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Everything posted by Meiji

  1. This fighting has nothing to do with Islamic differences, but is just the latest manifestation of the decades old division of the city into Eastern and Western halves inhabited by two very hostile clans. Consequently, the groups identify themselves with the two opposing ''Islamic factions'' to maintain the division and animosity within the city. Let's hope that the inhabitants of the city will one day overcome the artificial division and animosity that is maintained by a few opportunists.
  2. Dagaal culus oo Magaalada Beledweyne ku dhaxmaraya Ciidamada Maamulka Islaamiga Goballka Hiiraan iyo kooxo ka soo horjeeda. Isniin, April 20, 2009(HOL): Mar kaliya ayay ku soo baraarugeen dadka ku dhaqan Magaalada Beledweyne dhawaaqa rasaas culus oo ay isku ridayaan Ciidamada Maamulka Goballka Hiiraan iyo kooxo ka soo horjeeda kuwaasoo sheegtay in ay ka tirsan yihiin Ururka Xisbul Islaam. Dagaalka oo markiisa hore ka qarxay Xaafadda Howl-wadaag ee Galbeedka Magaalada Beledweyne ayaa markii danbe ku fiday qeybo ka mid ah Xaafadaha Magaaladu ka kooban tahay, waxaana la dhigay Isbitaalka guud ee Magaalada Beledweyne dhaawaca Seddex Ruux oo rayid ah oo uu ka mid yahay ilo yar oo jira 2 Sano. Dadka dhaawacmay qaarkood ayaa waxaa ku dhacay qoriga hoobiyaha oo la isugu adeegsanyay dagaalka, iyadoo taasina ay naxdin ku beertay dadka ku dhaqan Magaalada Beledweyne oo hadda qaarkood ay bilaabeen in ay dagaalka ka qaxaan. Warar soo baxaya ayaa sheegaya in dagaalku ka bilowday muran la xiriira dhinaca Canshuuraha oo dhawaan Maamulka Goballka Hiiraan bilaabay in uu qaado, halka kooxaha ka soo horjeeda Maamulka ay sheegeen in aysan marnaba aqbali doonin qaadista Canshuurta. Maalintii shalay ayaa Mas'uul sheegtay in uu ka tirsan yahay Ururka Xisbul Islaam waxaa uu warbaahinta u sheegay in uusan jirin wax Maamul ah oo ay aqoonsan yihiin oo ka jira Gobolka Hiiraan, laakiin ay og-yihiin oo kaliya sida uu hadalka u dhigay koox yar oo dadka xoog ku heysta, waxaana uu intaas raaciyay in ay tallaabo ka qaadi doonaan. Dagaalka Maanta dhacaya ayaa dhinaca kale ku soo beegmay xili heenimadii xalay Bam kuwa gacanta laga tuuro ah lagu weeraray guri uu Magaalada Beledweyne ka tagan yahay Mas'uul ka tirsan Shirkadda Xawaalada Amal oo laguna Magacaabo Max'ed Shiikh Xasan, kaasi oo uu bamkaas dhaawac ka soo gaaray. Sidoo kalena Dagaalkan ayaa wuxuu ku soo beegmayaa iyadoo shalay maamulka Islaamiga ah ee Gobolka Hiiraan uu soo dhaweeyay go’aankii ay Dowladda Soomaaliya ku gaartay in Dalka Soomaaliya lagu xukumo shareecada Islaamka. Ilaa hadda ma'jiro wax war ah oo ka soo baxay dhinaca Maamulka Goballka Hiiraan waxaana la filayaa in saacadaha soo socda uu Maamulku ka hadlo dagaalka ka socda Magaalada Beledweyne. Wixii ku soo kordha dagaalka ka dhacay Beledweyne, kala soco halkan haddii uu Alle idmo Insha Allaah. C/raxmaan Diini, Hiiraan Online Beledweyn, Soomaaliya -------------------- -------------------- --
  3. Somalis lived before Oromo's in the Horn region that is now known as Somalia. Matter of fact, Oromo folks evicted large groups of Somalis from their lands in their expansion towards the north and northwestern corners of the Horn.
