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Posts posted by Ismahan

  1. Most of us do not even realize how much strain we are putting the eyes through while working constantly on the computer, without a break.

    Here are some facts that I came across on the internet on eye problems caused by prolonged and repeated computer usage, as well as some tips to avoid eye strain. Computers put a tremendous amount of strain on your eye muscles, yet it is impossible to avoid using computers. We have become so dependent on computers at work and home. As computer usage has increased, so have related vision problems. Your eyes need to work harder to focus on the computer screen for a prolonged period. Computers are more visually demanding than printed material because the image on a monitor is not stable like printed text in a book.

    Is your computer monitor giving you headaches, backaches, and making you otherwise miserable? Many people who work extensively with computers and video screens experience this discomfort, which is often difficult to accurately diagnose. Many a time, you will pass it off as simple headaches, but stop and think - it may be due to your eyes.


    - Dry/sore eyes

    - Contact lens discomfort

    - Difficulty changing focus

    - Glare sensitivity from screen

    - Neck,back and shoulder pain

    Some specialists summarize these symptoms under the term Computer Eye Strain. Computer Eye Strain is not a clinical disease but rather a reaction to a computer-centered office environment. It usually can be eliminated by making simple adjustments to your workplace.

    Tips while working on the Computer

    - Place the computer screen so that it sits slightly below eye level.

    - The monitor should be as far away from your eyes as you can read comfortably (about 20-26 inches)

    - Lighting should be indirect and even. Be sure you're not directly facing either a light or a window. Adjust lighting to minimize glare and reflections. Placing a non-glare filter on the computer monitor will also reduce glare.

    - Give your eyes a break by frequently standing up to stretch. If possible, alternate computer activities with other tasks

    - Use artificial tears to moisten dry eyes (availble in the pharmacy, over the counter).

    - Blink often when staring at screens and papers to keep eyes moist.

    - Make sure you get enough sleep (approximately 8 hours per night) to avoid eyestrain

    - Lower your computer screen ( or make your chair high ) so that the center is four to eight inches below your eyes.

    - Place the keyboard on a flat surface, directly in front of you, at a comfortable distance. When you use the keyboard, your arms and hands should be in a relaxed position with your forearms parallel to the

    floor (stretched in a straight line to the keyboard). You should be able to type without twisting your body or neck.

    - The brightness and contrast control of the monitor should be set properly for comfortable viewing. Turn the brightness to minimum, then set the contrast to a level comfortable for your viewing.

    - From time to time, say every half hour press the palms of your hands lightly on the eyes to let the warmth from your hands relax the eye muscles.

    - During the day if you can look at some greenery, that will help quite a bit as the color GREEN is known to relieve tired eyes.

    - Vitamin A supplements, or loads of carrots and other sources of vit A (or if you are taking multi vits, that will do).


    Finally, it may be a good idea for all of you to consult an Eye doctor, also known as an Opthalmologist .........who knows, you may be suffering from eye allergy or dry eyes (very possible, as most of us here work on the computers at work 9 hours a day, 6 days a week and also from home) and may not even realize it.





  2. well said lulla..... I agree with ya.... sis if he is not muslim don't ever think about it but if he is muslim and u really do love him not only paying him back... u can go for it and fight for ur love.....

    Beside girl ur too young to marry... Focus on ur study right now, I am sure u may change ur mind later.....

    and as LST said there is a plenty of somali guys..... LOOOL wink.gif.....

    To marry someone sis (in my opnion) u have to be able to share with him everything and i guess culture is one of those things...


  3. Do u mind if i tried my brain this time too walal.........

    Although u said it is an easy one ...let me tell ya it is not that easy walal... but i guess it is the same case when i buy an oragne box... if i saw one of those oranges bad so no need to test the that means i can choose a can randomly so if it was bad no need to test the rest... but if it was not the bad one for sure ur not u have to test all the rest... or maybe try to mix a sample and test that sample... I really don't know....

    Guess i fail in this one Abdinuur....


  4. Do u mind if i tried my brain this time too walal.........

    Although u said it is an easy one ...let me tell ya it is not that easy walal... but i guess it is the same case when i buy an oragne box... if i saw one of those oranges bad so no need to test the that means i can choose a can randomly so if it was bad no need to test the rest... but if it was not the bad one for sure ur not u have to test all the rest... or maybe try to mix a sample and test that sample... I really don't know....

    Guess i fail in this one Abdinuur....


  5. Thanks Abdinuur for those cool tests... I really love them....

    well now let me try to answer this one too... but if i got it right this time...ur in trouble if u didnot gave me a candy....

    so my answers are as below....

    1. Although rocks weight more than water, but u have said 10 poud of both so this means that they have the same weight.

    2. Although my eyes didnot saw a real train, only on TV... but i guess from it is name an electic train will not use fuel to will use electrical power so there is no smoke...

