learned fellaz.... dont accept drinks from ugly heifers......
  8. Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban: very funny. no i am in my other job now. just like how the guy in the video said... you got a good sportsman ship my "nigga"...
  9. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^^^^ You're a rude so and so lol... did you see the guy in the white trunks..... he tuff nigga... i guess they were betting on that fight or somthing..
  10. Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban: i cannot see it from work, but i will try it again when i get home. Ohh,, u have internet access in your cab???
  11. This is the coolest fight i have ever seen.... check it out.. .
  12. i noticed that too,, i think there should have been a moral of the story or somthing.. :confused:
  13. كسر الغلام زجاج ناÙذة البناء :: قصة مؤثرة :: أن أحد الأطÙال كان يلعب ÙÙŠ داخل المنزل وأثناء اللعب كسر زجاج الناÙذة جاء أبوه إليه بعد أن سمع صوت تكسر الزجاج وسأل: من كسر الناÙذة؟ قيل له ولدك. Ùلم يتمالك الوالد أعصابه Ùتناول عصا غليظة من الأرض وأقبل على ولده يشبعه ضربا...أخذ الطÙÙ„ يبكي ويصرخ وبعد أن توق٠الأب عن الضرب جرّ الولد قدميه إلى Ùراشه وهو يشكو الإعياء والألم Ùأمضى ليله Ùزعا... أصبح الصباح وجاءت الأم لتوقظ ولدها, Ùرأت يداه مخضرّتان Ùصاحت ÙÙŠ الحال وهبّ الأب إلى حيث الصوت وعلى ملامحه أكثر من دهشة! وقد رأى ما رأته الأم...Ùقام بنقله إلى المستشÙÙ‰ وبعد الÙحص قرر الطبيب أن اليدين متسممتان وتبين أن العصا التي ضرب بها الطÙÙ„ كانت Ùيها مسامير قديمة أصابها الصدأ, لم يكن الأب ليلتÙت إليها لشدة ما كان Ùيه من Ùورة الغضب, مما أدى ذلك إلى أن تغرز المسامير ÙÙŠ يدي الولد وتسرّب السمّ إلى جسمه Ùقرر الطبيب أن لا بدّ من قطع يدي الطÙÙ„ حتى لا يسري السم إلى سائر جسمه Ùوق٠الأب حائرا لا يدري ما يصنع وماذا يقول؟؟؟ قال الطبيب: لا بدّ من ذلك والأمر لا يحتمل التأخير Ùاليوم قد تقطع الك٠وغدا ربما تقطع الذراع وإذا تأخّرنا ربما اضطررنا أن نقطع اليد إلى المرÙÙ‚ ثم من الكتÙ, وكلما تأخّرنا أكثر تسرب السم إلى جسمه وربما مات. لم يجد الأب حيلة إلا أن يوقّع على إجراء العملية Ùقطعت ÙƒÙÙŠ الطÙÙ„ وبعد أن Ø£Ùاق من أثر التخدير نظر وإذا يداه مقطوعتان Ùتطلّع إلى أبيه بنظرة متوسلة وصار يحل٠أنه لن يكسر أو يتل٠شيئا بعد اليوم شرط أن يعيد إليه يديه, لم يتحمل الأب الصدمة وضاقت به السÙبÙÙ„ Ùلم يجد وسيلة للخلاص والهروب إلا أن ينتحر, Ùرمى بنÙسه من أعلى المستشÙÙ‰ وكان ÙÙŠ ذلك نهايته Ùجاء الشاعر عدنان عبد القادر أبو المكارم ليصوغ قصته ÙÙŠ قالب شعري حزين: كســـــر الغــلام زجــــــاج ناÙــذة الـــــــبنا ... من غير قصــــــــدشـــأنه شـــــأن البشـر Ùأتــــــــاه والــده ÙˆÙÙŠ يــده عصـــــــــــــــا ... غـــضبان كـــالليثالجســــــــــــــور إذا زأر مســــــك الغـــــلامَ يدق أعظــــــم ÙƒÙــــه ... لــــم يبق شيئــــاً ÙÙŠ عصــــــاه ولـــم يذر والطÙـــــل يرقـص كالذبيـــــح ودمعــــــــــه ... يجــــــري كجـــــري السيل أو دÙÙ‚ المطـر نام الغــــــــلام ÙˆÙÙŠ الصبـــــاح أتت لـــــــه ... الأم الـــرؤوم Ùأيقظـــــته على حــــــــــــذر وإذا بكÙيـــــــه كغصـــــــــن أخضــــــــــــــر ... صرخــــــــت Ùجــــــاء الزوج عــــاين Ùانبهـر وبلمحـــــــــــة نحــــو الطـــبيب سعى بـه ... والقــــلب يرجــــ٠والÙـــؤاد قـــد انÙطـــــر قــــال الطــــبيب ÙˆÙÙŠ يديــــه وريقــــــــــة ... عجّــــــــلْ ووقّـــــعْ هـــاهـنا وخــــــذ العبر ك٠الغــــــــــــلام تســـممت إذ بالعصـــــا ... صــــدأ قــديم ÙÙŠ جـــــوانبها انتشــــــــــر ÙÙŠ الحــــــــــال تقطــــع ÙƒÙــه من قبل أن . تســـــــــــري الســموم به ويزداد الخطـــر نادى الأب المسكـــــين واأسÙــــــي على ... ولــــدي ووقّـــــــــعَ باكـــــــــيا ثم استتـــر قطــــــــع الطبيب يديــــه ثم أتى بــــــــــه ... نحـــــــو الأب المنهــــــار ÙÙŠ ك٠القـــــدر قــــــــال الغــــــــــــلام أبي وحـــــق أمـي ... لا لن أعــــــود ÙــــــــرÙدََّ مـــــا مني انبتــــر Ø´ÙـــــدÙÙ‡ÙŽ الأب الجـــــاني وألقى Ù†Ùســــــه ... مــن سطـــح مستشÙىً رÙيــــع٠Ùــانتح
  14. never knew we had falls in Somalia !!!
