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Posts posted by Mad_Mullah

  1. Thats not our choise,,, ofcourse we would say that being poor and all...but rich countries would hve a lot to lose by adding a poor country to it. Why do you think Yemen hasn't been added to the Majlis at-Tacaawin al-Khaleeji? Besides look, Somaliland doesn't even want to unite with Puntland...what do you think the chances are that they will unite with other countries.

  2. Fisher man;688255 wrote:
    She ain't somalian bcoz jalbaab bee wadan leheed n0oh maxaa somalidu uga been aburaneysaan alla kuwaan yaa karaan ii gena walee quran baa idin aqrin lahaa aamin

    She is Somali, half Somali half Italian, it says so on her pages...why would she be making it up? Shes nice thouhg

  3. Just ignore Marfashlanders, ofcourse he wasn't a Mujahid or Shahid, he didn't belong to their tribe and he didn't get money from Dahabshiil. :D


    I can guarantee you that if he was from their tribe that they'd be worshipping him day in and day out. The Mad Mullah ( called Mad because he fought like a crazy man, no fear etc.) is known by all, the British, Habesha etc. Whats the SNM? a British boy band? Or something sexual?


    He did kill SOmalis, traitors just like Marfashlanders today who sell their own people to Ethiopia. And about Shabaab, funny coming from you seeing that you people call the leader Amiir and respect/finance them.

  4. Puntland can't defeat Shabaab in Southern Somalia, first of all, they will need to spend millions and millions of dollars, something they are not wishing to spend.


    Even if they defeat Shabab they will be fought off by the local people, they will see Tribe A. from the North just wants to control us Tribe B. Something that happened in Abdullah Yusuf's time.

  5. Saalax;682878 wrote:
    Mad_Mullah. Well i am sure ONLF is under pressure from Eritrea to do some of their dirty work for them just like Egypt who want's use "Somalia" to fight Ethiopia's grip on the nile river.

    ONLF is only under pressure as long as they want to, they can leave Eritrea any day they want and Eritrea does not have the power to do anything against them. ONLF and Eritrea don't even like each other, but still...for now, its all we've got.

  6. Saalax;682873 wrote:
    Haji. hadal uun ba ka so hadhay and hating on Somaliland. Little do they know hating on Somaliland won't free . The worst part is they act they hate habeesha but they take orders from the same habeesha (Shabia) in Eritrea.

    First of all we don't take 'orders' from anyone, Eritrea and ONLF have the same goal, which is weakening Ethiopia, the Eritreans have got their own beef. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, no?


    And we're not hating, or atleast I'm not, on 'Somaliland' but on some of the stooges of Somaliland government. You should know that the people and government are two very very different things. Like saying the Egyptian government helps Israel right? Does that mean that we're hating on Egypt as a country?

  7. Xaaji Xunjuf;682867 wrote:
    since when is me wishing good luck with their freedom to the oppressed one translated as negative come on thats not fair.

    We all know what you meant.


    Truth is the people in Hargeisa if they could choose for us, they would have gotten rid of the Habasha, and thats what they're going to do when they get independence Inshallah....Problem is Ethiopia knows that if Somaliland gets free, they'll be able to leave Ethiopia and conduct more business with other countries.


    In my opinion, Ethiopia will do everything it can to make sure, Somaliland does not get recognized...ofcourse because its politics they will come out saying on TV that they are with Somaliland but they will try and deceive the people.

  8. Xaaji Xunjuf;682859 wrote:
    You are very angry and oppressed in his own country i acknowledge that but this is not the way to deal with this issue also refrain from using clan names it's against the forum rules just an adivce. As for your question,, Ethiopia does not give shelter to Rebels that are against the republic of Somaliland and we shall not shelter rebels that are agains Ethiopia. It's that Simple., Good luck with your freedom.

    Ethiopia does also not shelter rebels against Kenya, Djibouti, Yemen and any other country (except Eritrea), but th ONLF are able to walk in those countries without having to watch behind their back.


    Shame that you try to pretend as if SOmaliland and Ethiopia are best of friends, most SLanders are against Ethiopia, but as its not recognized it has only a few friends among them Ethiopia, thats why you have Ethiopian *** kissers in the Somaliland government, when they get their independence then the whole world can be their friend, hence not having to bow down under most countries, strong or weak.


    And your 'good luck with your freedom' just shows me that you've left Somalilandism and moved over to Habashinimo. You live in Jerusalem but on the Jewish side it seems.