    3. That was the easiest one... walal a rooster don't lay eggs... unless they do somewhere on mars maybe...

    4. This one took me a while thinking of it... I guess walal (but i am not sure) it will take the same time if u put then on the clothes wire at the same time....cuz the sun power is the same.. unless the material the clothes made of is different....



    Hey teacher dont laugh at me if some of my answers looked stupied.... wink.gif



  6. Thanks Abdinuur for those cool tests... I really love them....

    well now let me try to answer this one too... but if i got it right this time...ur in trouble if u didnot gave me a candy....

    so my answers are as below....

    1. Although rocks weight more than water, but u have said 10 poud of both so this means that they have the same weight.

    2. Although my eyes didnot saw a real train, only on TV... but i guess from it is name an electic train will not use fuel to will use electrical power so there is no smoke...

    3. That was the easiest one... walal a rooster don't lay eggs... unless they do somewhere on mars maybe...

    4. This one took me a while thinking of it... I guess walal (but i am not sure) it will take the same time if u put then on the clothes wire at the same time....cuz the sun power is the same.. unless the material the clothes made of is different....



    Hey teacher dont laugh at me if some of my answers looked stupied.... wink.gif



  7. come on guys ... this maybe 99% accurate ( at least with me) I am still waiting for the rest to tell us their trees....................

    Waiting LF for ur tree... i guess i am stupied enough not to figure ur tree or u can say lazy enough for not trying to search for it... wink.gif


  8. What tree did you fall from? Find your birthday, find your tree and then scroll down... This is really cool and somewhat accurate, also in line with Celtic astrology.


    Jan 01 to Jan 11 Fir Tree


    Jan 12 to Jan 24 Elm Tree


    Jan 25 to Feb 03 Cypress Tree


    Feb 04 to Feb 08 Poplar Tree


    Feb 09 to Feb 18 Cedar Tree


    Feb 19 to Feb 28 Pine Tree


    Mar 01 to Mar 10 Weeping Willow Tree


    Mar 11 to Mar 20 Lime Tree


    Mar 21 Oak Tree


    Mar 22 to Mar 31 Hazelnut Tree


    Apr 01 to Apr 10 Rowan Tree


    Apr 11 to Apr 20 Maple Tree


    Apr 21 to Apr 30 Walnut Tree


    May 01 to May 14 Poplar Tree


    May 15 to May 24 Chestnut Tree


    May 25 to Jun 03 Ash Tree


    Jun 04 to Jun 13 Hornbeam Tree


    Jun 14 to Jun 23 Fig Tree


    Jun 24 Birch Tree


    Jun 25 to Jul 04 Apple Tree


    Jul 05 to Jul 14 Fir Tree


    Jul 15 to Jul 25 Elm Tree


    Jul 26 to Aug 04 Cypress Tree


    Aug 05 to Aug 13 Poplar Tree


    Aug 14 to Aug 23 Cedar Tree


    Aug 24 to Sep 02 Pine Tree


    Sep 03 to Sep 12 Weeping Willow Tree


    Sep 13 to Sep 22 Lime Tree


    Sep 23 Olive Tree


    Sep 24 to Oct 03 Hazelnut Tree


    Oct 04 to Oct 13 Rowan Tree


    Oct 14 to Oct 23 Maple Tree


    Oct 24 to Nov 11 Walnut Tree


    Nov 12 to Nov 21 Chestnut Tree


    Nov 22 to Dec 01 Ash Tree


    Dec 02 to Dec 11 Hornbeam Tree


    Dec 12 to Dec 21 Fig Tree


    Dec 22 Beech Tree


    Dec 23 to Dec 31 Apple Tree


    APPLE TREE (Love) of slight build, lots of charm, appeal, and attraction, pleasant aura, flirtatious, adventurous, sensitive, always in love, wants to love and be loved, faithful and tender partner, very generous, scientific talents, lives for today, a carefree philosopher with imagination.


    ASH TREE (Ambition) uncommonly attractive, vivacious, impulsive, demanding, does not care for criticism, ambitious, intelligent, talented, likes to play with fate, can be egotistic, very reliable and trustworthy, faithful and prudent lover, sometimes brains rule over the heart, but takes partnership very seriously.


    BEECH TREE (Creative) has good taste, concerned about its looks, materialistic, good organization of life and career, economical, good leader, takes no unnecessary risks, reasonable, splendid lifetime companion, keen on keeping fit (diets, sports, etc.)


    BIRCH TREE (Inspiration) vivacious, attractive, elegant, friendly,pretentious, modest, does not like anything in excess, abhors the vulgar, loves life in nature and in calm, not very passionate, full of imagination, little ambition, creates a calm and content atmosphere.


    CEDAR TREE (Confidence) of rare beauty, knows how to adapt, likes luxury, of good health, not in the least shy, tends to look down on others,self-confident, determined, impatient, likes to impress others, many talents, industrious, healthy optimism, waiting for the one true love, able to make quick decisions.