  15. Originally posted by underdog: isn't whey xaraam???? made from pig milk by-products??? You should look into that. the one i take is made of cow's milk..... or so do they claim!!!
  16. Originally posted by Mobb_Deep: IC someone is pumbin some Iron huh.. speaking of the protein, although I'm not big fan I've seen some dudes who tried it na'mean..according to them it made some difference right away but the tough part is maintaining and that's why I stay natural. Meaning I go to the nearest Halal store and buy me half goat/cow/camel etc worth of steak tell them to cut and slice my way na'mean..THICK and put that Foreman Gril to work namean... Here's advice to ya according to some experts.. use the protein in the begining and once you gain enough mass, leave it alone and do ur thang @ the gym..and holla if ya need someone to spot ya aight. One You right saxib, lots of ppl think protien is a magical supplement that will transform you into another Gary Coleman overnight.. I KNOW that shit has some side effects.. thats why i eat like a pig while gradually cut back on the protien... the only problem i faced with maintaing my mass was finding time to cook and eat, but not any more.. i fill them GLAD containers with as much steak, Tuna, chicken and Shakes as i can in my way to work or school.... and seems like its working out fine.... alxamdulilaah
  17. Originally posted by Bari_Nomad: Breathtaking work of art. Bari... so when we gon build one like it over there??
  18. Originally posted by underdog: So did you get the Foreman Grill? No.. i got another girll (cant recall its name) it had the same features of the foreman's only bigger in size and cheaper in price.. so i figured the diffrence would be the money that goes to Foreman.. !!! thats how it is with brand name products.. they want you pay for their marketing.. but the shit is tight... really.. i think i can seriously bulk now and cut back the time i needed to gain 20 lbs to almost the half.. Say... is any of you guys bulking btw?? i am taking protein shakes before and after my daily gym routines... my wieght increased by 10 lbs alerady (mashalah) my goal is to maintain it at ilb 225... this is the supplement i am taking now..
  19. Originally posted by Guardian n Protector: ^^ do you have to say 'sh!t' n 'walaahi' in the same sentence? Sounded tasty until u decided to use the word 'sh!t' that was definitly not a proper choice of words.. thanks for correcting me ....
  20. I bought the damn indoor grill last nigh.. and boooy is it great or what.. i grilled some chicken and chease dipped it with some Humus i made.. the shit is worth the money i spent on it walaahi.. U the man George,,,,
  21. Originally posted by Element 6: Marshal McLuhan coined the term the medium is the message, and for Somalis the internet is truly the message – this website is a prime example. We have used this medium to its full potential – online radio, news and other information sources online. Which brings me to my point - I got this new program it works like msn – more like audio msn. [i won’t say the name due to an advertisement policy] , but lets just say it’s somewhere between sky and hype. The audio quality is amazing – the sound quality is better than the phone. Here’s the thing, I used my real name as my username – the program has a search function and you can search people – like the word ‘Somali’ and every Somali person whose online we’ll appear. These people in Kismayo did that – so they dialed me up and asked if I was Somali and I told I was. They were describing the place and telling me how business was booming and that we should all go back. – So now I talk to people from the entire internet café – a lot of interesting people – some even agreed to e-mail pictures of the city – pictures of the beach, coffee shops, and the market. Y’all should try this program. will download it when i get home insha laah
  22. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: This bridge in the clouds delivers yet another blow to the face of those who hate the French: the Yankees. the bridge was designed by a Brit architect !!
  23. Originally posted by Aredendra: I'm impressed! I really didn't think I'd get many male replies at all, and here he is doing all the work! I shall have you know, Aredendra, that the Average Somali male is well known for being a kind hearted man who is never ashamed of helping out his wife with choosing the right outfits or even her day to day housekeeping… so be impressed no more.
  24. Originally posted by Guardian n Protector: quote:Originally posted by NGONGE: Do you like indoor grils that much? R u talkin to me? Listen to AJ. Grilling is a man-thing. true that.. and doing dishes is a women-thing..