  4. Originally posted by Xaaji_xundjuf: Its funny how reer puntland forget all the shameful things they done during the Somali history. Working with foreigners may it be the Ethiopians. Or Italians during the colonial era. And how they try to act innocent, and that the so called puntland administration doesn’t know what is going on on Eyl Nugaal. Even the so called professor yesterday was talking to cnn saying there is a kingdom on the rise in north eastern Somalia puntland. And that they are linked with the piracy a sultanate of 200 years. And siicid samatar is not lying he is from puntland him self. He knows what’s going on You are wrong brother. Their leaders fit in that describtion not the ordinary people. The same with the ''Somali-diid'' secessionist leaders of Northwestern Somalia. The ordinary people are pure Somalis, and wish only the best for themselves and other Somalis. Stop with these generalisations.
  5. I soo Falaash aan ku soo wacee!!! Isniin, April 13, 2009(HOL): Macnaha eray bixintan (I soo Falaash aan ku soo wacee), waa tusaale gaaban oo aan doonayo inaan wax ku fahansiiyo dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed, balse marka hore aan fasiraad ka bixiyo macnahan. Eraybixintani waxa ay soo ifbaxday markii uu dalka Soomaaliya soo gaaray Aaladda la iskula hadlo ee Mobile Phones-ka, (Mobile-ka gacanta), kadib markii dadku ay qaateen Mobile-ka si ay iskula xiriiraan, mararka qaar amaba sida badan ayaa waxaa dhacda in qof aysan lacag badan ugu jirin Mobile-ka inuu damco inuu la xiriiro qofka uu doonayo, marka waxa uu sameynayaa (Flash), macnaha hal mar ayuu one Second Ring-gareynayaa qofka uu doonayo, markaas haddii uu qofkaas la Falaashay ay lacag ku filan ugu jirto wuu u soo jawaabayaa qofka Falaashay. Eraybixintan ayaa waxa ay igu soo maaxatay galabta (13.04.2009), mar ay dhegaheyga si weyn ugu soo dhacayeen Daryanka madaafiic ku hoobaneysa gudaha iyo hareeraha Suuqa weyn ee Bakaaraha oo ah Isha ganacsi ee ugu weyn ee dalkeena Soomaaliya, kaasoo ka imaaneysay xoogaga ciidamada AMISOM oo isugu jira Yugandha iyo Burundi, gaar ahaana kuwooda fariisinka ku leh Garoonka Aadan-cadde International. Madaafiicda ku soo dhacday Suuqa Bakaaraha ayaa iyadu jawaab u aheyd kuwo ka horeeyay oo tiro yar isla markaana aanan wax qasaare ah geysanin, kuwaasoo loo tuuray dhanka Garoonka Aadan-cadde xilligaasoo uu sii baxayay Senator ka socday dalka Mareykanka kaasoo booqasho hal maalin ah ku soo gaaray Muqdisho. Waxaa macnahan la mid ah, qolyaha aalaaba isku daya inay dadka dhexdooda ka tuuraan Madaafiic hoobiyeyaal ah kuwaasoo aan inta badan gaarin ama hareer mara halkii ay u wadeen, balse jawaabta laga bixiyo ay geysato qasaare weyn oo soo gaara shacabkan taagta daran leh ee iyagu muddo ku dhow 20 sano nasiibka u yeeshay Col u jooga. Qasaaraha galabta ka dhashay Madaafiicda ay rideen qolyaha Diinta sheeganaya ma aaney asiibin halkii ay la rabeen, haba ahaato inay doonayeen inay ku dilaan Senatorka basle ma dhicin, taas bedelkeedana Madaafiicdii jawaabta aheyd ee ku soo dhacay Suuqa Bakaaraha caddowgu wuu la helay bartilmaameedkiisii, sababtoo ah shacab ayuu laayay, waxaana taasika sii daran kuwii riday Hoobiyaha halkii ay ka rideen, kuma sii hakanayaan hal daqiiqo ee wey ka cararayaan, iyaga oo og inay ka dambeyso jawaab culus oo hali gelin karta naftooda. Marka su’aasha isweydiinta mudani waxay tahay adiga oo Soomaali sheeganaya haddii aad ka nixi weysay shacabkaaga oo aad kala nixi weysay in jugtan yar ay ka dambeyneyso Jug-weyn, ma ninka Kampala ka yimid oo calooshiis u shaqeystaha ah ayaa ka naxaya, taasi waa maya, su’aasha kalena waxa ay tahay, haddii aad xaq u dirir tahay, maada si fool ka fool ah dhexda inta u xiratid dagaal bareer ah la aadid Garoonka ileyn waxba kaama xigaan marka laga reebo Askari Yugandheys ah oo sita qoriga aad wadato mid la mid ah, (AK-47). Maxaa la gudboon shacabka Shacabka Soomaaliyeed, gaar ahaana reer Muqdisho, waa