General Duke

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Posts posted by General Duke

  1. Federalism is not going anywhere. The destiny of Somalia cannot be left with one man, one party, one clan or one region. Power shall be dissolved and shared. If anyone comes against this simple fact, then they shall be fought hard and long until the Federalists win.

    As I have told you before, this is not a game. The new admin has to deliver or like the Shabaabites & Sharifites they will be sent into the dustbin of history.

  2. Yes Adeer. Our contribution to the national cause over the last decade has been immense. Now many issues such as the occupation of SSC, formation of Jubaland and other States has to be addresed without blame being put on us.:D

  3. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the new PM of Somalia.

    There is much work that needs to be done, much healing needs to be achieved in order to restore our nation.

    I shall defend the new Federal Charter and hold the new government accountable.

    Let's set aside our petty differences and work to rebuild our nation.


    Long live the new Federal Republic of Somalia...

  4. ^^^ Saacid is not the PM of Somalistan as you wanted. He is the PM of the Federal Republic of Somalia. The entity that we Puntlanders created..:D thus who is griefing? The people who shaped Somalia or the Al Shabaab sympithiser who's hero's have been humbled?

    Go ahead Che, celebrate the new PM of Federal Somalia..:D

  5. Che, stop acting so tough. Your whole Al Shabaab crap is history & Puntland still stands.

    No one will secede and Puntland will use this constitution to it's advantage.

    I agree with Somalia, let's wait and see what the new admin does and how it plans to restore the republic.

  6. The secessionists, expect utter failure, four years of inter regional discord, while having fruitful talks to get closer to that ever illusive recognition.


    Che, Maadey and defeated Al Shabaabites, expect rehabilitaion for uncles Fuad Shangoole & Xasan Dahir Aways.


    Khatumites, expect the new PM will liberate Laascanood for them.


    Puntlanders, expect Faroole to hold his ground and ignore the whole government.


    Abwan, expects Adow to run for office in 2016.


    Oba & Mogadishu is ours crew, expect Kismayu will be theirs too.


    We all expect something, let's see how it plays out.

  7. Flag_of_Puntland.jpg


    Puntland State of Somalia has played a key role in the creation of the Federal Republic of Somalia.

    It has been a staunch enemy of Al Shabaab and has done it's best for it's defeat.

    It's time for the development of the State itself. The new admin will be welcomed by Puntland, but now the ball is in your court. Let's see how you play...:D