    CHESTNUT TREE (Honesty) of unusual beauty, does not want to impress, well-developed sense of justice, vivacious, interested, a born diplomat, but irritates easily and sensitive in company, often due to a lack of self confidence, acts sometimes superior, feels not understood, loves only once, has difficulties in finding a partner.


    CYPRESS TREE (Faithfulness) strong, muscular, adaptable, takes what life has to give, content, optimistic, craves money and acknowledgment, hates loneliness, passionate lover which cannot be satisfied, faithful, quick-tempered, unruly, pedantic, and careless.


    ELM TREE (NobleMinded) - pleasant shape, tasteful clothes, loudest demands, tends not to forgive mistakes, cheerful, likes to lead but not to obey, honest and faithful partner, likes making decisions for others, noble-minded, generous, good sense of humor, practical.


    FIG TREE (Sensibility) very strong, a bit self-willed,independent, does not allow contradiction or arguments, loves life, its family, children and animals, a bit of a social butterfly, good sense of humor, likes idleness and laziness, of practical talent and intelligence.


    FIR TREE (Mysterious) extraordinary taste, dignity, sophisticated, loves anything beautiful, moody, stubborn, tends to egoism but cares for those close to them, rather modest, very ambitious, talented, industrious, uncontested lover, many friends, many foes, very reliable.


    HAZELNUT TREE (Extraordinary) charming, undemanding, very understanding, knows how to make an impression, active fighter for social cause, popular, moody, and capricious lover, honest, and tolerant partner, precise sense of judgment.


    HORNBEAM TREE (Good Taste) of cool beauty, cares for its looks and condition, good taste, is not egoistic, makes life as comfortable as possible, leads a reasonable and disciplined life, looks for kindness and acknowledgment in an emotional partner, dreams of unusual lovers, is seldom happy with its feelings, mistrusts most people, is never sure of its decisions, very conscientious.


    LIME TREE (Doubt) accepts what life dishes out in a composed way, hates fighting, stress, and labor, dislikes laziness and idleness, soft and relenting, makes sacrifices for friends, many talents but not tenacious enough to make them blossom, often wailing and complaining, very jealous but loyal.


    MAPLE TREE (Independent) no ordinary person, full of imagination and originality, shy and reserved, ambitious, proud, self-confident, hungers for new experiences, sometimes nervous, has many complexities, good memory, learns easily, complicated love life, wants to impress.


    OAK TREE (Brave) robust nature, courageous, strong, unrelenting, independent, sensible, does not like change, keeps its feet on the ground, person of action.


    OLIVE TREE (Wisdom) loves sun, warmth and kind feelings, reasonable, balanced, avoids aggression and violence, tolerant, cheerful, calm, well-developed sense of justice, sensitive, empathetic, free of jealousy, loves to read and the company of sophisticated people.


    PINE TREE (Particular) loves agreeable company, very robust, knows how to make life comfortable, very active, natural, good companion, but seldom friendly, falls easily in love but its passion burns out quickly, gives up easily, everything disappointments until it finds its ideal, trustworthy, practical.


    POPLAR TREE (Uncertainty) looks very decorative, not very self-confident, only courageous if necessary, needs goodwill and pleasant surroundings, very choosy, often lonely, great animosity, artistic nature, good organizer, tends to lean toward philosophy, reliable in any situation, takes partnership seriously.


    ROWAN TREE (Sensitivity) full of charm, cheerful, gifted without egoism, likes to draw attention, loves life, motion, unrest, and even complications, is both dependent and independent, good taste, artistic, passionate, emotional, good company, does not forgive.


    WALNUT TREE (Passion) unrelenting, strange and full of contrasts, often egotistic, aggressive, noble, broad horizon, unexpected reactions, spontaneous, unlimited ambition, no flexibility, difficult and uncommon partner, not always liked but often admired, ingenious strategist, very jealous and passionate, no compromise.


    WEEPING WILLOW (Melancholy) beautiful but full of melancholy, attractive, very empathetic, loves anything beautiful and tasteful, loves to travel, dreamer, restless, capricious, honest, can be influenced but is not easy to live with, demanding, good intuition, suffers in love but finds sometimes an anchoring partner




    My tree is CEDAR TREE so tell us your tree....... wink.gif



  9. Well that was an easy one Abdinuur....but i dont know if it a stupied soluation or a clever one....

    If i were in that position I would do the following:

    First i would ask one of the two computers ( doesnot matter which one)

    The i will open the opposite door, cuz if it was the lying PC it will tell me the wrong door, and if it was the truth teller it will tell me what the lying PC will tell me .... wink.gif

    Tell me Abdinuur did my brain pass the exam...LOOOL



  10. Well that was an easy one Abdinuur....but i dont know if it a stupied soluation or a clever one....

    If i were in that position I would do the following:

    First i would ask one of the two computers ( doesnot matter which one)

    The i will open the opposite door, cuz if it was the lying PC it will tell me the wrong door, and if it was the truth teller it will tell me what the lying PC will tell me .... wink.gif

    Tell me Abdinuur did my brain pass the exam...LOOOL
