General Duke

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Posts posted by General Duke

  1. Mooge;877162 wrote:
    this will be a sad day if true. out of all the capable somalis out there, xasan qoslaye's decision is to name his close advisor's husband? walaahi this nation is cursed. this man will become the most incompetent president ever if this news holds true.


    this can't be.



    This is what many have been fighting againts. Even if reer Gedo were to get the nod, why not all the competent highly educated and young men?

  2. War Deg Deg Ah– Puntlandi oo heley magaca ninka Bari loo magacaabayo Raysal wasaaraha JF Soomaaliya


    Posted by Pi on October 5th, 2012



    Madaxweynaha JF Soomaaliya XasanSheikh Maxamuud wuxuu bari subax ku dhawaaqayaa Raysal Wasaaraha Cusub ee JF Soomaaliya, kasoo noqon doona Saacid Faarax Garaad, waxaa warkaan siiyey Puntlandi illo boqolkiiba boqol lagu kalsoonyahay.



    Madaxweynaha ayaa horey u sheegey inuu wado wada tashi balse Saacid Farax wuxuu ahaa ninka uu sida aadka ah u wato Madaxweynuhu, waxaana bari sibax lasoo bandhigayaa magacaabidiisa.


    Saacid Farax Garaad waa nin kasoo shaqayn jiray Arimaha bulshada(NGO) Wuxuuna mudooyinkii dambe ku sugnaa Muqdisho, Saacid Farax Garaad, Raysal wasaaraha Cusub ee Soomaaliya wuxuu ku dhashey Gobolka Gedo.


    Faahfaahinta warkaan iyo taariikhda Raysal wasaaraha cusub kala soco


    Xarunta wararka Deg dega ah

  3. Abwaan;877135 wrote:
    Attention Mooge, Due to your continues aflagaaddo to the Madaxweynaha you will not be appointed as the next PM of Somalia. I am sorry about this bad news.

    That was a good one. Mooge shot himself in the foot there..:D

  4. Yunis;876924 wrote:
    Well put,


    From what I gather, it appears Pres. Xassan Miskiin is bent on creating his own version of reality in Jubba region, instead of focusing Xamar which is still a basket case, he has no idea what he is getting into.

    It's hightime the people of Gedo, Lower & Middle juba united and created an admin that can manage these regions and protect the people tere as a whole. Let it take time and effort but the days of Morgan, Jess & Hiiraale are over. It's time for the people to think about their interest than fake sub clan ego. As for Oba & the claims of certain clans, I think they need to be listened to but they can not stop the process.

  5. Yunis;876917 wrote:
    So XX is faysal waraabe of SOL miyaa - scared of the blue flag and the stability of Somalia...

    Typical secessionist like his aunt Edna Adan he is full of Colonial British hot air. His hate for a specific community has led him to gather as much lies as possible and attack every stable initiative. He hates Federalisam, he hates Puntland, wants to dominate the SSC regions, hates the Jubaland State and pretends to like reed Gedo because he believes he is getting at reer Puntland and setting the kinsmen against each other.

    I do like him though, he always makes funny predictions..:D

  6. Turkey strikes Syrian targets after cross-border mortar bomb kills five


    Escalation in border tensions comes amid day of grave violence inside Syria









    Martin Chulov and agencies in Beirut

 , Wednesday 3 October 2012 16.02 EDT




    Smoke rises after a bomb fired from Syria struck Akçakale in Turkey, killing five and prompting a complaint from Turkey to the UN. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Reuters



    Turkey's military have struck targets inside Syria in response to a mortar bomb fired from Syrian territory which killed five Turkish civilians, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's office said in a statement.


    The mortar fired from the Syrian side into the region of Akçakale sparked an urgent round of meetings with military chiefs and led the Turkish foreign minister, Ahmed Davagotlu, to formally complain to UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon.


    "Our armed forces in the border region responded immediately to this abominable attack in line with their rules of engagement; targets were struck through artillery fire against places in Syria identified by radar," the statement from Erdogan said. "Turkey will never leave unanswered such kinds of provocation by the Syrian regime against our national security."


    Nato said it was following developments and senior officials would meet urgently to discuss the issue. Turkey is a member state of the powerful body and earlier this year invoked a clause in the Nato treaty which called on it to respond to an earlier clash in which a Turkish jet was shot down from inside Syria.


    The escalating border tensions came amid a day of grave violence inside Syria, with central Aleppo ravaged by three large explosions that killed at least 41 people and the capital Damascus again the scene of fierce clashes between loyalists and rebels and security sweeps by regime forces.


    The Aleppo bombings were among the biggest seen in Syria in 18 months of uprising. Attackers, believed to have been dressed in military fatigues, are thought to have convinced regime soldiers stationed in Saadallah al-Jabiri Square to let them enter the secure zone. They are then thought to have detonated the bombs believed to have been packed into cars.


    Devastation was immense in the square. State television pictures also revealed significant damage to nearby residential buildings and offices. Both the Free Syria Army and a jihadist group, known as the Jabhat al-Nusra, claimed responsibility for the attack. Both said the blasts had targeted a military officer's club. Regime officials said the bombings were a suicide terrorist attack that had killed scores of civilians.


    Saadallah al-Jabiri Square is not far from Aleppo's ancient market, parts of which have been destroyed in recent days during intense clashes between regime troops and rebels. The battle for Aleppo is taking an increasingly heavy toll on the city's historical sites as battle lines, which are drawn largely through a north to south line, slowly shift.


    The regime's military remains in control of much of the west of the city, but its grip in parts has steadily been loosened throughout almost three months of relentless guerilla fighting.


    Rebels are now mounting hit and run attacks in most parts of Aleppo, which until recent weeks has been a city of two halves. The regime military maintains dominance of the country's skies and has access to much heavier weapons than the rebel military, yet it remains unable to assert itself across a vast tract of land from Aleppo to the Turkish border and east to the desert regions that spread towards Iraq.


    Aleppo has become a focal point of the now blazing civil war. Both sides acknowledge that the outcome of the war depends on the battle for the ancient city.


    Daily death tolls in Syria now constantly exceed 120 and more than 30,000 people, many of them civilians, are believed to have been killed since the uprising began.