inay istaagaan una istaagaan iska dhicinta iyo ku jihaadista caddowga Guntaha ugu jira, waana ninka caadeystay inuu shacabka barqocad ka dhex rido Madaafiic yaryar, oo loogu jawaabayo kuwo ka waaweyn kana qasaaro badan, ayna dhalinyaradeenii iyo caruurteenii ku le’daan, waana inuu ogaado shacabka xittaa haddii uu wiilkiisa yahay midka ridaya Madfaca inay is hortaagan, haddii uu diidana waa xaq inay la dagaalamaan sababtoo ah, haddii aad fiirsato adiguna waad kula jirtaa xusuuqa iyo dhiig daadinta. Ugu dambeyntiina, waxaan leenahay Alle ha soo hanuuniyo kuwa diidan, Baaqa Culimada, Baaqa Odayaasha, Baaqa Shacabka, Baaqa Nabadda, Baaqa Dib u heshiisiinta, Baaqa Dowlad-nimada iyo Baaqa wada jirka dadka iyo dalka Soomaaliyeed, haddii Alle uusan hanuun la doonina hana dhaafiyo oo dabeysha ha raaciyo. Max’ed Cabdi goobe Muqdisho, Soomaaliya http://www.hiiraan.c om/news2/2009/apr/wa rarka_maanta13-6214. htm
  6. Che, Autonomy means that the provinces get wide responsibilities to take care of provincial matters. The central state should leave such matters to the provincial administration and should intervene only when things go out of hand. For example, the maintainenace of public safety, hygiene, education, the stimulation of the provincial economy and employment, spatial planning, and supervision of the municipal affaires and administration. In collaboration with other provinces or the central state the provincial administration can participate in tackling national problems that also manifest in their own province. Clan-federalism is creating a state for clans. The form this entity will get is also not the same, while one can get a large form (Somaliland), the other gets a smaller form in clan structure like Puntland, and some even go much smaller in clan structure like Maakhir or Galmudug. Another thing is, some Clan-state´s take on roles that should be done by a central state.
  7. What is beneath Somali soil belongs to Somalis. The sea, the land, the air is ´´Somali space´´. When other foreign powers invade this Somali Territory they do not say ´´we crossed into Puntland territorial sea, or air´´. Hence the same for what lies beneath the surface. Those who push for a Clan-Federalism want to monopolize Qeyraadka Dulka iyo Badda Soomaaliyeed which should be shared by Ummadda Soomaaliyeed. Anyways, let them laugh now....its all about the last laugh at the end of the day.
  8. Clan-Federalism is a short-lived disease like warlordism, secessionism and extremism. Insha allah, one by one they will dissapear and Somalia will be a strong centralized state, with autonomy to provinces to sort out provincial matters.
  9. Shabelle, Duke and Co are propagating for a clan-based Federalism and that is not workable. You can develop your ancestral regions, but that does not mean that you can dress up your clan and its land as a state that can compete with the central state of Somalia.
  10. Everything can be reversed, like the looted property given back to their rightfull owners, secessionism be reversed and the monopolizing of Somali natural resources be countered and shared amongst all Somali civilians . And IA we will get a central government with some autonomy to provinces, but not the clan-federalism that you and others propagate for.
  11. Duke, Mortars dont change the fact that Mogadishu is the centre. The centre were in the near future all foreign affaires of Somalia must be conducted from. The days of signing Oil deals with foreign entities in Garowe will come to an end IA.
  12. The visit of the American official has to do with the piracy. Which means the ´´Puntland admin´´ has been bypassed and they went straight for the centre (Mogadishu).
  13. More foreign interference in Somalia's affaries. The Pirates have been allowed to grow to this proportion on purpose or they have been covertly helped by those powers who need a pretext and thus need to create a hype.
