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Posts posted by Oocyte

  1. Walaal As-Salafiya,

    Hadalka sidaa u tiri waan u fahmay laakiin mid sax ah maahan, daliishaaduna waa "aniga sidaan arkey iyo dadkaan wareystey" oo aan sal u noqoneynin arrintan.




    you are the one who performed the Autopsy without giving explanation behind the necessity of the procedure. I am surprised you didnt find any offense in the list posted above but my response to it touched a nerve! or anything posted in the Islam Section is sacred and deserves Jazakallahs only? If thats the case you may as well disable post-A-reply button.

  2. Castro,

    lol ..waxaad iloowdey dhiiggii xoolaha lagu qubeysan jiray si cudur looga dawoobo, intii kale sheegtey. :D



    mental diseases do exist (ADHD etc) and no they are not made up by incompetent doctors or hungry pharm companies. Having the magic cure for them is different story but at least acknowlegment is step forward to future therapy. Besides pills are not the only solution for many mental illnesses but behavior and pycho therapy plays big factors as well.


    About the spanking, we may have been traumatized by it. Ever thought that it could be whats causing the chaos back home for the last 15 yrs since Somalis are/were violent natured people? Parents dont even know simple easy ways to explain things to their kids... its mostly with angry tone, curse words and "ul".

  3. Somali names for boys;

































  4. Interesting Hadeeth.

    I wonder how dying from plague, stomach ache and pleurisy leads to martyrdom? There are hundreds of things that cause stomach ache or pleurisy, so which one could specifically lead to martyrdom?

    And if this means scale of suffering, I could think of other diseases that cause more suffering than above mentioned ones. Can someone elaborate please.

    On the other hand these may had been mysterious and terminal diseases with poor prognosis that had no Cure but now are easily treatable. Do you think time and place play factor?


    Just a thought

  5. Seeker,

    Knowing your source is crucial since u are throwing some numbers here and I agree with Castro that most rapes are committed by relative or someone the victim knows.

    Blaming partly the victim is like giving the rapists the green light. Rapists dont actually care what the victim's physical appearance is since the victim could be a child (boy or girl), woman or elderly and are sick ppl who get pleasure from the pain of others.

  6. As-salafia


    Hadaan kaaga jawaabo su'aashaada HAA wanaag intaa ka badan ayuu u samayn jiray odaygaa xaaskiisa in kastoon aniga arimahooda hoose aanan waxba ka ogayn"qubayn" iyo waxyaabahaa.

    Ninka cago subkintiisa iyo islaantaa gabadheeda oo North America ninkeeda ugu qabeynayseyba waad ka warqabtaaye, dumarka wixii loo qabtey maxaa ku ogeysiin waayey? Wanaag intaa ka badan uun baad heysaaye wanaaggu nimankaasi u qabteen xaasaskooda waa maxay?


    lama arag haweenay ninkeeda u wanaagsan oo baariyad u ah oo isaguna uu xumaynayo ........waxaase la arkaa inta badan nin wanaagsan oo ay xaaskiisu xumayso ooysan u wanaagsanayn


    Waxaad ku soo jawaabtey adiga iyo intaad wareysatey... ma Intaa ayaa u daliil noqoneysa Soomaali oo idil? Tira koobka aad wareysatey imasey dhan yihiin? maxaad ku salleysay? Su'aalahaad wareysatey maxay ahaayeen? Maad noo soo bandhigtid si aan u aragno natiijada aad gaartey.

    Qeybta ugu yaabka badanse waxaa weeye sidaad u tiri; "lama arag" haweeney ninkeeda u fiican iyo "inta badan" waxaa la arka ninwanaagan ...


    But then again what else could one expect when you are the one who posted the initial article... to post the list, with no additional refutation, means u agree with it.



    You cant answer the questions I asked you relating to my post you deleted?

  7. way jireen hooyooyin sameeya in ka mida waxyaabahaa,aniga waxan arkay islaan odaygeeda cagaha u maydhi jirtay markay soomaaliya joogtay oo intay cidiyaha ka jarto saliid u marin jirtay odaygeeda markuu shaqada ka yimaado.


    Cago mayrid iyo isu qabeyn maahan wax weyn oo labada qof ee is qaba isu sameeyaan ama dan ha keento ama dooq ha u geeyee. Su'aasha taaganse waxaa weeye ninkaa lugaha loo saliideynayey waligii xaaskiisa cagaha ma u subkey markiisa? Mase u meyray? mise waxaagu waa Gabadhu ha dhabar jabto ninkuna ha raaxeysto?

