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Everything posted by roobleh

  1. The problem is not to have different interpretations on laws but blindly enforcing on others. Though wrong interpretations cause confussion, causing harm on others by enforcing it is cruel and against Islam.
  2. It is not hearsay anymore. The girl's father has spoken to VOA saying she was raped and was only thirteen. Subhaanalah!
  3. Sharia law, as is practiced now, restricts freedom of religion while the Quran proclaims such freedom as a gift of God. Isn't today's Sharia law restrict building new Churches for minority Christians?
  4. True that it is based on the revelation but sharia is still an interpretation saaxiib. You can differ views on many issues or change views later to make it easy for the people. Calif Omar once approved for Muslims to marry temporarily but later out-lawed the practice.
  5. So what's holding us from seeing Sharia as an interpretation that is subject to criticism and not confuse it with the Quran and the Sunnah?
  6. Sharia is a system that is based on the Quran, the Sunnah, and fiqh. It is a combination of the revealed and the unrevealed. While the Quran and Sunnah are sacred and beyond revision, Sharia, on the other hand, is one that is open to analysis and criticism. Isn't it our responsibility to analyse and reject any interpretations of the Quran that contradicts how the Prophet(peace be upon him) ruled?
  7. Bob, are u trying to say that since warlords were killing innocents,it's okay for these colts to do the same? I condemn both of those barbaric acts. But these horrible acts are not the same. Killing innocents in the name of God is much more horrible cuz it paints also Islam as barbaric. Their acts are helping anti-Islam movements and damaging our religion.
  8. Shame.Shame.Shame These self-serving colts need to be stopped. Islam laws are more than just translations. It is a system that needs one to take all the necessary precautions to do just.
  9. Sidii labakaclaynta Kacaanka oo kale. Halla baaruud?
  10. Cabdiyo, the feeling of romance was not due to the coffee itself but its hotness. By the way, coffee can help the tool stay harder for hard jobs. As this study suggests, also coffee may diminish the bust size but increases its firmness. That's a fair trade, I think.
  11. Waa runtaa oo adiga beerkaa kuu nafaqo badan. Waa kugu adagtahay muqumadda calaalinteedu. JB, yaanuu haarataag ku dillin ee bahasha dhin.
  12. Waa niyow ilaa aad albaabkan soo garaacdo kahor ma quraac doonatid miyaa? Maad bushka xabad laxooxa oo kulul iyo beer u raadsatid.
  13. NGONGE has been busy throwing net traps all around her for awhile. As soon as he started sending the code word "heaven" to his dozen cousins around the world, her PM box is suddently under invasion. Someone said the other day that her PM is full all the way. But u can try it for urselfes. Just say hi ibti, congratulations and boom it comes back at u. But that's a rumor though could be true. Unless u try it, Who knows. She's taken guys. Blame NGONGE! His threats could be ignored but be aware of his younger cousins-they break bones for fun. Now lets take our revenge! First, lets brainstorm for a minute... >congratulations Ibti, but beaware! Yeah, I'm full of it today. Well, I was on duty last night, and doing the same tonight. So, I've to go now. Bye y'all!