  14. Rescue off Somalia prompts calls for action WASHINGTON, April 12 (Reuters) - The dramatic rescue of U.S. cargo ship captain Richard Phillips from Somali pirates on Sunday fueled calls for aggressive action to stop attacks off the Horn of Africa, including the arming of merchant vessels. Others called for called for changes to international law that would make it easier to pursue and try pirates. "We remain resolved to halt the rise of piracy in this region," President Barack Obama said in a written statement after the rescue. Rescue off Somalia prompts calls for action "To achieve that goal, we must continue to work with our partners to prevent future attacks, be prepared to interdict acts of piracy and ensure that those who commit acts of piracy are held accountable for their crimes," he said. The U.S. Navy ended the five-day ordeal of Richard Phillips, captain of the Maersk Alabama cargo ship, by killing three pirates who held him captive on a lifeboat. A fourth pirate was taken into custody. Phillips was the first American taken captive in a wave of piracy that is rampant off the Horn of Africa, where Somali civil conflict has let the practice flourish for nearly two decades in an atmosphere of poverty and lawlessness. "We've got to figure out a way in an international community to ... arm the crews, increase the number of warships that are there on scene (and) reduce the abilities of the Somalis to have ships that are anchored off the coast in a safe haven," Adm. Rick Gurnon, president of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy where Phillips was trained, told a news conference. ARMING CREWS UNPOPULAR WITH SHIPPING COMPANIES A military operation may be needed to clear out the pirate bases on land, he said, "I think the international community needs to seriously look at that." Republican U.S. Senator Tom Coburn said, "we're going to have to be much more aggressive" against pirates. Speaking on "Fox News Sunday," he said "a tremendous increase in resources" would be needed and other countries must share the burden. U.S. military officials expressed caution. U.S. Coast Guard Commandant Admiral Thad Allen said arming crews remains unpopular with shipping companies, who are concerned about liability or an arms race with pirates. "That's not what these mariners are trained to do," Allen said shortly before the rescue on ABC television's "This Week." He called instead for new international legal agreements to fight piracy, which often involves multiple questions of national jurisdiction. "What you really have to have is a coordinating mechanism that ultimately brings these pirates to court," Allen said. The U.N. Security Council over last year authorized navies to chase pirates into Somalia's territorial waters and later allowed land operations against pirate havens. The United States, Britain and the European Union have struck agreements with Kenya for prosecuting captured pirates there, but Kenya has warned that it cannot be the only place for trials. Vice Admiral William Gortney, head of the U.S. Naval Central Command, said the successful U.S. strike could possibly escalate violence. He said the conditions that give rise to piracy -- failed governments, lawlessness and poverty -- must be wiped out to end the threat. Source: Reuters, April 12, 2009
  15. Xaaji Xunduf, You have analyzed three key factors: - Sharing of state power between the ex-British Somaliland and ex-Italian Somaliland. Also, you have brought an argument in the form of: ''We sacricifed everything for Somalinimo and received none in return''. The rest of your story, which I had difficulty to follow since you jump from one case to another, was about the atrocities Barre's regime committed. So we have three factors which are used to justify the secessionist path. We will discuss them when the others join the debate IA. -------------------- --- Red-Sea, You dont have to answer to me, I'm just opening a debate in which I'm interested to hear your believes. There is nothing to be afraid of bro, just explain your believes and if you dont feel like please leave the thread and just watch it from the sideline. One-liners that stirr the debate to a tit-for-tat game are undesirable in this debate.
  16. Originally posted by Shabelle: I think you mis-understood me. I will be the first one to denounce qabil. It is a cancer to our development as a nation and as a community. I only mentioned D-Block (Puntland) and H-Block (Southern Somalia) for geographical purposes. What I meant to say was that those two qabils must come together, put our differences aside and work towards a better future for all of us. I never said that one particular tribe is better than another, so I have no idea why you're accusing me of having a qabilist mentality? As I said, it was probably a mis-understanding on your part. Bro, there is no H-block or D-block. What we need is for all Somali groups to come together and put aside their differences. The day we think in Somali-Block instead of H-Block or D-Block is the day we can move forward. However, if you ment that the different Somali groups need to sort out their internal differences and engage in grassroots reconciliation between the different subclans within a clan, then thats a good development and should be promoted.
  17. Shabelle, There is no D-block or H-block. It is that kind of mentality that has led to division and misunderstanding between the Somalis. You should be careful since some opportunists can justify the secessionist path by uttering the same nonsense as you, i.e. I-block crap. Also, Somalia is as the name explicitely says: independent, and internationally recognized country for the Somalis. Since we are missing few Somali lands in the Horn, we should not divide what we already have.
