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Posts posted by -Serenity-

  1. Nice accounts NG! I'm very happy to see you've had a change of attitude towards the people in Somaliland - I always knew they were kind, courteous people, living in difficult conditions.

  2. Hi North, are these your own pictures? Are you in Malaysia?


    It seems everyone on SOL has decided to travel in April/May.. !

  3. Speaking of Borama, Xigigo, is it true that Borama is an earthquake prone zone? And you get minor tremors on a regular basis? Some1 I was asking about building property there warned me against it.

  4. Nothing sad about not wasting your time in the perpetual but completely time-wasting 'cultural awareness' And Somali related events. Infact, I would say these places are the breeding grounds for hate and the perpetuation of whatever it is that divides somalis (politics, qabiil, etc).


    Basically I concur with North here

    Can I conclude the opposite? Kids who know very little about their culture and mix with others are less likely to have an inferiority complex when older than those who do.

  5. Of all the id*otic topics to get ranting and rude about in this section, you guys choose this? Talk about really loosing focus…


    A dua is the LEAST of what anyone can offer a fellow Muslim and I do fail to see jidhka idinka go'aya if you offer your dua to Amna, whether what she is seeking is important or trivial from your perspective. If thats what she wants, and it will make her happy, maxaad ugu diideysiin? I'm not sure where all this animosity for the girl is coming from... :confused:


    Amna, you certainly have my dua! May you have someone befitting of you come your way. Amiin. There is nothing wrong with seeking a halal marriage at the right time for the right reasons.

  6. One thing I noticed about job adverts in Africa (and sometimes ME) is that they are extensively long in their person requirements, such that one always feels unqualified for them. Then you look at the salary and its crap! And I've seen some roles where the job description is miles long, but the job itself a monkey could do.


    What is it? a trend?


    These jobs also stress on experience in number of years as opposed to talent/proven record. Someone with a broader variety of experience in different environments/roles is much more capable than some1 who had the same job for 10yrs!

  7. ^ My parents always made such a big fuss about going on holidays while we were growing up - everywhere we wanted to go was restricted by VISA and it become entrenched in the minds of my younger sisters. So when we decided to go to Somalia/land or were thinking of the idea, my sister asked in the most genuine of tone and concern to my dad 'But aabo, dont we need a Visa, we cant just go'. My parents felt bad for not teaching them more about our country since then...



    NG, just go! I'm actually tired of you going back and forth on the subject. But please, unless you absolutely have to, dont speak Soomaali - I assure you, you will get mercilessly picked on and taunted when you pronounce (i) as (en) :D

  8. ^The girl just asked a question, must you be insulting in your response? :mad:


    Talking about hypothetical questions of this nature with Somali men is an exercise in futility Siren.


    As for the topic - I would tell him I hate to make him cry - so no more knocking boots unless he can contain himself.