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Everything posted by AbStraCt

  1. hehe, i'll just google the best car insurance rates out there, duh! I used to use dogpile, and askjeeves till someone told me askjeeves was a jew.......
  2. hehe@Legend, i just googled your name. It rang a bell but i couldnt remember exactly where i remember it, but good ole google to the rescue....this is getting outta hand......i see myself sitting in class and when i see two squirrels humping each other outside, what do i do.......i google their mating rituals, that's what
  3. I'm not a Troll! And what do you have against trolls eh, trolls live peacefully amongst us, causing us no harm. You think a Nomadic troll is talking foul about you on a troll forum? I THINK NOT! This a serious problem, i did not come in here to be mocked! i have a thing for exclamation points, but i'll save that for dr.phil :cool:
  4. haha@Castro, the same thing happenes to me.......i might be in class and fiddling through the telly and see something interesting, and i'd be like, i wonder what that and that does.........i'll google it later, or i'll wanna know how to say something in a different language, and the first thing that comes to mind would be "google it, you know you wanna"..... Curly, i think its too late for me. Last summer i forgot how to do fractions, i mean really forgot! i couldnt for the life of my multiply fractions, i sat there looking at the paper thinking to myself, HOW DO YOU MULTIPLY FRACTIONS.....so i googled it Dont worry tho, after that google incident i havent had any problems with fractions
  5. I dont know if i'm the only one suffering from the so called "google addiction". But i've found myself typing google.com before i realize it. I google everything! You ask me something as mundane as what day of the week it is, and i'll be googling it before you can say "bubble gum is chewy but not crispy" (hehe, just a joke) But i'll tell you what isnt a joke; MY ADDICTION! What should i do......i mean do i need professional help? Is this normal? Are you an addict?
  6. I've recently become fascinated with Somali politics, however i know nothing about it! I know alot of sites are bias, and a handful dont give accurate information. So where should i start? I wanna learn more, but googling isnt doing me any good. Any Suggestions would help:)
  7. My profile reads that i've been a member for about a year and some odd weeks; that's a lie. I come in here maybe 3 times out of the year and look around, and to be honest i'm a bit intimidated. You lot always speak about things i dont think about. I mean, do you guys actually sit around, drink shaah and discuss current events? I usually sit around with a bag of cheetos watching Law & order all day. Should i pick up a book?
  8. Huh? I dont know what you're trying to get to, but i'll tell you this; IM NOT A CAT!
  9. A bungalow somewhere in the Indies with the stars over my head, and my trusty fiddle at my side.
  10. C'mon Faarax; have some balls Sure he loves this girl, but does he have to be so sappy about it, i'm sorry but i just like my men to act like Men What's with all this talk about doves.... oh help me god if he turns queer on us