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Posts posted by Nehanda

  1. Centurion


    Walaal your idea of helping our people back in Somali is very noble. However while your vision materialises it would be of equal importance to help those living in the West and who are in dire need of your assistance.


    In particular, our young teenagers who are constantly truanting, under-achieving at schools and are preys to the drug lords. You can truly dedicate yourself in alleviating those symptoms through voluntary work such been an after school tutor, football coach, counsellors and mentors, the list is not exhaustive.


    Your skills are all which you require, the premises and resources can be obtained from your local community charities, schools or LEAs (for UK).


    It is honestly worth every effort to see one of your protégées improving from an under-achiever to an outstanding student both academically and behaviour. The knowledge that you helped shaped that one person life in a positive way is beautiful.

  2. In the world that we live in today, I think celibacy is the best option.


    Do not waste time dream of things they may never materialise. Invest your precious time befriending good people that are likely to be by your side when you need them. A very crude remark but time is too short to fantasise of a farax that would sweep you and do wonderful things to and for you. I am afraid reality is a different matter, statistics indicate that 2/3 marriage end in divorce. Your husband is more likely to be a rogue than a knight.


    I kid you not ladies, do not limit yourself to one group and never give yourself fully to any men.


    Instead concentrate on bettering yourself and if you do meet someone guard yourself.

  3. At least she is honest about her feelings and she did marry the boy. I wonder how many of the married couples could honestly say that they never fondled or kissed for that matter they current partner before getting hitched to them.


    Albeit, I agree that one should respect others but mostly our actions should be governed by our love for Allah.

  4. I don't see the difference between marrying two women at the same and having more than one wife. It just makes the process much simpler you know killing two birds with the same stone.


    I don't understand what the fuss is about who gets bedded first why not at the same time. I mean isn't that what excite and entice certain men to marry more than one woman and abuse the the basic law and principle for marrying 4 women.

  5. Gosh, I had no ideas that Somali had lower or upper casts.


    Honestly, I can not understand why one should be discriminated on something of which they have no control of. Ignorance has no boundary. Parents should advice not dictate.


    Another good thing from the Islamic courts. Well done!

  6. I wonder what the exiled Somali government expect to achieve from this illegal attack led by Ethiopia. Public support, I think not!


    Ethiopian government should stop interfering with Somali affairs and accept for once and all that we would not take to bullies easily.


    Somali people should forgo their tribal differences or past deeds and unite against this ennemy. If Ethopia wins this war there is no reason why they wouldn´t attack Somaliland next.

  7. I too would like to know everything about my partner however like Val said it has to be disclosed voluntarily.


    I think that although you cannot eliminate the risks of contracting a sexual disease you can take necessary steps to mitigate it. Hence follow the teachings of the Qu’ran to the latter and pray that your partner also adheres to it.

  8. I disagree that prejudiced parents rear prejudiced children. A person’s character is not solely shaped by that of the parents but also by the environment within which s/he finds themselves.


    When choosing a potential partner one should heed the advice of the parent since most would have the best interest of their child at heart.

  9. You should not contemplate having a child until you complete your education and are financially independent. There is no guarantee that everything would remain eternally blissful between yourself and your current hubby.


    Remember walaal everyone women can commence a family when she reaches the child bearing age unless there is certain complication with her system. Hence the issue of when to have a child should is insignificant instead focus in bettering yourself rather than relying on someone else.

  10. I am abashed to say that I used to wear the hijab (Somali way) + the tight jeans. I wore the Hijab after been pressured by my childhood Qu’ran tutor while the jeans simply because I wanted to show off my curves. Fortunately, help came in the disguise of my current Qu’ran tutor whom (may Allah bless him) through sound advice and guidance elucidated the hypocrisy of my actions and the vast rewards to be gained from dressing modestly.


    For those who are fashion conscious you can actually wear jeans with modest tops or cabayad. In addition the job market is much more flexible towards employing women who wish to adhere to the teachings of the Qu’ran.

  11. Good advice Che


    Although it is not always wise to interrupt the interviewers. An Interview is an opportunity to sell yourself to your prospective employer. If unsure of a question ask them to repeat and where unsure try and give a positive answer but never waffle. Be precise on your answers and speak clearly.


    Best of luck Stoic!

  12. In the case of the Somali community the blame for the level of family break down and high rate of divorces lay with the number of dysfunctional and lazy fathers!


    I applaud the strength of black women for standing for their moral principles and voicing their objections to their spouses.


    However, it would be bias and ridiculous to presume that a gender is directly responsible for all problems within the family. The results of the above reasearch are highly nonsensical.