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Posts posted by She-Dreams

  1. These birds were made for dancing. ONLY. U mess with them, u mess with and u don't want that. Unless u wanna see what rif-rif really



    Make a today-dream a tomorrow-reality

  2. Illmatic, Bird Dance was the only post I'd started before this one. I posted it at a time when the site was undergoing restructuring and had no idea that a Poetry thread existed. I was glad to see one finally did but it was frustrating chasing after my birds!


    Admin, that porn post certainly deserved getting rid of; my response made that clear enough, I think. I wasn't pointing fingers here at your team, merely my bad luck at having my words disappear yet again. Perhaps I have a penchant for responding to controversial posts! :). In any case, THIS poem had a light-hearted vein to it because that was/is my attitude to my string of bad luck.


    My only main gripe was the poem I had to look for and another missing poem I posted on the Community section to welcome a nomad.


    Like I said, I like what I see and am here to stay. I apologise for any disappointment caused! cwm16.gif



    Make a today-dream a tomorrow-reality

  3. Once upon a time She-Dreams found a new site

    Somali, well-regulated, mainly peopled by the polite

    Could it be? A wholesome refreshing sight


    Then one day she couldn't find some words she'd posted

    She scratched her head and refreshed her browser to within a inch of its life

    Finally she sent an SOS

    Admin suggested she refresh her browser…

    For a moment She-Dreams was a fisherman’s wife

    But by now the words had miraculously reappeared

    Thankfully, it wasn't as bad as she'd feared


    Not long after, a poem she posted went AWOL

    She searched high and low for her dancing birds, this close to a bawl

    In the end she found them safe and sound perched on a Poetry Thread

    Where Admin said they belonged and yes, she had to condone

    But they could have saved her the search-ache

    Told her where her birds had flown



    She-Dreams became frustrated with the site and became busy with non-virtual reality

    Only to return not too long ago- persistence is her speciality

    She posted twice on the same day, a successful pair

    However, the next day she nearly fell off of her chair

    She was seeing things again or not seeing things more precisely!

    Gone was an impromptu poem written quickly and concisely.

    The other post was a reply and phew it was where she’d left it last,

    Where she received a welcome back from L-S, I digress but isn't he a blast?

    Tongue-in-cheek she told him of the disappearances

    Of how she prayed that that self-same humorous reply to the welcome would get through OK

    It did; until the following morrow

    When yet again she found that she couldn't find

    Not just her words but the entire post

    Sure she saw the irony but still felt a little sorrow


    She-Dreams knows a good thing when she sees it so

    This very day she replied to posts two

    This time she didn't have to wait long for one know the drill

    Some guy had started an unpleasant post; for some it would have provided a cheap thrill

    But when she thinks of the time she spent replying discouragingly to it

    She feels somewhat jaded, jinxed and forlorn

    Did the misguided post-starter ever get to read her response

    To his invitation to all to view porn?


    Yet she's an optimist with a keen sense of humour so she'll keep coming back

    She's eager to see what becomes of THIS post; will she be able to keep track?

    For it is a poem and belongs to 'Poetry' technically

    It tells a specific tale so doesn't belong to 'General' particularly

    It has a woman as the central character but doesn't belong to 'Women' necessarily

    It isn't intellectual so doesn't belong to 'Camel Milk Debate' theoretically

    It isn't offensive but refers to controversy obliquely

    So it could end up somewhere/anywhere/everywhere and nowhere arbitrarily.






    Make a today-dream a tomorrow-reality

  4. Admin et al good luck coming to some decision as to the 'Qabiil' issue. Whatever it may be, perhaps your subsequent clarification on what if anything on qabiil is acceptable will help atleast the cooperative amongst us. Personally, I dislike it intensly and find any 'discussion' on it descends into chaos. Maybe you could invite us, the contributors to vote on it. It might give you a feel for the general opinion.