  8. Bird flu or Avian Influenza virus could cause more catastrophe with its potential to mutate and possibility of human - human transmission that can make pandemic across the world.


    Media has been showing quite an interest in it and sometimes seem to cause unnecessary fear in ppl who dont have much of knowledge of health care. I dont know their special interest or reasons of closely following or exaggerations of it but they have done the same with SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome).

  9. Yes, whynot?

    One has to make his/her stand very clear on this issue before marriage and if woman wants it written, she has every right to do so.



    Who is talking about haram and halal? This is called a choice and every woman is entitled to it. No need to turn and twist into something else.



    Whats so phobia about it? Arent there things you DONT share with anyone else? that you like to keep it to yourselves? that you dont even want to share with your loved ones?

    If you are willing to offer therapy, it may be better to show some men the benefits of faithfulness.






    quote:Originally posted by Jamelia:


    quote:Originally posted by liibaan:

    Although I probably would never have more than one wife, I still would not sign a contract like that.


    Why not, is it because you wish to keep all your options open?


    Most definitely!! [big Grin]

    what about your wife(future wife)? how will she keep her options open? Ohh I guess that is not your concern or it doesnt matter to you!

  10. Besbaaso,

    Thanks for the correction.




    you are right thats wrong interpretation. "Sanqaroorka" is the nasal septum and Tibia is big bone in the leg below the knee as you can see the figure posted by Femme Fatale. The small bone is called Fibula. I dont know any Somali words for those.



    You are right, Uterus is also called "Min".


    Femme Fatale,

    no problem.





    Sperm..........dont know Somali word for it. Some use the word "shahwo" which could be Arabic but it refers to semen.


    Anyone knows these in Somali?



  11. English ...........................Somali



    -Pelvic Bone.....................Siman









    -Bone Marrow.....................Dhuux

    -Urinary Bladder.................Kaadi-Heys


    -Heel of foot....................Cirib

    -Shoulder blade..................Garab(?)





    -Jaw ............................Fuq


    -The Systems.....................Habdhis







    -Spinal Cord.....................Xangulle









    -Urinary Bladder.................Kaadi-heys

    -Gall Bladder....................Xameeti




    -Lymph Node......................Qanjir



    -Artery..........................Xidid(dhiig- Mareen)




    -Red Blood Cells.................Unugyada cad-cad

    -White Blood Cells...............Unugyada gaduudan


    I cant think of more for now but will add later if I remember some more.

  12. Someone cant get over Zina is the main cause of HIV/AIDS! It is sexual encounter regarless of marital status. There are many people who didnot have Zina but unfortunately get HIV through husband/wife. That person could be my/your sister or brother who remained chaste but end up marrying infected person. We need to realise Condoms are not only for Single people!


    And education is not only about condoms but includes abstinence, sreening one another before marriage, awareness of the disease, treatment options etc.

    Heck, the same article states 70% of young Somali girls have NOT hear about HIV/AIDS - It shows how much education is needed!

    Uganda is good example where HIV infection rate has dropped.

  13. It is beyond me how some people are trying to justify killings of others who do not want to believe in Islam any longer? Religion is based on personal belief and choice. Whether one is born to Muslim, christian, Jew, Hindi, Waaq or other religion shouldnt matter (since we cant chose our parents) - Its all about what sounds right to an individual.


    Isnt it sad to be born muslim if one cant declare his/her own belief and would either be killed or stay hypocrite for the fear of it? And a what contradiction and double standard you are showing - Islam is perfect and peaceful religion which welcomes those who want to convert from other religions but if some of us leave Islam, we behead them :rolleyes:



    Those who are salivating for killings of converts, you need to learn more about Quran instead of jumping to the Hadith you keep on quoting - there are verses like "let there be NO Compulsion in Religion" and "If it had been Allah's Will, all of the people on Earth would have believed. Would you then compel the people so to have them believe?” etc

    Or the Hadith sounds more important eh?



    I second that sis.

  14. CT scans take cross sectional images of the body.

    It is used with and without constrast - which is dye injected to the patient and outlines better certain features of the body. Before its discovery, doctors had to operate and do exploratory surgeries for certain conditions.




    This is CT scan of abdomen which is like as if you cut the body in half through abdomen and take pictures from below of upper half of the body.

    It shows Liver and gall bladder (left), Spleen (right), Stomach (Upper right - white balloon), upper part of Left kidney ( lower right - adjacent to spleen), Aorta (white ball in center), Vertebra with spinal cord (center -lower part), and Ribs (shiny white spots - 5 on each sides).



