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Posts posted by Faarax-Brawn

  1. LOL@Rokko.


    Brotha, Theres something that happened between me and the cute girl.


    That something is Me Laughing @her Crazy Name.


    TF is LEMON? :confused:


    ZU, Sxb, You must love chicken,

  2. Folks. This is not a simple issue. There many legalities, deals and contracts that were signed long before any of us were born.


    Many of these loans were given for political purposes like loyalty during the cold war to corrupt regimes.as a result during the oil crisis,rising iterest rates just made it worse.


    Now My quetsion is, suppose that a corrupt regime like that of MOBUTO SESESEKO went into a quetionable and totally illegitimate deal with some financier from switztzerland, are the ppeople of CONGO responsible for the actions of a corrupt leader? what about the actions of the financier?



    Is this considered stolen wealth? are debts that improvish a country considered a debt anymore? Must you starve to repay debts that are quetsionable in the first place?



    When all this is said done, Who will PAY FOR THIS????


    I am working on a project on debt releif.

  3. Salaam Aleeykum.


    Now that i have your attention, Let me apologise and say theres nothing important. But read on and you will realise why i headed the Topic 'IMPORTANT'. icon_razz.gif



    Around 6am this morning, I went and decided to get fuel at the local gas station.(i didnt need it), and decided to have a nice hot cup of English toffee. I was in a jovial mood. I decided to chat up with the friendly cute customer service girl. Such a hard worker, her shift wasn’t over until 7am, but still she managed to smile and be warm.(it could be the fact that she was listening to LIL JON and the Eastside Boys) and if you must know, it was his ‘I DON’T GIVE A F.C.U.K track….but I don’t wanna be stereotyping now .


    Anyway, let me not get side tracked, after all I came to the store for business. So I gave her my credit card and charge me for my gasoline and of course the ENGLISH TOFFEE. She reads out my name loudly, she goes hmmm…’Unusual name’, I said huh? Since I was busy cursing ,huffing and puffing along with LIL JON. :D Then she repeats it, I politly tell her, oh am not from around here and proceeded bouncing to the tune.


    we chat up some more about the weather, work and HIP-HOP and thangs while signing my bill. she SAID said ‘THANK YOU’…MR … come again. and i responded back in the usual. sure will, bla bla etc etc.

    Just before I left, this rastafari brotha showed up and came behind the counter, Now As a law abiding farax I was like, OW S H I T! , things done gone crazy up in here,Why did you come here in the first place. I said to my farax self, You better get the F outta here before things get crazy.


    I started heading towards the door when suddenly she yells, ‘Heeeeeeyyyyy IMPORTANT’!!, You are here EARLY! He calmy and easily says in a lazy soft husky voice, ‘Hey Lemon’!Wassup? ye I know I got up early.


    Lemon? IMPORTANT? I said to myself.


    I was perplexed, humored to say the least and I was compelled to ask:


    Yo!, is he that important to you? Or yawl likes calling each other pet names?


    She s like, No sir, Those are our NAMES. He’s Important and am LEMON!


    I left The store laughing.


    Have you heard of ludicrous names before? Some names are just too weired to be said. icon_razz.gif



  4. So. How does it taste, B? Would you recommend it?

    It tastses just like chicken. i would recommend you eat snow. Its healthy. :D



    ^^it tastes like water ie just like ice cubes,

    Let me Guess, Afka Ayaad u dhigatay when it was snowing eh????? :D

  5. Originally posted by Legend of Zu:

    ^^^ these ppl got issues..I say..Go and eat the snow " waa lagu cadaadaa"..hehehehe


    Silly faraxs and faaraxads!!!


    Some folks i know here(am not naming names!-for security purposes) will follow your advice and eat some snow.


    icon_razz.gif Tolow ......mhmmmm

  6. Juba.


    so your suggesting i go out in the streets with a megaphone and scream "Down with Valentines Day!!!!!" i just don't think its that serious. Its not like its forced down our throats, that would be a whole nother topic.

    LOL. :D Good one.



    Laakin who da hell will see you? PPL will be tripping over you. Such a Dwarf you are. :D

  7. ^YOU! :D


    am gonna respond to you in the words of a Dr SaM Vacknin(some names!), anyways what was i saying? Yes Yes, Self Depricating Homour. ahh, that perfect narcissist style.


    "A narcissist rarely engages in self-directed, self-deprecating humour. If he does, he expects to be contradicted, rebuked and rebuffed by his listeners ('Come on, you are actually quite handsome!'), or to be commended or admired for his courage or for his wit and intellectual acerbity ('I envy your ability to laugh at yourself!'). As everything else in a narcissist's life, his sense of humour is deployed in the interminable pursuit of Narcissistic Supply."

    Mhhh.......... icon_razz.gif

  8. UD & Phnx. Thanks for the Input.


    Granted, this is not a phenomenon that is limited to Africans. True, many developing nations face the same dilemma. However I am an African, I hail from the Motherland. My focus is Africa. The title said ‘Africa’.


    That’s beside the point, for I was speaking of celebrities and their need (obsession?) to speak, sing and dance for Africa and then turn around (as sir Geldof did) give up half way down the road.

