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Posts posted by Mad_Mullah

  1. self hating Somali naago? Or somali naago that hate qaxooti ex-******** tht waste all of their times in cafes talking about Somali politics not realizing that they can't do anything about it and that they ruined it for themselves?

  2. While it is a sad moment for black Africans, it is also the turn of a new page in black African history. Today we can see even the Arabs we welcomed and hosted have undescribable animosity towards us.


    I for one, dont want to see Arabs in Africa. Our first war against Arabs begins in Sudan.


    All true Africans have to recognize South Sudan then Somaliland.


    We should arm and send forces to South Sudan to gain more land from the Arabs in the North. We should support the Nubians, the Dafurians and the other Africans.


    Once we achieve victory in Sudan, we can decide, Egypt or Libya? I would say Egypt, if we take out the big fish and the Nile water threat, we can take out the rest with the help of the West through Israel.


    Our message to Israel is, if Arabs will not accept you in their backyard, you should also support Africans who dont want to see Arabs in their backyards.


    Arabs believe black people were created to be slaves (Abeed). They forgot Ethiopians use to rule them and no one treated them like animals.


    Ethiopia also welcomed arabs many times who were seeking refuge. Now look what you get.


    Arabs are very barbaric and naive and if Africans don't teach them a lesson, we deserve to be treated this way.


    Somaliland + Ethiopia + Israel + South Sudan = the new vision for Africa.


    For now its good news no more Hosni, no more Qaddafi, that means no more AU under Arabs. Now Africans can finally decide their own destiny.


    I finally want to remind the author, there is no AU because AU was Gadhafi's personal gang, they have all fled.

    02/25/11 @ 03:03


    Posted by Somalilander on:


  3. If you've got Facebook search Half somalis, there are hundreds of half Somalis on it and they post pictures. half Chinese, Half Cadaan, half Indian, half Carab, half Japanese mashallah.


    Half Somalis usually end up looking like a mix or like the non-Somali parent. I know a half Somali/Moroccan half Somali/Dutch and the daughter is completly white while her brother is Somali looking lool. I've got cousing who are half Somali half German (two seperate families) the first one they look like Yemenis lol, the other looks Ethiopian-ish lol.

  4. This article is BS, I've seen many documentaries and reports since when do they sniff glue in Xamar, do they even have glue? Majority of Xamar is under control of Shabab you think they allow glue sniffing and other drugs when they don't even allow Football?


    ANd molestation? Since when do Somalis rape children? Its remarkable in 20 years how few people have been raped.


    This whole article is BS.

  5. haha Qabeel is not the problem? Go to any cafe, or meeting point and its all about Qabeel, they dont think for example in Kismaayo how can go forward, no Qabeel A thinks about how they can go forward and stay ahead of Qabeel B. Everything is Qabeel even this Somaliland/SSC/Puntland issue is about Qabeel. Look at us, grew up in the west and still talk about Qabeels even if it is indirectly.

  6. The Egypt and Tunisia protests shamed Somalis. Why didn't they do the same thing in 1991? Instead of walking with Guns and rpgs and destroying their own country? Wallahi I dont get it!!! These filthy thugs destroyed their own city, I mean the actual place where they live !!! Why would anyone do that??

  7. Egyptians are united...Somalis are not...its all about Qabeel, not country we couldn't care less what happens in Qabeel Y area as long as our area is safe and good...some Xaasids even want Qabeel Y Area to be poor and weak...


    Wallahi, this brings a lot of hatred inside me for certain groups...look at Tunisia and Egypt why couldn't this have happened in 1991 instead of killing, rape and destruction?