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Posts posted by Maaddeey

  1. ^^ You are gay because most of Swedes are gay:

    Resolved Question

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    Is it true lots of Swedish men are gay?

    I am half Swedish and am gay. People say a lot of Swedish men are gay. My younger brother is bisexual too.

    As for Shabaab, here's their spokesman on that incident:

    But a spokesman for the group said they believed the government had been responsible for the attack.


    "We declare that al-Shabab did not mastermind that explosion," Sheikh Ali Mohamud Rage told reporters.


    "We believe it is a plot by the government itself. It is not in the nature of al-Shabab to target innocent people."


    The spokesman said some government officials had left the Shamo Hotel before the bomb went off, so it was "clear that they were behind the killing".


    He said the militants had only heard of the attack through media reports and had "sent condolences to the relatives of the victims"

  2. Masjid ku yaal magaalada Beled Weyne oo Kaniisada Loo bedelay.


    Written by Administrator on 27 November 2012.


    somalimemo.netInnaa Lillaahi Wa innaa Ileyhi Raajicuun: Masjidkii gobolka ee magaalada Beled weyne ee xarunta Hiiraan ayaa saaka loo badalay Kaniisad ay ciidanka Nasaarada ah gaalnimadooda ku muujisanayaan.




    Dadka reer Beled weyne ayaa la amakaagay markii ay arkeen calaamadda Saliibka ee sedaxda gees leh oo masjidka laga taagay!!.



    Warbaahinta Islaamiga SomaliMeMo ayaa xaqiijisay in 4 dhinac oo kamid ah masaajidka Gobolka ee Beled weyne ay ciidanka Itoobiya ka dhiseen caalamadda Saliibka masaajidkuna isku bedelay xarun ciidan oo ciidanka Kirishtanka ah gudihiisa ku sameynayaan wax ay u yaqaanaan Cibaado!!.




    Goob Joogayaal aan ku kalsoonahay ayaa noo xaqiijiyay in ay arkeen calaamada Kirishtaanka oo hareeraha masjidka laga taagan taasi oo ka dhigan in Minaaradii masjidka lagu bedelay saliib.




    Ma ahan markii ugu horreysay oo ay ciidanka Xabashida Itoobiya masaajid ku yaal Somaaliya ay Kaniisad u bedelaan waqti hadda laga joogo ku dhawaad Qarni ayay ciidanka Itoobiya sidaan oo kale Masjid jaamacii weynaa ee magaalada Hargag waxay u bedeleen Kaniisad ay leeyihiin Nasaarada.





    SomaliMeMo waxa ku howlantahay baaritaan dheeraad ah.


    SomaliMeMo waa Shabakad Soomaaliyeed oo Islaami ah oo ka madax badaan koox, urur iyo Xisbi, kumana hadasho cid gooni ah afkooda.

  3. DHAGEYSO: Sheekh Fu'aad Maxamed Khalad Oo digniin u diray Dowladda Holland.

    17,Muxaram 1434, 01,12,2012


    Sheekh Fu'aad Maxamed Khalaf oo ka mid ah Mas'uuliyiinta Xarakada Mujaahidiinta Alshabaab ayaa digniin u diray Dowladda Holland.


    Isagoo ka hadlayay dibadbax ballaaran oo shalay Salaaddii Jimcaha kadib ka dhacay degmada Buula Burde ee gobolka Hiiraan halkaas oo ay isugu soo baxeen boqollaal dadweyne ah oo ka careysnaa falkii Ciidamada Itoobiya ay Kaniisad ugu badaleen Masjid ku yaalla magaalada Baladweyne ayaa Sheekh Fu'aad Maxamed Khalaf waxa uu sidoo kale kusoo hadal qaaday go'aankii dhawaan Barlamaanka dalka Holland ay ku meel mariyeen in la caayi karo ALLAH SWT.


    Sheekh Fu'aad waxa uu sheegay in dadka Muslimiinta ah laga doonayo in meel walba ay ku bartilmaameedsadaan dadka u dhashay dalka Holland, isagoona tilmaamay in go'aanka noocaas oo kale ah uu dhib un usoo kordhinayo Muwaadiniinta u dhashay dalka Holland.


    Halkan Ka Dhageyso




    Dhageyso wararka 7:30- subaxnimo, 1:00 duhurnimo, 7:00 Fiidnimo iyo dhuuxa waraysiyada 9:30 habeenimo adigoo raacaya tilmaamaha Wabseydka.



    Fadlan wixii Qalad ah Nagala Soo xariir emailada kala ah:




  4. Executive Summary

    While the threat that al-Shabaab poses to the West can easily

    be overstated, its outreach to Muslims living in Europe and

    the United States has been successful relative to other

    al-Qaeda-linked groups and warrants exploration. The organisation

    has recruited dozens of foreign fighters from the West (see Appendix).