    However what particularly irked me about sir Geldofs statement was not the words or the crude language he used. See as the founder of Africa live, I thought his statement on this particular issue was quite unforgivable. These comments, which were made as Africa has moved to the top of the agenda of the Group of Eight rich nations (of course to discuss debt forgiveness and development) made me wonder why did this man waste all his time and energy in the first place campaigning for Africa’s issues.


    Now in defense of sir geldof I believe his sentiments are somewhat understandable. I mean he is right when he says who is interested in the president of Niger, (do you even know his name?), comes to CNN and tells the western audience about how great Niger is. Will John smith carpenter listen to this man? To their audience (john Jane smith) that’s just another N-I-G-G-A. Trying to get some of his cash.


    Now, the picture changes if a white man (famous one), shows up and speaks for Africa and all over sudden the media, the pundits and all that comes with chant the old cry of ‘Africa needs help’. Is this racism?


    Some one is a racist. Be it the audience, sir geldof, or the CEO at the news channels. Does racism play a role in this?


    i dont know what to think anymore.


    It's not enough to have a forum to speak, but what will you say when you get the chance?

    this is the quetsion of the century. But if and when i know what to say, will they hear me?

  9. If one of us reserves the right to offend others with impunity and ask us to rely on his inner thoughts and intentions for us to make the judgment of whether the uttered remarks are offensive I say that person is being unreasonably stubborn and recklessly provocative

    Baashi, Earlier in this thread i commented on the above remark you just wrote out there.(of course with less words and charisma!). No one paid attention to me.


    I will quote myself below. (See the striking similarities and of course the difference of the language.), Btw this is what I meant when I said I was gastronomically disturbed @ your attempt to be correct.



    Fine, stubborn older middle aged men cant even have the face and (and face!) to simply accept an err they made. Come on man.



    If one writes something that someone FINDS offensive, then comes back and says they have the right to offend, then comes back and says their intention was not to offend, but still have the right to offend if it was meant not to offend. Then one can safely conclude that the poster is indeed a flip-flopper(ala-john Kerry),


    I also believe outside interference (read mediocre paralegal/groupies) who felt the need to speak for the poster (that he didn’t mean to offend but rather…) when indeed the poster himself titled the topic, how he has the right to offend if he so wishes.) Had something to do with the poster standing his ground about how he has the right to offend and then saying he never meant to offend. Can a man stand by his words these days???



    Anyway This is a phenomenon that I have seen lately where people reply to personality rather than the content of the subject.


    People come in and try to ‘speak’ for the other side, while clearly disregarding the obvious.

  10. You are from Seattle eh?


    heres an alternative for you folks out there(includng me who hate Vday!)


    But please rem to Make xalal. :D



    SEATTLE, Washington (AP) -- This Valentine's Day, forget the flowers and chocolate. Cherie Byrd has a better idea: Learn to pucker up.


    Byrd, a psychotherapist who teaches kissing, thinks Americans should use their lips to speak to their sweethearts instead of their wallets.


    "We're so money-oriented, so consumer-oriented that our relationships get drawn into that quality as well," she said. "This is one day when we might want to step back from this sense of possession and ask ourselves: What is the real gift we want to offer our beloved?"


    For Byrd, the answer is clear: A smooch. And with this gift, it's definitely the thought that counts.


    "A lot of people say, 'Am I putting too much tongue? Is there too much nibbling? Is there too much mashing of lips? Well, all of those things can get in the way. More importantly what gets in the way is there's no connection. It's kind of a dead fish kiss that's the real bummer," she said.


    Byrd, author of "Kissing School: Seven Lessons on Love, Lips and Life Force," has instructed 400 couples in one-day "playshops." Her advice? Breathe, concentrate and engage "the electricity in your body."


    Or more precisely: "Cultivate the art of the merging of the lips and the merging of the heart and the merging of the connection with your partner."


    Sound a little advanced? Step one: Relax.


    "Slowing way down is really helpful, getting really focused, really feeling into your own heart," she said.


    Step two: Make eye contact and deliver a message -- perhaps of love or tenderness.


    "Whatever that message is, it needs to be carried into the quality of the kiss," she said.


    Step three: Forget multitasking; pay attention.


    "Focusing is essential and it means all of you, right down to the curling of your toes needs to be engaged in this," she said.


    If after all that, the kiss fails to deliver, maybe you should find another Valentine. A bad kiss, Byrd said, "foretells the kind of disconnect that might be happening should the relationship continue."


  11. Mx Xu.


    No Pun Intended,but if a woman can get Waxing,whats that to a caveman? icon_razz.gif



    Besides, i take pleasure in pain.


    You're a funny man. Did you say you look like a caveman? I don't think waxing will do the trick in that case, maybe you should lie under my grass mower for couple of days

    You are lucky i like you. :D


    But just for rebbutall purposes:(and having the last word) ;)


    I say unto You.Would you even know how to operate the damn thing? Lest you chop off valuable assets? :D

  12. Asalaam Aleykum.


    Gents and Ladies.