    Make a today-dream a tomorrow-reality

  5. Poor Ken has competition. In the form of LS. smile.gif


    I'm back. I think. I've had difficulty posting on this site. Posts disappeared and moved; I got frustrated and was extremely busy anyway so I put in my own disappearing act. LOL. I returned and made 2 new additions- the one above and another. The other one is nowhere to be found. It was there then; it isn't there now. Deja vu


    I'm not going to bother Admin again; I'll develop a reputation for being difficult. Besides Admin has already told me that he/she 'feels' me. I'm not going into my Private Messages alone again. LOL. See u around L-S, that is if my posts get through...this one included, let me say a little prayer. Here goes...


    Did it work?



    Make a today-dream a tomorrow-reality

  6. So long as there is a demand for it, so long as you can afford it there will be those that can be bought. Don't despair Haraky. Supply and demand; simple economics works even with the oldest 'trade' known to mankind. If you're looking for communication that is less difficult you'll find it with the likes of those that will pander to your every whim for a price. They'll give and tell you all you want to hear. Just be warned- they don't kiss.

  7. Yesterday while I stood on a station platform I saw a sight that moved me enough to put it into a poem. I spent the entire train journey grinning and thanking the Almighty for having witnessed nature at work.


    Bird Dance


    In that elusive time before dusk covered the sky with its blanket

    Black birds clouded an oddly clear winter sky

    They danced and pranced; dived and jived

    Happy shapes they drew, in loyal clump they flew

    A large, fluid, sexy mass out to salute

    The end of a rare, warm winter's day


    Now and then a few broke off in sudden flurry

    Flew their own rebellious way

    Formed baby mischief-black clouds

    But rapidly they'd be drawn back

    To the magnetic, mother swarm

    Once more they'd be one, an irresistible whole


    At times the reckless would suddenly Kamikaze-dive

    Into lazy, unknowing, rooftops

    Then just as suddenly, a split-moment before contact

    They'd curve elegantly back into the sky

    Peacock-proud, eagle-sure;

    Reunite safely with the fluffy ball


    Transfixed, I watched; amused, I hid a smile

    Wished I could swoop, soar and frolic,

    Somersault in the sky, leave in my wake happy bird-prints

    Liberated from earthly gravity, buoyed by levity

    Play catch with the birds, catch play with the birds


    That's when they flew teasingly, directly above me

    Hypnotised, back and far fell my head

    I caught sight of the soft, underside of the dark, feathery wall

    Then heard a solid, dull thud to my left

    Startled I turned awkwardly to find

    A white-green, luminous bird gift on my shoulder


    I laughed; not a care who saw, in no hurry

    To remove acknowledgement from my shoulder

    Celebrated, finally part of their fun-filled game

    I waited fearfully, hopefully for more luck

    But they were done wasting time with me and had

    Returned their attention to a sulking temporarily ignored sky


    The train arrived on unfortunate time

    Reluctantly I stepped aboard, took window-seat

    Pressed face close to cool glass, smiled secret smile and

    Left my dancing black birds to perform to

    An early, eager, full-perfect moon held captive

    In the elusive time before dusk covered

    A rare, warm winter's sky with its blanket


  8. Not sure how the technolgy would work but to improve practicality why not insert the chip under the skin of the camels and nomads? A camel and a nomad would be easier to manipulate don't you think? Slight problem though..the top nomad would have to have an insertion and an ear-piece. Surely, there would be some kind of interference there? LOL



    Make a today-dream a tomorrow-reality

  9. Sis, don't be a quitter. It's easier being one. Life isn't about 'easy'. Don't worry about what the other kids think, focus on yourself and what's best for your future. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do for 'later' when it's difficult 'now'. You were brought to new surroundings at age 11 and have made it this far and coped. Remember the adjustment you had to make? Can you bear to let that little girl down? Sis, shame is giving up. Right now you have something to be proud of; keep going. One day you'll be glad you did. smile.gif



    Make a today-dream a tomorrow-reality


    [This message has been edited by She-Dreams (edited 01-12-2002).]

  10. The Americans are merely getting more and more arrogant. Look what they've gotten away with so far. They now re-define POWs as 'unlawful combatants' to blur their intentions and deny these people rights as demanded by the UN and its conventions. So while the world is still distracted by definition and recognition, they've already started taking God-knows how many liberties.


    America is the world's bully and every bully knows once you get away with something you just keep pushing the boundaries further and further...Who will stand up to the bully?



    Make a today-dream a tomorrow-reality