    It also holds the dubious distinction of being the first jihadist

    organisation to recruit an American citizen to commit an act of suicide

    terrorism. Its recruitment strategy is therefore worthy of examination

    as a case study of how jihadist groups formulate strategies to lure

    Western Muslims.

    Through a combination of primary source analysis, background

    interviews in East Africa and an in-depth quantitative analysis of

    the group’s Twitter output, this paper aims to go beyond the simple

    statement of this problem by explaining how al-Shabaab markets itself

    to Muslims beyond its borders and what methods it employs. It also

    explores how the group is using social media to engage its followers

    in ways that other actors in the global jihad movement have not yet



    Understanding the Threat

    Over the last six years, approximately 1000 ethnic Somalis and 200

    –300 non-Somalis have been recruited to al-Shabaab from outside

    Somalia. While radical Islam has been present in Somalia for decades,

    this alone cannot account for the group’s success in recruiting Western

    Muslims. Western governments were slow to proscribe the group,

    allowing it to develop a sophisticated communications infrastructure

    and exploit nationalist, anti-Ethiopian and anti-Western sentiments

    within the Somali diaspora in the aftermath of the Ethiopian invasion

    and occupation of Somalia in 2006. As a result, al-Shabaab’s

    interaction with Muslims beyond its borders has not always relied

    exclusively on Islamist ideology.


    The Foundations of al-Shabaab’s Propaganda:

    Hijrah, Jihad and the Caliphate

    Al-Shabaab presents its mission in cosmic terms, invoking a

    civilisational conflict between the forces of Islam and non-Islam. This

    is coupled with attempts to develop an ‘ummah consciousness’ in

    potential recruits, encouraging them to identify with Muslim causes

    worldwide. Typically, the suffering of Muslims around the world is

    juxtaposed with the ease of life in the West. The central tenet of this

    messaging is that faith necessitates action, and Muslims need to

    recalibrate their priorities by placing the liberation of Muslim lands

    ahead of esoteric matters of faith.

    Omar Hammami (also known as Abu Mansur al-Amriki), an

    American recruit and military commander in the group, emerged as

    one of its most effective spokesmen by explaining his reasons for

    joining a conflict with which he has no tangible connection. Much

    of his message invokes classical concepts such as the importance

    of making hijrah, or migrating from one place to another for the

    communal defence or betterment of Islam, as a precursor to

    waging jihad.

    Hammami’s propaganda demonstrates his commitment to what he

    views as the long-term objectives of the global jihadist movement:

    the establishment of the Caliphate. Hammami argues that these

    long-term goals should not be confused with the short-term tactics

    of expelling occupiers and establishing local Islamist rule. This view

    is controversial within the movement and there is evidence that some

    within al-Shabaab believe their localised struggle has been hijacked by

    those with a more global agenda.


    Al-Shabaab’s Propaganda War and

    Alternative Media

    Al-Shabaab has become adept at producing material that provides

    its Western followers with an alternative to mainstream media. Relying

    heavily on digital video and Twitter, the group projects an image of

    itself as an effective and united force carrying out the will of God by

    implementing Shariah and fighting the enemies of Islam. Twitter has

    allowed the group to do much of this in real time, offering supporters

    instant interpretations of events and rebuttals of critiques.

    At its core, al-Shabaab has a sophisticated and diverse

    communications strategy aimed at influencing Muslims living in the

    West. This strategy is infused with culturally relevant material that

    resonates with members of the Somali diaspora, while also positioning

    Somalia as a key battleground in the struggle between Islam and the

    West. As this paper demonstrates, this is a strategy that has enticed

    many to embrace al-Shabaab’s cause over the years.


    Read it more at:


  5. ^^ Beenta dhaaf borcamasseria! :)


    Shabaab markey carriga qabsadeen aa dhac, dil 'maalaayacni ah' & kufsiba ugu dambeysay. Adi su'aashaan is weydii: Kismaayo, Marko & Xamar xataa islaamha la qabo ayey kufsadaan oo barnaamijka kufsiga qaxootiga ee Cabdisalaam Hereri ma fiirsan?. Mise Problem dhan kuma qabtaanoo from Talyaani to Tigree aa idin taraanturyeynaayey!.


  6. Abwaan, talo ma heysid, Sheekha aa ku waalatay, saadaal xumidaa, mar ey ka fiicneyd buu soo laaban waayee ma haddoo jaantaa rogan bahasgu isu bedeshuu soo laabtaa?. Tuug intaan Tuug la dhihin...... :) Kuwa iiga sokeeyaa Sheekha aa Isbaarada iyo kufsiga madax u ah, Ilaahaan ka magan galay inaan qoladaan taageero iyagoon drastically isu bedelin