    Originally posted by Khayr:



    Did you know that to get Cat Scans and MRI's, you have to wait for months b/c they cost so much. Unless you are a professional or collegiate athelete, then you get them right away.

    I'm in need of one real badly b/c of my left knee but have been giving the run around for months and just ordinary x-rays that don't show anything about 'Tissues and Cartildge' but just show BONE.

    Depending on what part of the world you are at and the underlying condition. In most of developed countries CT scans and MRI are available and used all the time. There is no waiting period and in fact many patients' get during their ER visits( depending on their presentations). Outpatient scanning may be scheduled couple of days later but usually never months long.

  15. CT scans take cross sectional images of the body.

    It is used with and without constrast - which is dye injected to the patient and outlines better certain features of the body. Before its discovery, doctors had to operate and do exploratory surgeries for certain conditions.




    This is CT scan of abdomen which is like as if you cut the body in half through abdomen and take pictures from below of upper half of the body.

    It shows Liver and gall bladder (left), Spleen (right), Stomach (Upper right - white balloon), upper part of Left kidney ( lower right - adjacent to spleen), Aorta (white ball in center), Vertebra with spinal cord (center -lower part), and Ribs (shiny white spots - 5 on each sides).



    Originally posted by Khayr:



    Did you know that to get Cat Scans and MRI's, you have to wait for months b/c they cost so much. Unless you are a professional or collegiate athelete, then you get them right away.

    I'm in need of one real badly b/c of my left knee but have been giving the run around for months and just ordinary x-rays that don't show anything about 'Tissues and Cartildge' but just show BONE.

    Depending on what part of the world you are at and the underlying condition. In most of developed countries CT scans and MRI are available and used all the time. There is no waiting period and in fact many patients' get during their ER visits( depending on their presentations). Outpatient scanning may be scheduled couple of days later but usually never months long.

  16. Originally posted by Qac Qaac:

    Opinionated r u saying we should give condoms out in our back home country, Somalia.



    in this case same situation, if ppl are doing zina is because they are not educated in their religion very well, or they very weak, and fellow their desire. but u giving a condom to them, u saying, U COULD DO IT. BUT DO IT SAFELY.


    see sis, islam prevents stuff, before it happens, so no zinaa, and aids have no place to occur anyways. this is one of the beautiful things in our religion.


    not good idea to give condoms out, and assuming this will stop the disease, boy r u wrong. look every country that has this disease, they lots of condoms, how come they don't help.

    no zina, no disease, u want zina with condoms, still there is disease simple as A B C.

    Qac Qaac;

    HIV/AIDS is NOT about Zina. Yes, the virus is transmitted mostly through sexual intercounter but there are people who get from their spouses, kids through pregnancy, accidental needle sticks in health care workers, and lets not forget blood transfusion esp in Somalia where relatives donate and the patients receives without any screenings!!

    It wasnt that long ago when someone posted about incident of HIV/AIDS in Galkayo where whole family were destroyed.

    It is too naive to say Religion will protect me from infection(s).

    BTW, Banning condoms and giving out are two different things - Dont see where anyone is saying distribute condoms.

  17. Originally posted by Modesty:

    but u should be killing all the muslims who became christian if they don't rebunt back to allah.


    That's what I learned. A muslim that believes then disbelieves should be killed according to an authentic hadith.

    Whatever happened to "Lakum Diinakum wali Diini"?:


    Say: O unbelievers,(1)

    I serve not what you serve,(2)

    nor do you serve what I serve,(3)

    nor shall I serve what you are serving,(4)

    nor shall you be serving what I serve.(5)

    To you your religion, and to me my religion.(6)


  18. OG_Girl has provided and explained well about the verse 4:129 and it doesnt say "may" but "will not" or "never" be fair, so this whole notion of as long as he can do it fairly goes out of the window. Second thing, there is this another verse in Quran that goes:


    Marry those among you who are single, or the virtuous ones among yourselves, male or female: if they are in poverty, Allah will give them means out of His grace: for Allah Ample-giving, and He knoweth all things(24:32).


    So according to this verse, why would woman go for married man when God said "Marry single among you"

  19. Would you list Soomaali Dhaqan from A-Z? There is a lot of accusation going on around here but it seems "this culture" some people are so obsessed with should be clarified!

    It is kinda weird some people remember about culture when it comes to relationship, gender issues,house chore etc.