    "Who's interested if the leader of Niger goes on Newsnight? It's 'Get Geldof'. I'm 'Mr. Bloody Africa'. I'd dearly love not to have to go there the day after tomorrow. More often than not it bores me profoundly - the pace of change is far too slow, and Africans excuse their own complicity in exactly the same way as our politicians.

    "Bizarrely, in our society there's confusion between politicians and celebrities. Bono and I are under no illusions. We have an ability to articulate the great wound of the 21st century, and have access to politicians. But would Bono prefer to do this or be in U2? Hello?"

    I found this Statement to be Very irritating, demeaning and most importantly true to its core. Sir Geldof spoke the above statement. He, (rightly so) is fed up and tired of speaking for Africa. He finds it boring. He regrets that he should never have spoken for Africa in the first place.



    My Question to you learned Sons and daughters of Africa,


    Is it that the Western Media doesn’t give Africa airtime? Are African leaders ignored? Are African leaders capable of stepping up to the plate? Is there even a dynamic African leader today? (Except for Mandela.)


    Why are Other people speaking for Africa? Where are the leaders?


    Why do they have the need to speak,act and sing for Africa? Then turn around and give up halfway?


    Do they do it for Publicity?, do they do it for selfishness? Are they Genuine?


    What are the repercussions, consequences and effects of these kinds of bias (or negligence from Africans?)


    What would you suggest? Given the chances will you speak for AFRICA?

  13. I believe (and its my personal opinion) that majors like film studies, social studies, philosophy, history, International Relations, Women Studies, Music, Arts and Information Systems are wothless majors... and yeah.. u read that right, Information Systems is as useless of a major as the those i mentioned..

    Asalaam Aleykum , AJ. I am here this morning again to give you love. Its valentines after all eh?. :D



    Anyways, What do you suggest ppl to study?

  14. ^when you are finished with your waxing, can i use the left overs?


    I look like a caveman and i could use some waxing on my back. icon_razz.gif;) You could also give me a hand.(I have a funny feeling you could enjoy torturing a man.) NO? am pusshing it?

  15. Oh yes ofcourse I was, I was going for that whole Julia-Roberts-Pretty-Woman look

    :eek: She must have watched the movie then. Parhaps, thats what triggered the grocery dropping icon_razz.gif


    You rem Julia's character dont you?. She prolly worried that some white rich man will stop his convertable and charm the xalimo out of you!. :D


    I tell you we under estimate some of these hooyos. They know stuff!. She musta watched the movie like several times.

  16. It's just those heavy metal keychains that dangle on the side of my trousers, and spiky metal armbands and suchlike. I don't wear them all the time, only when I feel a bit rebellious

    Are you by any chance feeling rebelious now? as you wrote this piece?

  17. Like the woman for example, a while ago, who felt compelled to drop her groceries and run to me from across the street and tell me point blank that she did not like the shoes I was wearing because they were drawing too much attention.

    HeHe. You were not by any chance wearing knee high boots were you?

  18. Ms Xu. I understand your predicament dearest. Strangers have no right in any part of your life. You have every right to tell them off.


    As much as they rudly come into your space and lecture you, you also have the right to tell em off. Your call.


    Back in africa, Everyone was a parent. the baadiye guy who brings milk to the town could suddenly out of nowhere become a walid to you. He sees you playing in muddy water and he starts yelling and using every curse word in the somali language. Some even have the nerve to start chasing you with the stick they herd their camels with. And beleive me oh my, they will hit you with it.


    Who gave them the responsibility me wondered, who gave them the authority me pondered,


    Then ,years later while am sitting in the bathroom reading my MAXIM( icon_razz.gif of course very very far away from any somali person! ), the old african adage came to my mind. it went like this.


    Its takes a village to raise a child

    While we may not be living in a village, the somali diaspora is by itself some kind of a village. Thats why many a somali man becomes shrek(green?) whenever he sees a somali beauty with a non somali.


    Or whenever a somali person sees another somali in a 'non somali' kind environmet, we have the urge, maybe even a sensation to say something about it. its in our fabric. Its not just aimed @you parse. Its a phenomenon among many african societies.


    Advice: Do like i have done many times, i tell them in the Harshest N. american accent. 'I DONT SPEAK SOMALI!'....they leave me alone while muttering something in the lines of 'these kids these days and all that crap!.


    i shrug and put on my ipod on!



    I know, if you're wearing as much metal chains as I am, you're bound to get weird looks and comments

    Just curious, what parts of your body are the metal chains on?. ??

  19. I hear u son! But don’t u despair cuz next time you would have to just look through ur screen! Inside the box, there will be the real deal...the “shock and awe†- operation the social grace! All those “shadows†that annoy u so much will be dealt and dealt harshly. Words on the screen will be translated into their binary dialect so that the sequence of the highs and lows or 0s and 1s will be subjected to a thorough examination. Nothing will escape from the “social grace†operation. In the end your shadowy opponents will be neutralized simply because you would be in a position to understand the inner workings of the machine language, compilers, translators, and these very words on the screen and the warm blooded fingers that type them which happen to belong to some faceless, grave-sucking, name-changing character in a far away land

    Ok adeer. I will follow your advice. :D



    NG. I Promise to comprehend(of course with your help!) if stop being boring. Deal?