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Everything posted by Safferz

  1. Blackflash;940180 wrote: I have an honest question that stems from the denial of the validity of these events by every Muslim on my Facebook feed. Why are they so easily offended by the idea of two Muslims killing in the name of Islam? Whether it's the Illuminati or baby-eating Jews, they'll claim someone else is behind these 'blatant false-flag operations', and choose instead to ignore what's happened in London, Madrid, Toulouse and now Boston. Please refrain from citing the OKC bombing, Sandy hook and Aurora shootings. This isn't about the events themselves, but the butt-hurt that ensues afterwards. (I am going to cite OKC, Aurora, Sandy Hook and other white male crimes though...) I can't say I've ever seen denial in the way you've described it. But I can certainly understand the frustration with the discourse surrounding terrorism -- how it's seen as something acted out by foreigners (read: Muslims) against "us" (read: Americans/Westerners), and how every attack - even when we know very little about it - is always narrated in those terms. Even what counts as terrorism is deeply shaped by these ideas. What do we know about the Boston suspects' motives? Why are we so quick to assume that their Islam or their ethnic background had anything to do with their criminal acts? The issue here is that when you are a Muslim, or any other minority for that matter, your crime becomes representative in the eyes of the majority as an example of your group's pathology. A white criminal, on the other hand, is one "bad apple" and a troubled individual.
  2. SomaliPhilosopher;940177 wrote: Oh Safferz, I am simply observant. Though, you are... uh i think the song says enough Well the song is about murder, are you sure you want it to represent how I feel about you? I'd say this throwback is more accurate:
  3. SomaliPhilosopher;940169 wrote: Safferz, I didn't know thats how you felt about me. Uh I don't know what to say... ... says the dude who seems to have worked out what time I tend to post on SOL Alright back to twerk music (just audio and not the music vid for this track so certain folks here don't die):
  4. This is why it took so long to catch the suspect:
  5. Song choice is not intended to threaten you btw lol
  6. SomaliPhilosopher;940162 wrote: Safferz why are you listening to music on youtube. Go to a club, get your 2 step on, maybe twerk here and there, and celebrate. Its Friday and your city is free and is no longer held hostage by a ex communist now jihadist teen ruski. haha you're right SP, I'm still a little tense from the last 24 hours and haven't gone outside yet. But I plan to go for a walk in the morning, grab coffee and get some fresh air In the meantime, the dance party will have to be at home:
  7. Abbaas;939926 wrote: lmao I love screaming goat videos
  8. ^^ completely agree Che, it really did feel like something straight out of a movie. SomaliPhilosopher;940149 wrote: Perhaps that is all he wanted safferz He's a 19 year old kid and judging by how things have unfolded this week, I doubt he had the foresight... not to mention no one could have predicted this level of state response. I'm happy he's been caught, but I do think there's something more to this display of state power in the pursuit of a 'terrorist.' It'll be interesting to see how things go from here.
  9. Che -Guevara;940146 wrote: N they are already talking about trying him as enemy combatant. Yes, I heard they're not mirandizing him because of a public safety exigency. 10,000 law enforcement officials with tactical weaponry, armoured vehicles and military helicopters shut down a major US city in pursuit of ONE suspect, and searched homes without warrant or homeowner consent... all of this is an important (and somewhat terrifying) historical precedent.
  10. Cue the jingoism, nationalism, racism and bloodlust.
  11. And they captured him alive. What a relief! That house was less than four miles from my apartment
  12. Spoke too soon... shots fired in Watertown and reports that suspect is down (not sure if dead or injured) in or near a boat in a backyard, and they're sending in a robot to determine whether or not he's wired with explosives.
  13. They lifted the stay indoors order! But still no suspect.
  14. This is what the door to door dragnet is looking like in Watertown right now:
  15. The NYPD just arrived with grills, and they're making burgers for the Boston and Cambridge PD lol
  16. SomaliPhilosopher;940067 wrote: Classes are canceled today safferz? Everything is on lock down... we have something called a "shelter in place" in effect for the entire greater Boston area, so all businesses and schools are closed and we're told to stay inside.
  17. They've recovered 7 IEDs so far in Watertown and Cambridge.
  18. Sensei;939980 wrote: There is no drama in telling people avoid this nut case of a person. People are being cautious, considering that there was a car chase and the shooting of a policeman last night. It was a lot more than just the shooting of a police man and a car chase -- they took the driver hostage and were throwing explosives out of the car into residential areas, had a shootout and detonated explosives in other areas, the brother who was killed was found to have a detonator and explosives on his person and the current suspect (we don't know if there are others helping him either) on the loose is heavily armed and wearing a suicide jacket. Telling people to stay inside is the appropriate response, those who are calling it overly dramatic can take a seat.
  19. Alpha Blondy;940024 wrote: i know but PLEASE resist the temptation to go out there and to indecently expose yourself. i know y'all FEMEN are opportunistic and capable of seizing any moment to gain a vantage point against your oppressors. funnily enough, i'm in Hargeisa City, the nations capital and i'm giving you safety advise. caahi maha, dee. who would've thought, ma istidhi? ....... so much for the Great Satan invincibility. Haha I will try to restrain myself And you're right... this is just so unexpected and it's crazy that it's happening in my immediate area. Police scanner for those following:
  20. Alpha Blondy;940016 wrote: Saffz, please be careful. i'm sort of worried about your general welfare. please stay indoors. Thanks Alpha, I'm fine and we've all been ordered to stay indoors. Just trying to keep up with the news and figure out what's going on. It seems they aren't even sure where he is.
  21. Nin-Yaaban;939979 wrote: Just curious, do you know her like personally? Nope, I've just seen her in articles/interviews like the one someone posted above and recognized the photo.
  22. I live less than 10 minutes away from the suspect's home, and the FBI is doing controlled explosions right now. Surreal.
  23. It's a ghost town right now...
  24. Maaddeey;939908 wrote: 19 jir ka ragsan ma arkin!. Sunil-ka xaggee laga keenay marka hore, Zaffers?, aaway half Eritrea half Ethiopian-kiina?, The police corrected those reports. At first the scanner identified the suspects as Sunil Tripathi and Mike Mulugeta, but eventually the FBI identified the suspects as the Tsarnaev brothers.
  25. Che -Guevara;939899 wrote: I am staying home. Everything is shut down in Boston. Even taxi services have been suspended. Yeah I posted that before we went into lockdown. I've been up listening to the police scanners and following the developments all night. He is on the loose and believed to be wearing a suicide vest/explosive belt.