  18. Somali-Pirate, Siyad Barre was far from a Patriot or a Nationalist as some want him to portray. Lets see him for what he was: a powerhungry Dictator. A Nationalist would NEVER EVER take the whole country with him just to stay in power. Even when he was chased out of the capital and was somewhere in the jungle, the dictator was claiming to be in power and thus the President of Somalia. He only accepted the fact that his dictatorial regime came to an end when he was in Nairobi preparing for his exile in Lagos. Lets not praise such a man, and lets stick to the topic. Mujahid-Redsea, Since you seem to know who is a real ''Somalilander'' and who is not, can you explain us on what grounds this entity called '"Somaliland'' is established on? Go ahead, explain us on what grounds secessionism is based on. The atrocities of the dictatorial regime of Barre? The sharing of power? The civil war and desire to stay out?
  19. Save us the nonsense. I provided the title of the book, the author and the pages where those quoatations were taken from. Go to your library and do research. I can bombard you out of your imagined reality with tens of historical records proving that the two clan chiefs were the biggest colonial collaboraters in Somalia, and that after they were used and abused, they were subdued themselves and the clan chiefs dethroned. Reminds me of A.Yusuf and his affaire with the Abbysinian rulers Mengistu and Meles Zenawi.
  20. Read Italian Colonialism in Somalia by Robert L. Hess. There he says: The Italians might well have become discouraged in their search for colonies in East Africa had not a sudden impetus come from a most unexpected quarter- northeastern Somalia. On December 12, 1888, a delegation from Yusuf Ali, sultan of Obbia, arrived in Zanzibar and requested the protection of Italy. He goes on, Filonardi recognized the opportunity for Italy to extend its trade and to obtain a foothold in the supposedly promising Somali area at the spontaneous invitation of one of the local rulers On February 8, Yusuf Ali placed his sultanate under Italian protection in return for an annual subsidy of 1,200 Maria thalers On April 7 an agreement was reached (With Osman Mahmud) that was similar and simplicity to that signed by Yusuf Ali Page 24-25 Those 2 clan chiefs have invited Italy to SOmalia. Now, I can bring in more humiliating historical refrences but I wont derail this thread.
  21. ^^ History is written, I merely tell what historical books say. You are the one that is recycling bedtime stories from your uncles. SYL had many young men from different regions, and its seat was Mogadishu. Historical fact is that both clan chiefs placed Somali lands under Italian protection in order to receive some annual payment. They collaborated in the Italian campaign against the Darawish in Hiiraan, they collaborated in the British campaign against the Darawish in Northern Somalia. After they have been used, they were made to pledge loyalty and obedience to Italy, and when they refused and started to revolt their will was broken within a short period. Ironically their own kinsmen were armed and used against those two clan chiefs. That shamefull collaboration and eventual humiliation and defeat is recorded in history books, your SPIN-tactics can not change what is written. The two clan chiefs were just A.Yusuf kinda men. Nothing great or legendary about them, only shame and defeat.
  22. The Italians were fought by both the Suldans of kenaded & King Osman of North East. Duke, The 2 clan chiefs were the first collaborators with the Italians. They were the first two clan chiefs who sold Somali land to Italy for annual payment. It's like saying 100 years later that A.Yusuf liberated Somalia from the EThiopian occupation and Sh.Aweys collaborated with them LOL. -------------------- -------------------- ---- Anyways, Piracy and Puntland are interrelated and the world knowes it.
  23. Old man Emperor, go retire if you want, but dont hijack the thread. Duke, Are you Robin or Batman?
  24. ^Save us the nonsense and retire if you want..nobody is holding you.
  25. Duke, History has already shown that you end up defeated and humiliated everytime you entertain yourself with playing a ''sly cat and mouse game''. Your ''sly game of cat and mouse'' with the Italians in the 19th century ended in humiliation and utter defeat of the two clan chiefs. Your ''sly game of cat and mouse'' with the Ethiopians ended in utter humiliation after the main figure A.Yusuf was thrown in jail by Mengistu, then freed by Meles to be used and thrown away again to end up in Yemen. Your ''sly game of cat and mouse'' with the West will result in more humiliation. The thing is: Everytime you play this ''sly cat and mouse game'' and get humiliated and defeated, you take Somalia with you, like during the Italians, during the Ethiopians and now the West. Time will tell.