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Everything posted by Armstrong

  1. Salamu Alaikum, Hey I am new here and wandering what others thought of who does Jerusalem belong to: Is it Arabs (Ishmaelites: descents of Prophet Ishmael Peace Be Upon Him) or Israelians(descendents of prophet Isaac Peace Be Upon Him)or may be is it both or even neither? In others who was there first? Please back your answers with historical and theological evidences. W Salaam. __________________________________________________ ~Where there is a will there is a way~ __________________________________________________
  2. Salamu Alaikum, Some exceptional thinking here by all. Somalis should have regained this region along time ago when they had considerable political and military leverage on Ethopia and many other East African countries. I mean Somalis had strong power in this region once. For example, they had one of the biggest armies patrolling these regions during and after the Somalian and Ethopian war. In regards to the present time, I am very optimistic and hopeful that Somalis will one day unite as one people and will recapture both Western Ethopian regions as well as not forgetting the NFD regions. The reason why I am excited is that many of the Somalis are beginning to realise that each Somali needs each other otherwise we will be taken advantage of by other people and everywhere we wil be rejected ? I mean in all over the world we will not be accepted by others until we accept ourselves The Ethopian government have alienated these regions and do not provide basic needs such as food and shelter to their somali citizens. Consequently, may people suffered from diseases such as Malnutrition and high rate of infant deaths. No one has done anything about this for along time, since the decline of the former government. We have been concerned with coping with the disasterous effects of a civil war. It is now up to us to start thinking about these issues and ascertain remedies to capture these lands back. W Salaam Peace to All ~Where there is a will there is a Way~
  3. Jazaka Allah Khair for this article, very heart-moving and enjoyable read. I am surprised no one else has replied to say thank you. Keep it up and take care of yourself. Wa Alaikum Salaam. "Inamal a'malu bi niyah" Actions are judged by intentions. [Holy Prophet Mohamed (SAW)]