genius pauper.

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Posts posted by genius pauper.

  1. dowladnimo allah hana gaarsiiyo horta. Amiin


    i don't think its an informed opinion that the jubaland issue will escalate into a 1990 version of bloodshed. The worst that could have happened, did already happen, and from now on, the political heat will slow down, i.a.


    sfg heykal iyo hanaan dowladeed midna malahan, marka runta laga hadlo. Waayo, dad ku ogol inaad fogeeso ma ahan siyaasad bisil, ee waa baas iyo balaayo abuur.

    I think the sfg should compromise for they shoulder a bigger reponsibility and represent the whole nation.


    P.s. somali hadeeynu nahay, anagaa isku maqan, oo iswada jalafteneeno, ee allow sahal umuuraha.

  2. @abtigis, did adan speak as a kenyan or as an og?

    i hope that will clear alot.


    the worst thing is, when someone hates the invasion of kenyan forces into somalia, because of a somali tribe.

  3. Maaddeey;954641 wrote:
    Where's Hassan's provocation?. Hal eray oo xanaf leh ka soo saar hadalkiisa, what every video, on the contrary Faroole & Co. baqbaq & aflagaaddo aa lagala joogi la'yahay. Is dejiya asxaabta, haddii kale Goobanle & Indhacadde oo baxbaxsada aa la soo deynaa!.

    afkaan dhiig aya kada'aayo iyo qiiro xumo. moryaanimo ayuu miciin biday, wa ayaan daro!!

  4. NGONGE;952481 wrote:
    Sincere or not does not matter online, saaxib. All you have to worry about here is if the words make sense or not. A conference that
    the pleas of the federal government and goes on to elect a president only for the federal government to
    hit back
    with a hand granade called Hirale, shows ALL sides to be BAD. Wax fahan.

    saxiib you are putting the cart before the house, here. it is illogical to discern how you devoid yourself sincerity while online, and while at it, you reckon sense. wax fahan.

    what happened is in the news, but your stance is not. wax fahan

  5. xabad;952235 wrote:
    Discuss what issues ?
    clan and cantarbaqash, coz that is being discussed here and am above that. i will repeat
    nothing good will ever come out of an Islamist
    , if that angers you, so be it.

    This is crazy, !! i mean, you can't submit a non issue comment to a discussion, and end up claiming to be above the matter of the discussion , what a lost purpose. you don't know what you are talking about! and that says a lot about your previous comment.


    p.s. only a bozo will brag of repeating a non-sense.

  6. @ gabal, if what you stated is true, why support bare hiraale,? that hints otherwise.


    ps. you can't demonstrate your hate for Kenyan troops in kismayu port, through the support of bare hiraale. the two are different.



    @ngonge, your stance that ''we are all bad guys'' is not sincere enough and real. either you condone the status quo, or you are overriding an ill view you hold.

  7. NGONGE;876726 wrote:
    ^^ Adeer, call me a child or a bufoon if it makes you happy. Just come up with something worth reading and I promise to pat you on the back and tell you that you did good. I promise I said.

    isfahanka waa qaali, amaan galyadaa se kamudan.

  8. NGONGE;876712 wrote:
    But I have something to say you empty bucket. I am telling you that you are talking RUBBISH. One can not contribute anything positive to RUBBISH. Wax fahan.

    a child mentality, what did i say,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  9. Malika;876707 wrote:
    His topic tend to be
    , he talks of building cities, when the nation is still fragmented not only at national level but to neighbourhood level..Nevertheless, his posts are
    and do offer an insight to what could be if we ever sort our differences out.

    i acknowledge your indefinite support for ngonge,,,, but please come up with an example of an unrealistic positive thing of the sorts, while at that, salute the bold.

  10. people like ngonge and apophis are good for nothing- ill sighted fellows, who have nothing positive to contribute, other than childish connotations.

    if you have nothing to say, better pack and go,,,,,,,,it is a childish mentality to cause distraction, now and then. we should allow healthy discussion on this boards, as a platform for sharing future possibilities, but not a forum for soft bashing of ideologies.

  11. Garnaqsi;876663 wrote:
    Zakir Naik?




    No thanks.

    Apophis;876668 wrote:
    ^^ and people wonder why the Islamic civilisation is so far behind. Following Zakir and his ilk is the quickest path back to the dark ages. No thanks indeed!

    two in one. i don't know what the multiplicity of usernames will deliver.


    only a bigot thinks so.

  12. MoonLight1;839727 wrote:

    Duke & JB have more clearer policies than you lot.
    at least they know what they want.

    this statement is blind to reality and fails the test of nationhood interest.

    It considers the rigidity of political stands as a worth course, in the expense of the nobility of the course.

    The wind of positive change should dictate our positions rather than the clan/regional/party policies.


    Al xaqu yu daac

  13. Raamsade;839040 wrote:
    Islam is what Muslims do! Otherwise, Islam will be no more than bunch of words on paper with no pragmatic impact in the real world. In which case the whole corpus of Islamic dogma might as well have never been written to begin with. No body cares about theoretical Islam because we can't jude it as we can't see it. Hence why Islam as practiced by Muslims is the only objective way to evaluate the merits of Islam as a solution to the world's (or Somali's) problems. And by that standard, Islam flunks in every significant category.

    If an individual fails to see the essence of self respect, he/she ends up being a blind critic and an arrogant jabber. such a habit is a time bomb, and rest assured, it will reap a consequence. A bitter one, may be.


    It is one thing to disagree with someone, and another to be abusive.


    Discuss your concerns, question, but no disrespect to fundamental beliefs of people.

    Differ with people, but with restraint and respect.

  14. @ngonge you sound an audacity filled intellectual who fails to realise the debate protocol.

    personal attack is different from arguing a point. Whatever your opinion was, it ended up blaming adam for not knowing audit, and branding his views a ''dream''.

    Yakheey practise what you preach.


    it is an integral pillar of debates, to argue your points for and against an issue, rather than ending up on the opponents neck. A sign of intellectual immaturity,

  15. political innocence is to blame for the confussion. An independent financial board entails a diplomatic audit rather than a ''financial'' one. International relations entails entails interest and influence.

    The overhead costs incurred by the board has to be bored from the ''loan'' fund. The board will dictate the expenditure and on which projects.

    They call it EHM. Economic hit men do it.

    In my opinion, it ain't good.