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Posts posted by Conspiracy

  1. I hated the way the season finished even though it was surprising, I hoped for more :( oh well guess real action will start in second season ..


    Did any of you watched smallville season 6 trust me the real stuff starts with season 6

  2. well to be honest after they said they going to stop making StarGate SG1 , I got bored of the whole space adventure thinggy BRING STARGATE SG1 BACK!!!£$£$ *deep breath* ..

  3. The other day I was on my way to watch Tenacious D: The Pick of Destiny but damn it was full packed so I opted for this Spanish movie Pan's Labyrinth and boy what a movie!!


    Dark, dreamlike and dangerous, Guillermo del Toro's Pan's Labyrinth is a fairytale every bit as scary and moving as they were always meant to be. In both the real world - civil war-riven Spain - and the fantasy underworld she discovers, our heroine Ofelia must battle against the most twisted, nightmarish evils to survive. Transcendent, passionate, full of beauty and endlessly affecting, this is without question the movie of the year.

    BBC Review



    This movie is Horror/Fantasy and gory as you like it so for the faint hearted make sure to cover your eyes! it was quite refreshing to take a quick break off holloywood movies ..





  4. HEROES ROCKS!! i got all 10 epsiodes umh I think thats it for season one

    Sylar eats ppls brains to gain their powers, poor hiro though I ain't gonna spoil it for you lot..

    they got like different writer for each character and one main writer that merges everything together maybe thats way it was quite confusing first 4 eps, I think I got some Demanoid's invitations left but normally the registration is open every friday..if you need an account there then PM me or try


    , yeah and Smallville season 6 far better then first ones ... stopped watching battlestargalagtica kinda got boring FRACK!!!

  5. Originally posted by cynical lady:

    lol@ Sophist gal i have always believed that but i am glad to see am not alone in the matter may u convert many ppl.

    LOL @ ^^ Sophist I told you man stop siding with chicks they gonna keep thinking you are one of them!!!



    ps; whats wrong with your phone?!


    Does Love exist? well yeah guess it does, if it didn't they wouldn't have wrote all those books, songs, novels and poems about it!!!

  6. Okai alot of new faces in here and at this moment there is 60+ members online plus 1383 guests , so everyone get yourself in here and tell us who the hell are you and how did you come to know about this site?

  7. We need new section, all the topics at the moment revolve on Politics (if thats what you call politics) or some other woman issue in women's corner; ofcourse not to forget to mention the General section which is quite umh well messy!


    So Lets make some new section introduce more varitey to our little stew on the internet ..


    My suggestions

    Music section not just somali or poetry..


    any suggestions?

  8. Anyone got any interesting games we could play online? I got quite addicted to Need for Speed Most Wanted almost done with it , going to starts the new Scarface soon .. holla at me people we'll set us a private network WHOA :cool: :cool:

  9. Racist scandinavians!!! K'naan air'd them out ..


    here is his Blog entry


    To The People


    It's been a while since i've actually had the chance to update you guys on new developments. Things have been crazy busy. So what's new?


    A lot. There are a lot of great things in the works. I've been inspired and recording nonstop in New York, which is where I am at the moment. I just did Def Poetry Jam with Mos Def tonight. We performed 3 of my songs for a beautiful audience in Times Square, with Mos singing back ups on Until the lion learns to speak, and Be Free, and then doing a verse on My God. It was really something to see. Actually you can see it, on the next season of Def Poetry Jam on HBO.


    Funny story... While I was in my dressing room, the Legendary George Clinton walked in. And he ate my pie! I'm serious. I had a pie that I brought from catering and George Clinton walked in, asked me if he could have a piece. "Of course" I said. And he collapsed half of the pie in his mouth. Then did something like "hmmmm that was good man, can I have another peice?" I said "Sure brother" Then he ate the other half, left the crumbs only to come back around again. "Yo that pie is tasty... mmm" proceeding to eat of the crumbs now... he says " I'll pay you back man" He cracked me up.


    Back to the recording sessions. What can I say, big things on the way for you guys. I don't really wanna spoil the surprises, so I'll leave it at, BIG TINGS SOON COME!


    And as far as touring, we're about to go back to Europe. But listen here's the thing, the last time we were there, we came across an experience. A confrontation. An instigation. An attempted dehumanization. Some of you may have heard or read about what happened in Sweden's Gothenburg. Where after the performance a bouncer wouldn't allow me to go backstage to collect my things, though I had my pass in hand. The story is deep, and Sol Guy (my friend and manager) ended up going to jail for the night in Sweden. And me and the band spent the night at the station waitin for him. While it was us who were disrespected and actually physically assaulted, it was also us who were betrayed, processed and reminded of the diseases in the human heart. Fortunately, we were traveling with a camera and so we have some of those people and some of the situation on camera.


    Those of you who know my music know that I've never really written for leisure. And that my experiences have always been at the forefront of my music. And you must agree, rarely is life uneventful. But this one called for special presentation. So I wrote a song, using Lupe Fiasco's Kick Push instrumental. Documenting the experience we had in Sweden, I call this song... KickED PushED. We also put together a video for the song, using the ACTUAL footage from the scenario. Nothing is re created, or re enacted, everything that you see is REAL.


    Enjoy it (it's hard to say that about this one)


