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Posts posted by Safferz

  1. Haha Tillaamok :) Well, it sounds to me like your Xaliimo simply isn't interested in male interaction period, which should not be surprising since it's fair to assume she's religious and perhaps more conservative than you are when it comes to acceptable behaviour and contact with the opposite sex. It's a completely different ballgame and you're dealing with someone who will likely only want to be approached by a man through her wali, with discussions centering around determining compatibility for marriage. So if marrying this niqaabi is what you have in mind, perhaps it's time to change your strategy and pay her wali a visit :)

  2. Well this advice is more specific to me, but I think they're good guidelines nonetheless:


    - Don't approach me in a hostile environment, or in a creepy way -- NEVER follow a woman you see walking on the street, never try and talk to someone from your car, never approach a woman on public transit. A coffee shop, a bookstore, a party or event, etc are less awkward places to strike up a convo without coming off like a creep.

    - Don't touch me, ever

    - Don't use pick up lines

    - Don't let your friends/wingman do most of the talking for you

    - Don't go overboard with physical comments/compliments, if you want to tell a woman she's beautiful then say it once and leave it at that. Better yet, compliments on things other than her body are best -- maybe she has a nice outfit on, a pretty necklace, etc.

    - Say hello, introduce yourself and be polite. Have something to actually talk about, for example talking about the place you're at (ie. a concert) is always a good icebreaker.

    - Have a sense of humour, SMILE and always make eye contact

    - Ask for a phone number, not my BBM PIN or a Facebook add. Don't call within a day or two, and you've lost your chance. And when you do call, don't drag things on -- say how it was a pleasure to meet and that you'd love to see her again, and ask her out.


    I will now take questions :P

  3. <cite>

    I believe Hassan/Busedriver has an Al crush! Poor guy, Saf tell him about the cure


    Btw how are the studies?


    Heh, I only have strategies for dealing with Al's unrequited feelings, which I don't think Hassan will need because Alpha doesn't swing that way.


    All is well, down to the last two months of the semester, then it's off to Ethiopia again in May :)

  4. ^ your point? Though genetic diversity is best, I am aware that cousin marriage is not at a significantly higher risk for birth defects and other issues. This is primarily social -- I think it's gross to marry a relative, especially one you were raised with.

  5. <cite>

    Oh, the irony of that quote.


    Saff, I would say that a Bulkshiiter is an unestablished liar. Someone that hasn't gained the authority nor the affliation to have people accept their bullshiit.


    What qualities do Liars possess that Bullshiiters don't?


    I still don't think the two are similar at all, Khayr. Some of the most powerful people in various positions of authority are bullshitters, it's about being able to spin and stretch what you know, in a sense have the answer to everything when you only have fragments or know nothing at all. It takes skill. Toddlers can lie, there's nothing particularly skillful about lying.

  6. <cite>

    Err that's bobby browns son and whitney houstons daughter who married eachother. i don't think that happens in our culture waa iska walaalo dee although he is not her maxram.


    No, she's the daughter of Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston, and this boy moved into their home as a teenager. So they have no relation, not even step-siblings, but they spent their teenage years living in the same house.


    Somalis are far worse -- they marry actual relatives, and often prefer to marry a cousin they know over a "stranger." I remember the topic came up when I was in kililka, and a man (who is married to a cousin raised by his father) said there's nothing better than marrying your sister. Ew.

  7. ^ those are abstract and useless definitions, Alpha.



    Here is what Harry Frankfurt's (author of On Bullshit) says about the two:



    So Safferz, is a Bullshiiter just a terrible liar?

    Do you agree with Frankfurt's conclusion that

    bullshiit is a greater enememy of truth then a lie?


    No, I don't think a bullshitter is a liar at all, the two do completely different things. The bullshitter is trying to compensate for his or her own inadequate knowledge by giving the illusion of knowing. Deceit (the liar) is far worse to me than survival and self-advancement (the bullshitter). But I just participated in a two hour discussion on a book I only read the introduction of, I may be invested in defending BS as a useful skill :P

  8. A liar is someone who intentionally states falsehoods and misrepresents information, whereas a bullshitter is someone who stretches their limited knowledge base in order to appear knowledgeable and participate in discussion. A liar is often also a bullshitter, but a bullshitter does not always lie, rather the lie is in (mis)representing his or herself as a person who knows what they're talking about. Bullshitting and other forms of posturing are endemic in academia, most having mastered the art of bullshit in graduate school.

  9. <cite>

    Yes you should stop discriminating against the lesbians and gays. The real dimwits are not those who fight for social reform and progress; its those who feel discriminating others on the basis of race, gender, colour, sexuality, faith, tribe, and nationality is acceptable.


    Not to mention those dimwits also fail to see how discriminatory laws against sexual minorities are related to discriminatory laws of other kinds. They see no contradiction between being against extending legal rights to "the gays" and their beliefs that the state should protect their rights as religious and racial minorities, immigrants, etc.

  10. <cite>

    Canada seriously sucks..they leech on to Hockey for deep subconscious inferiority complex...Canada is honestly the most irrelevant country in the Western world...has anyone been to Canada ? Their gov spends billions of dollar to promote their culture just to counter the unstoppable invasion of American culture in their country...every Canadian knows so much about the States yet if you go to Indianapolis and ask any American of what they know of Canadians they would say "I don't even know where is at?"


    Canada is the greatest country on earth (refer to The Canada Appreciation Thread). I'm sorry your country sucks.