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Posts posted by runawayvirgin

  1. Khayr: the hadith says "khalil"

    which is someone very close, like your best friend or people you see in a daily bases; not for school or work, but because you've estaplished some sort of bond. People you chat with, work with, or people you have external factors getting you together do not count as Khalils.

  2. lol@ conspiracy :D

    1st of all, she's not somali nor muslim so feel a bit better. hadeey Somali ahaan lahayd waa horaan hilfaha u tuuri lahaa!! . As for being homophopic, why bother? maxad aakhiradaada isu seejinaysa? qof walba aakhiradiisa isagaa kasbada..naceybkaad u qabtid qof Illahey abuurtey waa danbi kugu socda!


    Checkmate I can't deny the fact that I am ridiculously irresistible but I have nothing to do with this one :D


    Now, I totally disagree with the saying "you're what your friends are"!! that only applies when you spent your entire time with a certain person.

  3. I consider SOL my 3rd house and that makes you my third family. So, take a minute feel special and please check this out:D

    One of my friends moved to Europe about a year ago. We kept in touch tho(msn, aim, sometimes phone calls). Anyhow, the girl told me she's visiting this summer which was really cool till she dropped the bomb!! She said she is a confirmed lesbian now!!! I AM NOT A HOMOPHOPIC but I started to pay attention to things I neglected along the way such as her saying that:

    1- I was pretty

    2-She can't wait to see me again


    3-having one of my pictures in her profile

    4-back in high school always asking me to sleepover

    5-remembering a dress I wore 3 years ago


    My question is am I over reacting or I really should be alarmed?

  4. Nurture Vs. Nature?

    how could we really know whether we were born as Abuls or Rasmis? Also, on what bases do we actually differenciate Nurture from Nature? I mean is there specific measurement that clarify what type of charactristics we adapt from our environment and Charactristics that are natural?


    people change to fit in because that is what their society advocates. I think Psychology is a study based on confusion(@least for me).

  5. Pacifist: Bill Maher does not pick on a certain religion I think he believes that all of them are out to get him :D

    Ms. Swan: I tel you,! I tell you! He.........looked like a man!!! loooooool


    Also, do not make me forget Margaret Cho (Notorious Cho). I never thought Asian people could be that funny!!!

  6. I'm Rick James!! Gotta love chappelle!


    Bill Maher (real time) absolutely funny , The daily show(my favorite news), Ali G(anything), CONAN O'BRIEN( very goofy and I luv his obsession with his hair do)

  7. Over Swept:) :D


    Q. Why did the man put his money in the freezer?


    A. He wanted cold hard cash!





    Q. What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?


    A. Frostbite.





    Q. How do crazy people go through the forest?


    A. They take the psycho path.





    Q. What do prisoners use to call each other?


    A. Cell phones.





    Q. What do you get from a pampered cow?


    A. Spoiled milk.





    Q. Where do polar bears vote?


    A. The North Pole





    Q. Where do snowmen keep their money?


    A. In snow banks.





    Q. What's brown and sticky?


    A. A stick.





    Q. Why do sea-gulls fly over the sea?


    A. Because if they flew over the bay they would be bagels!





    Q. What dog keeps the best time?


    A. A watch dog.





    Q. Why did the tomato turn red?


    A. It saw the salad dressing!





    Q. How do you make a tissue dance?


    A. Put a little boogey in it!





    Q. Where do bees go to the bathroom?


    A. At the BP station!





    Q. What did the water say to the boat?


    A. Nothing, it just waved.





    Q. What did the fish say when he swam into the wall?


    A. Dam!





    Q. Why don't skeletons fight each other?


    A. They don't have the guts.

  8. Action Jackson: Just be careful when you download anything from Kazaa! Normally, when you have shared file within kazaa it's easy for anyone to hack into your system. It's better to download the software from any tax related website. If you can do that more power to ya ;)

  9. Kiwich: I love (leaving on a jet plane)!!!



    How deep is your love: the Bee Gees

    I will love again(ballad): Lara Fabian

    Falling into you, Tell him: Celine Dion

    You shook me all night long: ACDC

    My all: Mariah Carey

    Anything boyzIImen

    If you're not the one: Daniel Bedingfield

    HEAVEN: Bryan Adams

    HEllo!! Richie

    I'm here without you baby: Three Doors Down......not so old but a good song.

    Tainted love Soft Cell(one hit wonder)