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Posts posted by Land_Soldier

  1. Originally posted by Oodweyne:



    Well, since, dear old
    , decided to legged it from this discussion; then, let me answer for him, and say that they are about as equal as to whatever any passing day is written on the say so of some
    "intelligence memo"
    written by spooks of Nairobi, who, in turn, seemed to
    the bulk of the
    outfit in pirate-land, indeed...


    Hence, if one day it says that a negotiation is the
    "preferred approach"
    of those spooks to deal with this issue; then, dear old
    will be right here of
    telling us a mighty ditzy of a song and a dance about his kin and kith, particularly towards this region, indeed...


    If on the other hand, the said
    were to say, that, this
    headache must be ended before the months is over; then, without fail we are going to hear our reliable round-robin chap by the name of
    , breathing fire and brimstone towards this region in right here of


    In other words, if I were you,
    my friend
    , I wouldn’t have the mind or even bother to worry about what the likes of
    and his gang of the
    “chancing trinity”
    in that pirate-land fiefdom are about, indeed. For, theirs essentially is to hope to say how
    , when they are
    by others to jump, indeed...


    And, if some
    “kin and kith”
    of their own were to become the
    "standing casualty"
    in here; well that is too bad. After all, the very definition of pirate-land is to connive, politically, at the expense of others, in a broad daylight, indeed... :mad:


    Hence, one could end in here by saying that more fools of them, they must have been, when they as
    once thought that, these
    “chancing political opportunist”
    in pirate-land ever cared about them in the first place; other than their own
    “narrowly-defined clannish”
    agenda of any passing day, indeed...




    Are you saying Duke is on the PIS payroll?

  2. I have said from the beginning, the guy has NO diplomatic or any other international experience. Even if you like him that is no reason to make him the highest diplomat of a country who has so main goal is to achieve international recongnition.


    Diplomacy is an art which is very different from intellectual debates in front of a public where an issue is decided on the merit of the arguments.

  3. Originally posted by *Ibtisam:

    Jawo, warya Land, haada Burco afkaga la gashiid wa dakal wholeman, xabadu wifwif.
    Hoo joog waan kuu diig eh.


    JB, you see, adiga aya af yaqaani ii naga qaabo

    Ile Ibti waa gabadh reer Burco. I shouldht have known. :D


    JB, Buurtee ayuu arigiina isku fuula? Anagu arigeenu wuxu isku fuula Buurti Sheick Cali danyeerka uu ku shiiday, oo u Gabaygii Danyeeroow ugu tiriyay.





    Dadka wuu dhibaa ooo

    Dariiqa kama kaco

    Dabkuuu habeenkii shitto

    Danyeer baa la qaybsada

    Dardaarankaygii wuu qaadan waayey oo

    Dantiisii ma aqaan

    Distii madhan buu laa carraraayoo

    Dirqii bay naftuu uguu jirtaayaa

    Dhimashaa dhaanta sidan ee

    Dhib iskugu noqo

  4. Ile kan JB oo aan reer Burco ilkaha cas aan moodiyay, tol baanu noqonay.


    Markaa saga ayaa maanta kadib iga masuul ah. Aniguna saga ayaan ka masuul ahay. Wixi dhaawac oo saga la gaarsiiyo ana wa la igaarsiiyay, aniguna sidoo kale.

  5. Maye, waxba mee oran reerku. Wee ku farxeenba arigii.


    Wexe ahayeen reer Xamar, aduun iyo Geeri lamee socon. Aniguna liima sheegin inaan ari gabadh lagu doonan. Maanta ayaa ii kow ah.


    Ibti, maanta waxbaa igu soo kordhisee. Ile Hunno dhaqanka wee garaniyaan.

  6. Originally posted by *Ibtisam:

    As A fellow shikeh man, JB will educate you. Casharka sii fiican uu degso, haada adigii ba so indho cadcad oo so taagan. Degta iis qaabo and listen weeli waad yartahey. JB over to you atheer.

    JB ma Reer Sheick baa?

    Buurtee ayee arigisu ku daaqan?

  7. Originally posted by *Ibtisam:

    lOOOL a PROPOSAL can never be a proposal with out geel being offered!!!. Even the Bengali had to buy Geel and then offer them as part of the proposal. Which Somali girl is going to her family with riyo iyo belayo kale!! :eek: :eek: Land you need daqan ceeli ASAP!!!

    Mrs.Ibti, Hunno, we have more then 300 goats which is worth much more then 30 camels.


    I heard some Somali families do accept goats as a proposal. Specially those light skinned white chocolades from Xamar. Because they dont know diffrence between Ri iyo Rati.

  8. Originally posted by nuune:

    don't mind him, he is alost Burcaawi, lost int he Wilderness of Xamar

    I am not from Burco. Dont you know where Saaxil is? Reer Xamar, dhulkiina waad doonisanaa, ma kala garanisidna. typical.

  9. Originally posted by *Ibtisam:

    Warya Land; Ha iku daab luumin Huuno. Waxan ahey max ka galey.

    You a righ Huuno. Lets start over and keep our relationshaip proffesional here on SOL.


    Xaal ma qadanisaa? reerkeygu riyo(goats) tirada ka badan ayeee leeyihiin.




    That is my cousin with 2 of our goats on the background you see Sheick mountains part of the Gollis chains. I have a big piece of land and many goats there, any lady that wants to marry me can share in my goats and we can set-up a house on those mountains. And my little cousin will help my wife in the household. But I have to be honoust we do not have any camels, if you expect that.

  10. Nothing to cheer about ina Yeey.


    You got some CIA money to kill some poor people in the mountains. Those people never heard or sean anything of a Puntland Maamul, but they knew they had a beef with a SSDF clan, so they took arms under the leadership of Sheeck Atam which we dont know if he is member of Al-Shabaab.


    And you got a mashruuc from the CIA under te pretence of fighting Al Shabaab, while this was nothing more of people being mislead for other purposes.

  11. Originally posted by *Ibtisam:

    Well JB, iidinku you claim iinnad ka hooresan Africa, wax kasta indinka aya first nation aha, ruunta sheek, the next article will be
    "Somaliland; The first African nation where the former president resides in his home country"

    Ibti, I thaught you were a lady from the Land? Are you telling me you are Hunno or Abaayo?