  14. Ibti, good luck and congrats. Now drink a cup of hot tea for me. Until next time, macasalaama.
  15. What are ur experiences people. Guys, do not take ur girl out for romance and offer her an ice cream. Bad Idea!
  16. Link found between physical and emotional warmth In a study with interesting implications, people who held a cup of hot coffee for 10 to 25 seconds warmed to a perfect stranger. Holding a cup of iced coffee had the opposite effect. By Denise Gellene October 24, 2008 Looking to improve your romantic odds? Get your date a steaming cup of coffee. That's the implication of a new study by researchers who wanted to see if there was any connection between physical and emotional heat. To their surprise, they found that people who held a cup of hot coffee for 10 to 25 seconds warmed to a perfect stranger. Holding a cup of iced coffee had the opposite effect. If you want to make a good impression, advised study author Lawrence E. Williams, a University of Colorado at Boulder assistant professor of marketing, a fresh cup of coffee "may bias the situation in your favor." The study, to be published today in the journal Science, is the latest to show how physical properties such as distance or temperature can unconsciously influence emotional reactions. In a previous experiment, for example, people who were asked to plot remote points on a graph expressed distant feelings about relatives afterward. "Our mental processes are not separate and detached from the body," said John A. Bargh, a Yale University psychologist and co-author of the current study. The findings raise the potential for manipulation beyond matters of the heart. Williams said it was not hard to envision marketers using warm cookies to make connections with customers -- and prime them to buy. By the same token, Bargh said, shoppers who want to resist pushy salespeople could improve their chances by carrying an icy can of soda in a pocket. But when it comes to personal relationships, researchers said, a hot beverage can't always overcome awkward habits and distasteful traits. "If I had a nice, warm cup of coffee with Adolf Hitler, I'm still not going to like him," Bargh said. In the latest study, a lab worker asked each of 41 subjects to hold a cup of warm or iced coffee. They were then asked to rate the personality of an unidentified person whom researchers described as "skillful, industrious, determined, practical and cautious." People who had held the warm coffee gave the stranger an average score of 4.7 on a seven-point scale, better than the average score of 4.3 from people who had held the iced coffee. In a second experiment, a lab worker asked 53 participants to evaluate either a heated or a frozen therapeutic pad. After completing that task, the subjects were told they could choose as a reward either a cold drink or an ice cream that they could either keep for themselves or share with someone else. Of the people who had handled the hot pad, 54% chose a reward to share with a friend, and 46% picked a reward for themselves. Among those who had touched the cold pad, 25% selected a reward meant for sharing, and 75% chose an item for themselves. "Physical warmth can make us see others as warmer people but can also cause us to be warmer -- more generous and trusting -- as well," Bargh said. Researchers postulated that the association between temperature and emotional warmth begins in infancy, when the physical warmth of being held is connected to food, safety and love. Later in life, a hot cup of coffee or a warm bath might activate memories of those feelings, they said. But Piotr Winkielman, a psychology professor at UC San Diego, questioned whether the experiment actually tapped an emotional pool. Only a brain scan would reveal that, he said. "Is there emotion involved? Or is it just a thought floating in their heads?" he asked.
  17. Ibti, I guess he was either trying to protect u or don't want to see u off with some other dude other than his cousin. Anyway, this was the exchange from JBs post: The lift, the girl, and the khat. roobleh: "dumaashi" so ibti is out-of-reach now? Or I'm jumping before the gun! NGONGE: "^^ For you, she's always been out of reach, saaxib. If she as much looks at you I promise to strangle her with her own masar". Have fun guys. See u later (tomorrow?), IA.
  18. Let me find it. Purdon me being so slow. I'm doing some work too.
  19. Dont u know what Ngonge said yesterday about u?. When did he assume the role of bodyguard? hope he's brave enough to say it again. But the dude scared me to death!
  20. call me an observer ya ibt! am working, so dont wanna lose concentration if get envolved. Also, the bodyguard (odayga bidaarta leh) baan ka baqayaa inuu masarkaaga kugu bakhtiiyo hadaan move gareeyo.
  21. This is the Troll Corner at its best. Maanshallah! ShaxShax, keep it moving.
  22. roobleh


    Fyr, Thanks for ur community awareness. As you've mentioned, The problem is that more than 90% of the humans have this antigen on their RBCs. Therefore, those of us who do not have it make anti-s antibodies in our blood, ready to destroy or hemolyze the donors blood. The other problem is that this antibody is an IgG type and can cross the placenta and thus cause hemolytic disease of the new born. So, please visit your local blood bank and donate.
  23. Norf, do u know a good website for medical professionals in uae. All those I come across do lack substance.
  24. NGONGE, u sure sound very confident odayahow. So, tell me why?
  25. "You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use Camel Milk Threads to post false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing..." Above is just a reminder! Hey guys, lets be civil to each other and show respect to forum sisters.